The right will break shit to obstruct because breaking shit is also a goal of theirs. The left doesn't have the same win-win obstruction scenario.
Turns out who we pick to lead the country matters a lot
Dude that doesn't even make sense as a response to the comment above it. Stop wasting your own time? Go do something fun.
What are your thoughts on harm reduction? Should we choose the thing that hurts more people or fewer people?
Buy your axe grinding wheels now before it's hard to keep them in stock.
When are the shareholders going to sue the fuck out of him for devaluing the stock they bought?
Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingerich, Mitch McConnell, and now Trump (and arguably many others along the way) have been choosing self over country and intentionally breaking safeguards for longer than most of us on Lemmy have been alive. It's indirect violence. But it's violence regardless. And they've gotten away with it so far.
Cardi B was terrible when she was poor too. Used to legit fuck dudes and then rob them.
Neither are my parents
LOL guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Remember when they complained about gratuitous violence too?
Yeah me neither. They just bitch about the fun stuff.
I'm not convinced