I think somebody posted it in the thread, it’s magnificent
Nah, he’s definitely running them. Straight into the ground.
Timmies coffee used to be better back in the day, but then they changed suppliers and since then it just tastes like somebody forgot it in the oven for a few hours too many.
I think you missed the point.
If you never tried cafe au lait, cappuccino and others, you’d never know if you liked them or not and wouldn’t seek them out or bother to experiment with the other drinks.
Has nothing to do with being snooty, and has everything to do with sticking to the things you know and tried as opposed to going out of your way to try and discover new things.
Point is some people never go out and explore new flavours at the risk of not liking something.
Still too big, but I appreciate the visual.
Means you had (likely) cruddy coffee that was normalized for you since a young age, probably with loads of sugar and or milk/cream to boot.
Just the normal cycle for most people tbh.
The comfort of the known combined with an underdeveloped palette is what makes it attractive to a lot of people
It often changes and evolves with time as you grow older, kind of like when you try foods that you hated as a kid only to discover they’re really good.
Granted that only happens if you explore and experiment, otherwise you never really grow out of it
My workplace started using “onprem cloud” and I can’t even begin to describe how I feel on the matter.
I also choose this guys’ yet nonexistent cat.
Was thinking more one foot small one foot big kind of thing.
Wouldn’t a liquid stool in this scenario be preferred?
Maybe not you personally but whoever sees this and thinks “hey maybe I can try” this is to encourage them to take that first step
If you’re one of the ones that are already trying, all I can say is continue to persevere, seldom does it not yield results, even if not necessarily noticeable at a moments glance
Prison tattoos, but they’re all just corporate brands.