The problem is they didn't go far enough. Sand colored carpets, shell decorations, mandatory mermaid tails for visitors - don't go halfway! As you're gazing up at your own reflection in the high gloss ceiling, the little mermaid soundtrack should be playing nonstop. Keep an enormous fish tank behind and around the bed. I'm sorry the previous owners never fufilled this dream.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
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the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
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May I offer you this one for compromise? They went all the way.
It’s much more ridiculous.
I kinda like it, but only in the way "we're at some kind of holiday resort". I'd go crazy after a few weeks.
This is basically the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells.
Facts. It’s all of the dells honestly, it’s all weird and themed and wet and sleeps too many or not enough. And only really fun for like a small part of the year, but everyone tries to pretend it’s enjoyable all year…
Yeah, to me it feels like a hotel, but like they got confused halfway through making a hotel and started decorating a low-budget museum.
Like what even is that little stone hut type thing?
What happens when the house is so weird that the giant Starry Night mural on one wall is barely enough to make a photo.
"They're the modern stone-age family"
That deserves its own post.
There we go!
Probably went all the way in every place, house looks like a filming set for porn
The residence itself avoids certain modern technologies... The well pump operates by air pressure and what lighting is there is 12 volt
A car battery? or a small picnic generator
6/10 Flood Factor - This property has a 73.60% risk of flooding over 30 years.
Property is already Little Mermaid color ready.
There will be no accusations just friendly crustaceans under the seaaaa.
Right, the color is the least of this place's problems.
It doesn't appear to be wired for electricity and doesn't have central heat. Forget AC, but it's in Wisconsin so maybe it's not a necessity.
Add in flooding and... yeah, pass.
The residence itself avoids certain modern technologies, the residence is served by private septic and new well. The well pump operates by air pressure and what lighting is there is 12 volt, heated with cook stove, the concrete floor does have in floor tubing for heat as well
You didn't mention the fact that the exterior makes it look like it's the building of a roofing company or used car dealership or something.
Also, when you said no electricity, I thought you meant it was just disconnected. You did not. What the fuck?
Those metal sided buildings aren’t super uncommon around here, so it really didn’t occur to me other people would find it particularly weird.
But then apparently well water and septic is also weird to some people, and that’s basically every country property here :p
And 1500 sq ft of house and what looks like 2000 sq ft of garage. Nice place for a workshop if it actually had electrical hookup.
Edit: and on that garage, they spray-foamed the walls, but the ceiling is bare joists. It's even open to the wind around the edges and you can see light coming through.
Cannot unsee ghost lady in the bedroom
the ceiling should be white. And matte rather than semi-gloss. Honestly that's the biggest trouble.
Those dark wooden floors are wrong. They need to be something blonde, like maybe a white pine or pecan/hickory. Something sandy.
Looking at this listing...this is a living quarters built into a barn-like building in Wisconsin?
Sort of. The building was built as a dual-purpose building to save on the cost to build. Those big metal buildings are cheap to put up and a lot of people build into them over time (live in it as you build up around you is the normal strategy, either with an RV or by starting with a room and bathroom).
Those big metal buildings also sometimes manage to fly under the radar for developing land without permitting, since you can put one up on your own land for storage.
Someone tell the Navy please, they love seafoam green
But...13 acres for 400k. You can repaint.
Eh you can get 80 for the same amount that has less sea foam green. Middle of nowhere super far north is pretty easy to get land. They don’t get internet, so nobody wants to live there.
They are honestly asking too much for the local market, especially for not being on the grid or having solar. They listed it for that much like 3 years ago when stuff was super high and selling like hotcakes.
Gut enough drywall to put in actual electrical. Repaint after that. On the workshop side, put drywall on the ceiling and top it off with blown insulation. Needs some kind of heater over there.
Drop $100k at least to make things reasonable. That's just from the obvious stuff in the pictures.
All that counter space for the kitchen appliances you can't plug in! Refrigerator?
The water source is a well lmao
Nothing wrong with well water as long as it's clean. In the US, it's not like you're actually hauling/pumping it by hand. You dig the well deep enough and let natural pressure do the work or you install an electric pump.
That's very common in large swaths of the country due to either age (my Mom's old home in NJ) or density (if you're out in the sticks you probably have a well for water and a septic tank for wastewater.
This sub has really been cooking lately
It's so much better
When everyone is in
Are you in?
It's so much easier
When sea foam green is in fashion
Frutiger Aero gone wrong