
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 minutes ago

Champions and Two Taoist Tales for me. Taoism Drunkard in particular is really out there, I'd have preferred if it had been teamed with Shaolin Drunkard (which must be in the pipeline) but I'm happy with the set.


Eureka! has announced its September 2024 line-up. Featured amongst this line-up four crime epics that have had an immeasurable impact on popular culture around the globe; a couple of crazy kung-fu extravaganzas from the first family of Hong Kong martial arts; a kung-fu soccer comedy starring Yuen Biao; plus re-issues of G. W. Pabst’s sordid melodrama Pandora’s Box, and Orson Welles’ film noir masterpiece, Touch of Evil.

Tech specs at Blu-ray.com


For the record, I don't think The Acolyte is the best Star Wars TV show ever made. I'm genuinely interested in the era, but it's sometimes seemed a little faltering, and I think the episodic structure hasn't always worked to the show's favor. But I've seen the Star Wars Holiday Special, and The Acolyte most certainly isn't worse than that. When you look at the actual reviews, the comments are often wince-worthy; I randomly took a sample of 30 into an AI-checker, and all but one came through as probably written by AI rather than by real humans.

In other words, there's a very vocal part of the Star Wars fanbase that has decided to hate The Acolyte no matter what. These are the trolls who've wrested statements from Leslye Headland and star Amandla Stenberg out of context, trying to find ways to anger viewers before the show's release. These trolls are now working overtime to create an online "discourse" that's far from reality.


The Acolyte has been something of a mixed bag so far, but episode 5 is a game-changer in terms of sheer quality. This episode featured some of the best lightsaber combat I've seen since Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, perhaps bettered only by the Ahsoka-Maul animated duel in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7. The fight choreography was stunning, and all the more impressive given much of it really was performed by the cast of The Acolyte; Manny Jacinto in particular deserves high praise.

If you'll pardon a technical observation, this was also shot with tremendous skill. Star Wars has often struggled with nighttime action scenes, especially when lightsabers are involved; the LED lighting causes problems, an especially pronounced issue with blue light. But The Acolyte episode 5 is beautifully shot, with the lighting carefully controlled to make sure everything can be seen perfectly. It was delightful, and a massive improvement from previous Lucasfilm stumbles such as the Obi-Wan Kenobi finale.

The tremendous quality of The Acolyte episode 5 puts the lie to the review-bombers. It serves as a reminder that it's best not to attack until a show has finished, until it has been given a chance; these are instead people who had long since made up ther minds, resolving to hate The Acolyte simply because it is somehow "woke." The sheer scale of their actions - review-bombing, AI, and death threats - already seemed as though it was out of all proportion. The Acolyte episode 5 seals the deal, proving that is the case.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

Excellent analysis that torpedoes a lot of explanations for this slow year.

In 2024, the domestic box office will be in its 22nd year of sustained decline. And due to the pandemic, audiences are behaving as though they’re between 32 to 37 years into this decline. Fewer than two thirds of Americans still go to the movies, and on average, they will purchase just about 3 tickets annually (hence the average American buying about 2). The practically addressable number of tickets is even more modest as a handful of signature releases each year (e.g. an Avengers, Jurassic, Avatar, Despicable Me) will devour 5-10% each. These constraints mean that the box office – audiences – won’t support many films, or many great films. The misses will consistently surprise moviegoers, critics, stars, and reviewers. This is not a new challenge, per se, but it has never before been more brutal (note that while the modern dominance of comicbook movies is often likened to the heydays of Westerns, Westerns thrives at a time where Americans headed to the theater 20-35x a year!). This will have to change budgets, talent incentives, risk proclivities, franchise plans, and more.

This is key, I feel. If people are going only three times a year, they are going to the biggest most hyped films as it is less of a risk.

Still, changes are probably due. An independently operated MoviePass was always a dumb idea, but to renew frequent moviegoers, it’s clear that some form of AYCE subscription or subscription perk will be required. AMC A-List is a good start, but doesn’t Disney+ have an additional tier (perhaps Disney++) that provides free or discounted tickets to Disney films while they are in theaters? For that matter, distributors should sell premium movie tickets that include EST entitlements or discounts (this may not increase attendance, but it should increase total revenue per customers).

I have the Odeon's pass and it pays for itself if you go twice a month - I go twice a week and 5 times last week.

Some recent changes should probably be unwound, too. While rapid PVOD windows have helped some money-losing films recover their investments, this model probably just trains audiences to skip uncertain releases because they might be available at home in three weeks anyway.

This seems like an important change - if the cinema is the only place to see a film for a while, then they will go back to the cinema.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago

Now that famous saying makes sense: the luck of the Japanese.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 hours ago

Now that would be a plot twist - the world's leafiest is actually the world's tiniest lettuce.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I saw a documentary about people in this area of the sex trade and there was a woman doing a brisk trade in used undercrackers - she bought multi-packs from M&S, cracked open a tin of tuna and was rubbing tuna water into the gusset. It really helped boost her productivity. That's the kind of outside-the-box kind of thinking this country needs to get off it's knees.

The shop reportedly only has male buyers at the moment.

Weird that.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16991987

An online shop has started selling women's worn knickers, dirty socks and used tampons, netting sellers healthy additional incomes.

The website is called Sububis, which means underwear in Latin, and its founder, a 32-year-old woman who wishes to remain anonymous, set the business up to sell lingerie and underwear worn by various men and women in October 2021.

She also reportedly sells used bras, socks and shoes. A pair of worn female underwear goes for about $120, while a pair of dirty socks goes for about $44.

"I kept hearing from acquaintances who receive enquiries on social media as to whether they want to sell their underwear."

This gave her the idea to offer these items online so that the sellers and buyers can remain anonymous and never have to meet.

"Anonymity was not guaranteed during the payment process and that put many people off, although they are not fundamentally averse to the business," she said.

A friend of the woman reportedly told her that she was stalked by a buyer on Instagram after selling a similar item. The experience reportedly scared her so much that she stopped selling these items online.


But the founder said that she does not want to sell her own items on the platform, saying it would be "too intimate for me".

"I want to make a clear distinction. If I knew who was getting my clothes, I would feel like I was giving too much away," she said.

Instead, a total of seven women and men are selling their worn underwear on the platform, which has been operating since October 2021.

"It is going very well. We have several orders a day, I'm already recruiting new 'subabes'," she said.


Underwear and socks reportedly sell the best. The shop reportedly only has male buyers at the moment. There is reportedly a growing demand for tampons and worn period pads as well.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 hours ago

That's like shooting fish in a barrel. A harder challenge would be to find someone in Reform who isn't awful.


A Reform UK activist in the constituency where Nigel Farage is standing has been secretly filmed making extremely racist comments about Rishi Sunak, as well as using Islamophobic and other offensive language.

Farage said he was “dismayed” by the views expressed by Andrew Parker, a Reform canvasser, who was filmed as part of an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News.

The channel also secretly filmed George Jones, a longtime party activist who organises events for Farage, making homophobic comments, calling the Pride flag “degenerate” and LGBT people “nonces”.

The emergence of the footage, filming of which concluded last week, comes on the same day that Reform dropped an election candidate in another seat, after the Guardian informed the party that Raymond Saint had been on a list of members of the British National party.


A Maldives minister has been arrested for allegedly performing “black magic” on President Mohamed Muizzu.

Maldives Police on Thursday said State Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Energy, Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem, and two others were arrested on Sunday from the capital Male

Cops said Shamnaz has been remanded in custody for a week pending investigations.

“There have been reports that Shamnaz was arrested for performing black magic on President Dr Mohamed Muizzu,” the Sun, a local media outlet, said.


Sorcery is not a criminal offence under the penal code in the Muslim-majority Maldives, but it does carry a six-month jail sentence under Islamic law.

People across the archipelago widely practice traditional ceremonies, believing they can win favours and curse opponents.

A 62-year-old woman was stabbed to death by three neighbours on Manadhoo in April 2023 after she was accused of conducting black magic ceremonies, the Mihaaru news site reported last week, after a lengthy police investigation.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/23926129

A Japanese man borrowed some of the luck of the Irish and broke a Guinness World Record by growing a 63-leaf clover.

Yoshiharu Watanabe, 45, started cross-pollinating clovers at his Nasushiobara home in 2012 with an aim toward breaking the world record.

"Since the number of leaves has increased year by year, I have been aiming for the Guinness World Records title ever since," he told Guinness World Records.

Watanabe said he used a combination of letting his clover patches pollinate naturally and hand-pollinating those with the most leaves. He said his methods weren't always successful.

"Sometimes the number of leaves can go down, or sometimes you end up with the normal three-leaf clover," he said. "We know that genetics are involved in a higher number of leaves, yet we don't exactly know how it works."

Watanabe's prize clover has 63 leaves, beating the previous record of 56 leaves, set by fellow Japan resident Shigeo Obara in 2009.

Archive/mirror: https://archive.ph/78AIL

[–] [email protected] 4 points 16 hours ago

Now that's taking the piss!


cross-posted from: https://feddit.uk/post/13907451

Glastonbury, the massive UK festival held nearly every year since 1970, will provide gallons of urine to a start-up that has found an interesting use for it.

NPK Recovery is implementing its tech to recycle festivalgoer pee into environmentally friendly fertilizer. This is being done by partnering with Glastonbury’s female toilet provider, Peequal. After everything is collected post-festival, NPK’s labs will receive it for processing.

This isn’t the first time urine has been used in such a way at the festival. With so many people, in 2019, they were able to power the screens on the Pyramid Stage with a special urinal. We also previously reported on NASA recycling astronaut pee for drinking water.


Glastonbury, the massive UK festival held nearly every year since 1970, will provide gallons of urine to a start-up that has found an interesting use for it.

NPK Recovery is implementing its tech to recycle festivalgoer pee into environmentally friendly fertilizer. This is being done by partnering with Glastonbury’s female toilet provider, Peequal. After everything is collected post-festival, NPK’s labs will receive it for processing.

This isn’t the first time urine has been used in such a way at the festival. With so many people, in 2019, they were able to power the screens on the Pyramid Stage with a special urinal. We also previously reported on NASA recycling astronaut pee for drinking water.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 17 hours ago

I have been thinking about a hedgehog highway since there was a thin coating if snow and you could see tiny footprints going down our path, out into the pavement and back down the neighbour's path. I've apparently got four and I might as well give them a chance to roam about in more safety.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

I've enjoyed:

  • Jumanji reboots - more an ensemble piece but he does well
  • Hobbs and Shaw - ridiculous and over-the-top but entertaining
  • Doom - not often he plays the baddie
  • Southland Tales - not exactly a Rock film
[–] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago

Looks good in a Sith gimp mask way but I suspect this will end up on sale, so I'll wait.


Good news for fans of Star Wars latest series, The Acolyte, looking to expand their collections in the near future: Hasbro is releasing a new Black Series helmet featuring the series' mysterious baddie they're calling The Stranger — though we all know who he really is by now — and Collider is excited to share exclusive new images of the electronic helmet with you today. The bad news? Looks like his name isn't actually Darth Teefs.


According to Hasbro, the helmet features a highly detailed sculpt and padding, and should fit most head sizes, for anyone inclined to put it on and silently drop from the trees to freak out their friends. Interior lights also illuminate when the helmet is turned upside down, and for those who want to display the helmet rather than wear it, it also comes equipped with a one-hour "collector display" mode. The helmet retails for approximately $99.99 and goes up for pre-order on June 27, shipping out Fall 2025.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

The Rock has always prided himself on being the hardest working guy in the room, which is fine but can lead to dickery (like pissing in bottles). Cena has a similar work ethic but puts it towards being a great guy. It's notable that James Gunn has a tight team around him that contains people he knows work hard and work well with others and Cena is now part of that team. I don't expect to see Black Adam in the Gunniverse, unless it's a quick cameo.


Red One, the upcoming Christmas movie from Amazon, is arguably among the most talked-about of the year. However, until now, the conversation has had little to do with the film itself. Instead, Red One looks set to go down in history as the film that tanked Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s reputation.

For the newcomers: in April, The Wrap ran a feature about exactly how troubled Red One’s production allegedly was, with several insiders pointing to The Rock’s chronic unwillingness to work as a key factor. Among claims of his wrongdoing, The Rock was accused of repeatedly showing up eight hours late to set, and also making his assistant dispose of bottles of his own urine that he’d fill when he couldn’t be bothered to walk to a bathroom.

As a result, not only was Red One’s release date pushed back from 2023 to this year, but its budget also spiralled out of control. According to The Wrap, the film cost a total of $250m to produce. This means that it is not only likely to be the most expensive movie ever made by Amazon, but also the most expensive Christmas movie. For reference, you could take Red One’s budget and use it to make 10 Die Hards, 14 Home Alones or two and a half Fred Clauses.

Of course, none of the backstage drama will matter a jot if the film turns out well. But the bad news is that Red One’s trailer has just dropped – and that is looking less and less likely by the second.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

A man who threw objects towards Nigel Farage while he was campaigning in Barnsley has admitted using threatening behaviour.

Josh Greally, 28, from Chesterfield, was filmed throwing items while Reform UK leader Mr Farage was on an open-top bus in the town centre on 11 June.

At Barnsley Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, Greally admitted using threatening, abusive, insulting words and behaviour with intent to cause fear.

He will be sentenced on 28 August.

Superfans on the new Doctor Who (www.telegraph.co.uk)
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://feddit.uk/post/13874961

The first series of Russell T Davies’s return to Doctor Who – and Ncuti Gatwa’s first season at the helm of the world’s longest-running sci-fi show – came to an end with Saturday’s Empire of Death. But what did the show’s superfans make of the first Disney-backed season?

We spoke to four: Tony Jordan, 65, the coordinator of the Doctor Who Society, who’s watched since he was four years old; Lauren Amelia Miller, 31, a disabled writer and actress who’s been a fan since she was five and owns a Dalek nicknamed Woody; Zoe Butler, 23, a civil servant who started watching in 2005 and cites David Tennant as her favourite Doctor; and JJ, 28, who works in digital media, blogs on Doctor Who and has been a fan since 2012.


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