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[-] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago

There are Amazon products intended to be sent back, like try before you buy. Or half the cheap junk you end up with instead of what you actually ordered.

Even a standard shoe company expects at least half the pairs to be returned, it’s just part of how online shopping for something that needs to fit works.

(I’m not supporting the model, is wasteful af, just saying, they could just be doing normal rural shopping.)

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

1,3,10,8,9, in the order I read them.

Why limit myself to one maladjusted coping mechanism when I can have several! One for each weekday and wildcard weekend!!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Cats like “yeah, I don’t care, where’s my food hooman..?”

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago

Still looking for my pack. Every time I think I find one it dissolves.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

In that case, I’d recommend the sanding, then a wipe down with bleach for the algae, then primer impregnated with a fungicide like Zinsser mold blocking primer (just an epa-approved example, but decent place to start). It’ll form a barrier between the raw degraded plastic and the paint (so anything existing won’t continue to grow), as well as helping prevent molds from growing in the new paint layers.

Just wait for a really dry day to do it (much as you can, you know, or if you have a garage you can run a dehumidifier in that may work too), and let the paint dry for a long time between coats to prevent any moisture trapping.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

I really want to know what joke that raccoon told..

[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago

Shit, that means I’m ableist..

(Only toward myself, I’d never think of anyone else the way I think of myself, and yes I recognize the issue there)

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

I’m distro hopping because Ubuntu was perfect for me in basically every way, but I don’t want to be locked to a closed distro..

I haven’t found anything I like yet, and I don’t have the skills (or motivation) to make core Debian feel the same.

I’ll probably end up back on Ubuntu, at least for my server machine.. it just worked the way I wanted it to, and the ui was lovely for me. Plus it’s stable enough that I can just keep it up indefinitely without issue.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Probably best option is to sand it, prime it, and repaint it. Use a UV resistant paint made for plastic or UV resistant top coat, and should be good for several more years.

The green black gunk is probably algae, maybe with mildew (guessing you live somewhere that gets humid, or at least takes a while to dry from dew) so feel free to wipe it down with bleach or a fungicide after sanding but before you paint it.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Well shit.

Good to know, thanks.

When you say they reversed course, do you mean they scrapped the project entirely, or went back to the model they were going with when they announced it?

[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think Mozilla has something like this as well (also a subscription).

I’m of the opinion that, at this point, one of the best infosec things a company could do is include a subscription like this (assuming they are safe and work as intended) for all employees as part of their compensation package, much the way they sometimes provide financial consulting services or gym memberships. Maybe one of the providers will start offering enterprise packages.

If we could purge large quantities of data on employees, it would be that much harder to use social engineering for hacking. As a bonus, if enough people got themselves purged, it would entirely disrupt the data harvesting and selling models, potentially making them worthless. That would be a huge win.

But I don’t think many people are going to pay for it themselves. They just won’t care that much. So as a work perk, it incentivizes them to use it by being free.

I’m not in IT or anything, but my close friend is in security, so it’s something I consider quite a bit.

Edit to add: obviously I’d rather see it illegal to collect data and sell it and all but that’s not going to happen any time soon, and this could be a lot faster. And if it becomes a business expense, businesses might just push for legislation..

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Except they aren’t just visible from a single location, so almost every time they are over an accessible place on land. Not for the whole thing, sure, but visible all the same.

This might be helpful for reference. It’s maps of where the next 50 years worth of total eclipses fall. The first one that isn’t really visible by people is 2039 in Antarctica. There’s a few like that. Other than that, there’s at least an island you could go to for it, and see one every few years. Eclipses being totally unavailable to view is actually far more rare than seeing one :)

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know this is going to sound really dumb, but I want to help unionize my state, and I am aware of two heavily exploited and under-represented groups.

I am qualified to work in entry-mid level positions in both of these fields but.. I want to unionize them from the outside instead of dealing with the shit from the inside. I can’t work those places because they are pretty abusive and I have an exceptionally low tolerance for that crap at this point, plus I’m kinda very much a communist, and this whole model we have doesn’t work for me.

Instead, I want to form/expand an organization for at least one of them. The one I’m looking to focus on is lab workers, and if that works, go from there. What would I need to do for that to happen in Wisconsin? Is it even possible to form an external workers union? I know there’s some limits to public sector bargaining in Wisconsin, and while I don’t think that applies to private sector, I don’t know whether a private company with government contracts (which a lot of them have) would count as public.

Are there any resources for this sort of thing? Maybe national unions that would want to expand if there’s enough interest? I’m super serious about doing this, so I’m really soliciting information.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I checked for posts about this and didn’t see any. Hopefully the cross post works properly.

Archive links:

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

cross-posted from:

Since yesterdays Sarah Eisenlohr post was popular here's another....

I also found an article which is an interesting read

'.....Since I’m very methodical before I paste everything together, some pieces can take take a year to complete, while others fall into place in a couple of minutes....'

Her website and online shop for prints

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/thunder_app

I went digging through settings (always do) and couldn’t find an option to show the instance of commenters.

It’s very helpful to me to have that information. The app I was using, memmy, had it, and I really like the context it provides for users of niche instances, but memmy doesn’t support direct messages and doesn’t handle images well, so it was time for a change. (Of literally all available iOS apps and the couple PWAs I tested, Thunder seems to handle hexbear/other inline images best at the moment - well done!)

Is there a way to enable that? If not, I’d like to request it 😁

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/thunder_app

I was using memmy because it used the default option for voting breakdown to show up and downvotes separately.

I would like to see all apps add a toggle for those of us who want a granular breakdown on voting (the same suggestion has been made to memmy and will be made to any others I try which don’t have it, and I’m on android as well!), for our mental health or for whatever other reason (for me the total vote count up/down is a mental health feature, and why I’m drawn to the fediverse. I want to know my overall reach and how many agreed, disagreed, and, inadvertently, the vote to reply ratio (which tells you a lot about how strongly someone feels about their agreement or dissent). I don’t want that hidden behind an aggregate number when it exists there as data already that need to be suppressed.

I have downloaded and installed your app and have found it does not have this, so I would like to request it. It can be a toggle for those who want to know aggregate data, but it is my opinion that the default splitting of votes into up and down counts should be preserved as the default for apps as well, largely for the reasons above but also to give Lemmy a different feel from Reddit/other SM. We want this place to be different, and our UX choices matter in how that ends up working. If we want to maintain a more collaborative environment, the detailed counts do matter.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/lemmiosapp

I was using memmy because it used the default option for voting to show both up and downvotes separately.

I would like to see all apps add a toggle for those of us who want a granular breakdown on voting (the same suggestion has been made to memmy and will be made to any others I try which don’t have it, and I’m on android as well!), for our mental health or for whatever other reason (for me the total vote count up/down is a mental health feature, and why I’m drawn to the fediverse. I want to know my overall reach and how many agreed, disagreed, and, inadvertently, the vote to reply ratio (which tells you a lot about how strongly someone feels about their agreement or dissent). I don’t want that hidden behind an aggregate number when it exists there as data already that need to be suppressed.

I have downloaded and installed your app and have found it does not have this, so I would like to request it. It can be a toggle for those who want to know aggregate data, but it is my opinion that the default splitting of votes into up and down counts should be preserved as the default for apps as well, largely for the reasons above but also to give Lemmy a different feel from Reddit/other SM. We want this place to be different, and our UX choices matter in how that ends up working. If we want to maintain a more collaborative environment, the detailed counts do matter.

Plug-in for requests (
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am looking for a plug-in for media requests from users.

My users suck, and won’t tell me if I’m missing stuff they want, or my copies are bad (with a few very helpful exceptions) so I’m looking for some sort of integration that like tells me what they are looking for, or makes it easy for them to ping me a suggestion to add/fix. I don’t watch most of my library, so this is a big concern.

Most of my users don’t know my number or email because they are my partner’s friends and I don’t use the email address my server is tied to, for security (nor are messages usually passed to me on the rare occasion they are sent to him). So “have them text you” isn’t really a good option, and it’s enough of a struggle to get them to use it in the first place that adding another standalone app isn’t going to do it either.

Preferably I would like something my end users don’t have to do anything to access, maybe a few button presses in their search interface? Like “search returns no results, request this content” as a button maybe?

Does anything like that exist?

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/cat

She’s one of a pair, but easier to photograph 😻

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