It should be clear to everyone at this point that we are a stupid fucking country.
How does this even happen?
Pfft, what a terrible source, they can't even spell Louisnana correct.
I think someone pranked them by changing the image that looks to be from a protector edit: projector
Good catch, it definitely is projected. At least this isn't embroidered permanently 😅
what do you think it's protecting?
Illiteracy... the pride of Louisnana. That's why they vote Republicant.
Is that an ekans with wings in the center...? Holding a strip of fabric in his mouth?
edit: Its a pelican, feeding its babies. That took a sec for my brain to process 😅
I can't unsee it now.
He's just a little noodley guy. Here to bring you your ribon that says "you're a swell trainer"
How big is that logo? Can someone get a baiana for scale?
Also does anyone feel Louis is taking the idea of Nanny/Nana state too far?
Finally, the illusive useful red circle!
Because we're getting the David Lynch version of Idiocracy.
Ah, so more Crocs then, and a flaccidly sudden Keitel cameo? Great. 🤦🏽♂️
They have confidence in that spelling apparently.
Or it's unions' fault
Nanna, as in the nanna of Louis
You see, Louis and their Nana are the judges.
My guess would be photoshop. Unless it really happened, then in that case- it would be the Louisiana education system.
Louisnana education system.
Sovcits: My time has come
I was thinking the same thing. "I don't recognize the authority of this court as I am not a citizen of the state of Louisinana!"
We're fucking idiots is how.
Well, they nailed the “confidence” part.
They contacted it out to Missippi.
Pretty sure it happened specifically because no one expected it to happen, so they never even thought to check.
It's clearly referring to Louis' Nana. I can't believe they'd miss the apostrophe.
Supreme court of Louis's grandma.
Maybe Louis's Nana is a cougar and they're celebrating her potential
Who tf is nana Louis & why is she so important?
Louis' Nana making it big on stage. Nice.
Louisnana is my favorite flavor, especially in Runts and Laffy Taffy.
The artificial flavor.
How does this happen? In Union, Justice and Confidences!
I thought the potted plants underneath were broccoli for an embarrissing amount of time there..
I can't wait to tell kids in the future what public schooling was like. Much better than the lithium mines they'll be forced to work.