
joined 1 year ago
[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 4 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Why would you want to just dislike an entire culture

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds -1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Bows are a little more intuitive I think, but it's also more physical. Obviously depends on the bow.

Shooting guns is trickier to pick up I think. If you're shooting paper, it can be hard to see where you're striking and how you need to adjust when you're new. The flinch instinct is a big one to overcome. And, of course, if you're shooting a handgun you're going to feel less stable than a bow or rifle will.

Note: I'm not a marksman or hunter or anything, I just like shooting stuff when I can

Idk in practice yeah shooting guns is going to be easier. But honestly it's not hard to learn how to shoot a bow either. I'm not saying you'll shoot great, but still.

Ultimately, you're going to suck with both for a bit. But you'll improve with a gun faster. Really though people are making basic target archery out to be harder than it is, modern bows are very good. You're not an English longbowman, you're shooting a 21st century bow with a draw weight you can handle.

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 2 points 6 hours ago

I think this person is confused tbh.

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 2 points 6 hours ago

What a waste of fuckin energy

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 63 points 7 hours ago

Rules for thee has always been their game

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 7 points 8 hours ago (5 children)

I don't know people who date folks they're not attracted to... that said, you can be homoromantic, heteroromantic, etc. Romantic and sexual attraction can be different.

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 5 points 9 hours ago

As if random tourists are testing for forgeries

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 19 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

There are bad-faith actors trying to convince people that autism is "caused" by vaccines and similar garbage. They see the growing autistic population as a "woke epidemic"

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 25 points 9 hours ago

My mom told me similar stories. She adored Ned Flanders's store and used to remind us constantly how easy right-handers have it (semi-jokingly). I think that was my first encounter with the concept of privilege.

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 26 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Goddamn that's a great quote

[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 20 points 15 hours ago

Just tell us what you're selling for fucks sake



So I'm new to the game, just have a couple under my belt, and I've got a friend coming over this weekend to learn the ropes. I know there's a lot more nuance to the game than just "match Battle Value as close as you can", but are there any things I should know when trying to compose two fairly balanced teams against each other?

So far I've got

Team A: AWS-8Q, CPLT-C1, WVR-6M, LCT-1E

Team B: CLN-7Z, OTL-4D, CES-3R, LCT-1V

Their BV is pretty close, and they seem all like reasonably good Mechs. But am I setting one player up to get steamrolled? Are there better lists I could make given what I've got (and assuming we keep it pre-Clan)? What would you change for a noob-on-noob brawl?


Played the first scenario. Defenders had a good advantage for 5/6 of the game, until some surprise crits took out a key Mech and the attackers claimed an uphill (literally) victory.

Played a lot of WH games in the past, migrated to OnePageRules, now I'm dipping my toes into this it seems. I'm sure we missed some rules (I don't think I made enough piloting checks, for one) but overall I think we both got the feel for the game quite quickly.

Now, for the seemingly impossible task of deciding how to paint these guys... that doesn't really matter in this game, right? I mean, it doesn't really matter in 40k either, but you know what I mean. In other words, as long as they look cool and possibly coherent, we good, right?

Thanks 💜


PS5 player so a little behind. My god I thought Mechanicus had the top tier 40k game soundtrack but when that PIPE ORGAN ELECTRO HOUSE hits I am SO INTO IT. My first mission was as Ogryn and I swear his boomstick lines up so well with the beat it turned into a rhythm game.


That is all thanks for coming to my Ted talk


I've also got the Linux Basics for Hackers book but it's at home while I'm on vacation.

I'm just really happy rn yall :) this install took some work, SecureBoot kept getting in the way and I'm not the most savvy person so there was a lot of Googling and trial and error in the way of getting here.

Baby Huey - Hard Times (www.youtube.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by A_Union_of_Kobolds to c/music

As a middle-aged white dude discovering Baby Huey, I feel robbed. This whole album is amazing and it should've been part of my life before. The breakdown at around 2:05 is like being electrified through my soul.


I spent all weekend racing toy cars around backyards and arcades with zero regrets.

If you're a fan of arcade racing games and haven't played a good one in a while, I highly recommend it. This game, despite having a childlike coat of paint, really doesn't mess around with the racing - you have to nail the tracks. There are three unusual buttons in Hot Wheels you don't find in many others: a "juke left" and "juke right" (square and circle), used for offensively bumping other racers off the track or into obstacles, and a jump mapped to triangle. Jumping is generally infrequent, but there are absolutely parts where you need to time it to clear an obstacle like a ledge.

Crucially, there are lots of ramps and jumps on each track, because how could it be Hot Wheels if there weren't? Which adds an interesting difficulty if you're playing on controller - if you hold forward on the stick normally to fine-tune your steering, you'll suddenly nose-dive once you leave the track. So be sure to read the course well and let off the stick once you're in the air.

Vehicle customization is basically non-existent, but getting new vehicles is pretty painless. There's a shop with five or six available at any time, and it refreshes every so often, or you can spend a small amount and refresh it yourself if you're feeling shoppy.

But there's a whole track builder too! With community tracks that look wild! I haven't really dipped my toe in that yet to be honest.

Very enjoyable, highly recommend it if you'd like Need For Speed in a Hot Wheels flavor.


I swear I'm not xenophobic


I still browse the subreddit for whichever game I'm into on my phone browser and old.reddit is a must, I can't stand the different style sheets. I remember it was gonna get ended but hadn't heard about it in a while. Anyone know if that's gone now?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by A_Union_of_Kobolds to c/nostupidquestions


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