This is the intent of the law, not some accidental consequence.
First, make government appear non-functional.
Second, protect child rapists.
Fuck republicans, conservatives, fascists and all their ilk.
ChonkyOwlbear is an Illegitimate Usurper
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Cool People: !
This is the intent of the law, not some accidental consequence.
First, make government appear non-functional.
Second, protect child rapists.
Fuck republicans, conservatives, fascists and all their ilk.
Third, make more kids to rape because abortion is illegal and the great population collapse is coming!!!!!
Change the Idaho state motto to "Idaho, where you can rape your kids and they can't snitch"
You forgot third, exploit damaged children as cheap labor or soldiers when they’re old enough. (Hence them loving child labor too)
The purpose of a system is what it does.
also, encourage the constituency to become R strategists.
What is even the argument for denying a child medical care?
Yes, we all know this is insane and stupid, but for the sake of trying to understand, what is the best argument in favour of this?
Children are the sole property of their parents and no gubmint is gonna tell me how to raise my kids.
If a child is trans or wants an abortion, conservatives want the parents to be able to stop that and make the child suffer
well, you see, trans people exist, so you must always have the right to rape your children and lock them in the basement and force them into cults.
Always? No exceptions? Like what if you feel guilty?
Like what if you feel guilty?
then you wouldnt be a republican
supply side jesus will sunder the weak!
do you still feel guilty now, coward?
now get back in that (child's bed)room, crusader! rape for the rape god?
"I feed and clothe and give shelter to my child. I alone get to decide what's right for them, including education and healthcare."
Thats how it usually goes. They don't treat their children like human beings with their own will, but as property. Authoritarianism begins at home.
Ya, that unfortunately sounds like it, and they fail to take into account that if there is an emergency their child can't be treated. That's the sort of thing that happens to other people and wouldn't the Libs just love it if that happened...
"How dare you go near my child's genitals. The only people who want to that are pedophiles and gynecologists, and that's bad!"
Cruelty and / or stupidity.
always and.
The Gross Old Pedophiles party hard at work being gross, old pedophiles. What a surprise!
I'm a Republican and even though I'm NOT Pro Rape I'm VERY PRO THIS LAW that allows Parents to RAPE their Children! It's MUCH better then Drag Queens existing!
I'm Commander Shepard and Idaho is my favorite state on the citadel.
But according to their faith it’s impossible that a parent rapes their kid.
But if he did it’s probably his right or something
What was the kid wearing?
What about other emergencies, like a kid breaks a bone at school/etc.? Would you not be able to help the kid?
Correct. Call the parents first.
Sir your child died 4 days ago when you left on a cruise. He got a concussion but we weren't allowed to administer any support.
literally yes. the pedo party are R strategists.
Because "protect kids."
kid might get trans'd if you splint their broken toe wrong.
shit, look, im already using they/them pronouns for this kid, and they're still hypothetical! protect the children!
Republicans collectively breathing a sigh of relief.
As a non American the only thing i knew about Idaho is this bit from Simpsons.
Now i know 2 things i guess.
Wow Idaho is pro cover ups for child rape? Half the country is fine with that!
I think they're more than fine.
While generally the phrase "the cruelty is the point" is a great way to show how Republican ideas hurt society, I don't think it applies here. The law is meant to hurt trans people, or children who are sexually active, not kids who were raped by their parents.
Being bared from healthcare is a god damn human rights violation in any context. If it somehow explicity prohibited specifically the things they think are wrong, sure, it's still shit, but sure. But like this, they are quite literally stating that children don't have the right for healthcare, it's a privilege the parent must grant. It's beyond fucked! The parent can legally kill their child now, as long as nobody bothers to file a proper neglect case.
Comparing republicans to nazis is an insult to nazis; they at least actually had their fucked up family values. Republicans just want everyone to suffer more than them.
Cruelty is still the point. You're just saying that it's primarily targeted at trans kids.
Def meant to put a point on … exactly how would you actually be able to tell where that line of intentionality is? and more to point, .. does it matter, really, a system is what it does and intention is irrelevant. They meant to do something
This is Idaho. I bet dollars to donuts there are a bunch of LDS members that are quite happy with this situation.
Isn't there a whole UN rights of the child thing?
The U.S.A. - as a rule - doesn't ratify anything the U.N. declares. We don't even cooperate with the ICC. Special little (fucking) snowflakes we are.
I love the "we will invade the Netherlands if any US official is tried for was crimes in The Hague" clause/rule
Geez these USA people sound exceptional. Manifesting their own, whats the word, everyone else's destiny.
Even here in FL, kids over 12 have some degree of medical privacy. The county STD clinic will treat without informing parents, you cannot access health information online (which leads to a really weird few years when I can't because they are 13 but they can't, because they aren't 18).
And emergency services are different as well, there is no way a parent would be able to block a law enforcement action either.
This law is bad, any kid who can't trust their parents is harmed by it, but I don't think it would do what the meme is implying. If someone is raped, that is a criminal offense not just a health event. If medics are asking they ought not be. Criminal evidence isn't healthcare.
Even here in FL
Goddamn, you know things are bad when kids in Florida have more rights...fuckin hell....
Yeah something tells me that that was the point....
o say can't you see...,