I very much hate christmas. Having a specific day to give everyone something is stupid. We already have everything we want (that's not too expensive to be a gift), and even if there's something special, christmas ruins it by being expected. In my family we finally managed to drop the charade after grandma died. Sadly, gonna be celebrating christmas with my GF's family, and so far I've been unsuccessful in making them understand that I don't want shit from them.
Christmas is just a giant collection of obligations that leaves us all worse off. Like getting and advent calendar, everyone gets mad when I skip days, just because I don't care about Christmas. In my country we also have 3 days where all stores are closed for it. Great shit...
Also curious. All I know is that sharing via bluetooth seemed to be strangely absent from IPhones last time I checked. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I swear we couldn't find it. Ended up sharing photos over the PC with a USB cable like in the old days. Interacting with apple users and their walled garden is always an experience...