Yeah I have said I want a transmissible immunity to sexually transmitted disease, that would save a lot of suffering, and be a lot of fun to get the immunity going out into the world but all disease? Is that advisable? There may be some need for it to keep evolution going, or some effect we can't predict. I like the way you are rolling it out here.
A Jubilee year should happen regardless. Yeah.
I would take it but it would be quite a job to manage that. If literally infinite, and not an amount, it would break the idea of money, right?
I'm not sure society can be fixed from the top but would be interested to see what happens if grants are directed in ways that grow the bottom part of the economy, could it be made vibrant, can the value be circulated around not exploited? Can the land be restored? The oceans? How do you audit to prevent fraud, to keep it from making things worse?
I would be very happy to not have to worry about my personal budget but to have the responsibility to try to fix the world with money seems like an impossible task. Money could fix my personal situation, but can it fix everything? Probably not.
I do think I would try though, yeah.
Depends. If it's something I must say to someone, I say it.
If it's something I can't control, running is the best way to handle it for me. Exhausting the body calms the mind.
I've never checked if people who comment on cocktails are subscribed, would never think it matters, never even considered it. I personally only subscribe to smaller communities because otherwise they are lost in the feed. Big or popular I can find.
From sidewalks, sure. I try not to ride on the sidewalk, and if I must, will dismount and walk past pedestrians; the sidewalk is for walking. It's in the name. I would agree with a law saying no motorized vehicles on sidewalks except for wheelchairs.
Bike lanes? What's bike lanes, hobbits? There are not any of those on my way to work. But if there were, I think ebikes should use them.
I can get to just over 30mph on my allegedly locked to 28mph bike if I turn it to maximum assist and pedal like the devil is chasing me, and prefer the road at that speed, and only use that speed on the road. I wouldn't ever go fast on a sidewalk because that is insanely dangerous.
I read books to read what's inside them, not to save them forever as objects. So chaotic evil it is. Unless there is a receipt handy.
It really depends. Setting aside taste (some guys really are unpleasant tasting, but not most of them) - if your guy runs less hot than you, a blowjob to completion means one less opportunity to do something for both of you. So it can feel like: oh getting all turned on by it, then it's over and you are left hanging for days while he generates enough sex drive to have sex again. That was the issue with my ex, who was a once a week guy. Husband now, we are pretty equal and it's not a big deal. If I do this one morning, after work we can still fuck.
Mostly agree with you on it being a fun thing to do though, you are right about that. It's not a chore or a drag, just sometimes frustrating.
Isn't that in tornado alley? I wouldn't dare. It's like a giant trailer, any tornado will be drawn to that like a magnet.
Cars do cost a lot. Which puts pressure on the used car market and pushes those prices up. But - in 1994 I got a used car, not great, but driveable, for 5k USD. Inflation would put that at $10,550 today. So that is not worse. The problem (at least where I am) is lack of supply even at that $10k.
(I got the $5k by taking out a student loan as I was a student and could, I didn't have it laying around. It didn't overextend me, was close to graduation and it was easy enough to pay off.)
I don't know where you are or what your situation is - we couldn't afford another car in my household, the insurance is so high here; I got an electric bike instead. Very expensive for a bike but much less than a car, a joy to ride, and insurance $20 a year.
For me it's more that I wouldn't want a guy who spent all the free hours we have just sitting in front of a screen. I love me some animation of all sorts, also into comics, and would like a guy into games meaning like a few hours a week, it's very cool if we don't like all the same things. But- I watch maybe 3 hours of TV a week total, and only gaming is Pokemon Go while taking a walk. Would just want someone with some more active habits, if everything they liked involved sitting in a dark room that's not going to be a good match. One thing I like about my husband is that he works out every day, walks the dogs, is active physically.
Oh no. I would hate this need, I'm not good at teaching, but let me take cooking. Not home ec in general, no. But culinary I could handle getting a curriculum together and teaching it, and it would be helpful.