
joined 11 months ago
[–] jacksilver 1 points 43 minutes ago

Since there is a user acceptance policy that restricts what you can do with the model that might be considered "partially" open.

Yeah you can see the weights, but it seems you are limited on what you can do with the weights. How we've gotten to the point you can protect these random numbers that I've shared with you through a UA is beyond me.

[–] jacksilver 11 points 4 hours ago

Sadly I think rambling about nonsense and lies coherently looks a lot better than loosely rambling about actual policies incoherently.

The fact that people think amyone came out actually looking good is the worrying part. We've known since the last election both candidates are a mess.

[–] jacksilver 1 points 5 hours ago

Thats my take on it at least (although with Trump I'm not sure who will be using who if he's elected). It's frustrating that few people are talking about this, cause at the end of the day neither of them are fit (physically/mentally) to be president. So for once it really is just about the party and policies and not the person running.

[–] jacksilver 1 points 17 hours ago

No they've used them on other sets, although I think primarily on sets targeted towards girls (this frozen set for example https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/elsa-s-ice-palace-43244)

Not sure if this set would be an indication that they are looking to use the more broadly.

[–] jacksilver 36 points 17 hours ago (19 children)

I think it's to late to change things up. That's the problem, everyone told the DNC this was going to happen and yet they all just kept with Biden.

That being said, I don't think either Trump or Biden are in a state to actually run the country. Their cabinets are going to hold all the power, and I trust Bidens cabinet over Trumps any day.

[–] jacksilver 4 points 1 day ago

I don't know why you're getting down voted, inflation and wage growth are two different things. Inflation is around targeted levels, which is good. Wage growth still being low or suppressed isnt great, but a different matter.

Its true that getting inflation under control doesn't fix high relative prices, but it does stop them from getting higher.

[–] jacksilver 8 points 1 day ago

Haha, you beat me to it. I think it's the world warning @[email protected]

[–] jacksilver 2 points 1 day ago

Haha, that's fair I didn't really vet the article as I've read about the concept and know it's true (although as you point out only on a technical level).

[–] jacksilver 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Oddly enough I do actually think a charged battery is heavier, just as a full hard drive is heavier. But not to a degree that would matter.


[–] jacksilver 11 points 3 days ago

You don't have to use the app, the website is fine. However, with dominos if you aren't using one of their coupon "deals" you're overpaying for their food.

Their whole gimic is how the "coupons" save you money, but it's not fast food prices without them.

[–] jacksilver 7 points 3 days ago

That's like 50% of all tip calculations nowadays. It's really obnoxious and feels like it's trying to make you feel guilty for tipping an appropriate amount, but taxes and service charges aren't part of the service.

[–] jacksilver 1 points 3 days ago

Yeah, the vita had the potential to be the switch before the switch. Luckily it got some pretty good indie support which helped make up for Sony dropping the ball, but it never fully lived up to its potential.

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