Being a pizza delivery driver is more dangerous than being a cop in the USA.
Like what, building your own ultra fast kamakaze drone and going after a terrorist?
Which forests? Anyone know?
I'd prefer Luigi.
Then they must have tried your password and saved it to one of a specific number of places. Infostealers are by definition a class of malware, which means it's got to be installed somewhere with access to the directory storing the credential.
Or it was from an old computer, or mislabeled.
Here's a good talk on infostealers for anyone curious.
I've been waiting for a valve branded one too.
For stealerlogs yes, it means malware was on your system, and exfiltrated data, typically from your browsers.
Maybe they should play some Monopoly to learn a lesson about capitalism.
Playing cataclysm DDA in a zombie apocalypse.
I have never met a climate scientist who looked that put together.