
joined 6 months ago
[–] nomous 7 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

We got an entire beautiful, resource rich country from some of our horrors and atrocities so that's something.

[–] nomous 12 points 18 hours ago

I've done something similar a couple times I've been sick and masked up while (unavoidably) out. People stfu real quick if they hear that deep, rattling cough that sounds like you have TB.

[–] nomous 1 points 22 hours ago

Conversely, my partner and I don't have kids so a small kitchen is really the only "bonus" an AirBNB can offer. We're usually able to find hotel rooms with a small fridge and just stock-up on easy to store, fresh food to offset the cost of dining out. Given that they're roughly the same price now we've been opting for more and more hotel rooms just for the consistency. At least in a hotel if there's an issue they'll quickly swap/upgrade the room just to avoid hassle.

[–] nomous 1 points 22 hours ago

"Investment properties" shouldn't even be a thing.

[–] nomous 0 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

I checked because I knew it was fake.

I'm dying right now.

Just because you don’t think shitposts should be funny or interesting doesn’t mean they are specifically designed to just be a lie and nothing else.

Just because you think shitposts should be funny or interesting doesn't mean they should. Per the wiki "Content that is of 'aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality.' Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort" Or "A deliberate provocation designed for maximum impact with minimum effort."

I don't actually see humor or interesting in there at all, in fact it being humorous or interesting might make it not a shitpost.

Enjoy your “shitposts”

I'm enjoying this a lot.

and please don’t reply

I'm dying right now.

[–] nomous 0 points 23 hours ago (4 children)

It's satire, it mocks the idiocy of plugging AI into every single conceivable product or the current AI-will-solve-every-problem techbro overhype that's constantly being talked about every day now.

Just cause you thought it was real and googled it doesn't make it less of a shitpost my dude, sorry.

[–] nomous 1 points 23 hours ago (6 children)

This is a textbook shitpost and the people getting mad about it is more evidence that it's a shitpost.

[–] nomous 3 points 23 hours ago

Kind of a weird passive-aggressive statement js, they didn't imply their grandma lived to be any particular age. In fact from the statement we can't tell at all, "the rest of her life" could've been 6 months (she fell asleep with a cigarette in her mouth and the set the bed on fire).

[–] nomous 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I doubt it, shit was different in 1980, doctors smoked in their offices until the 90s.

Never forget just how evil tobacco companies are that they knew how addictive and damaging it was but suppressed it up for decades.

[–] nomous 2 points 1 day ago

"If they don't like it here they can get out" or something.

[–] nomous 7 points 1 day ago

And they used part of their considerable wealth to fund the arts.

[–] nomous 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

What are the four boxes? Soap box, ballot box, bullet box, jury box?

Seems we're running out of options.

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