Yeah I'm an hour south in Columbia. 50 miles each way to find a decent job
Unexpected, that's much higher than I expected for Tennessee. The manager positions at the fast food places here are on 17, yet the average fast food worker is over 17 for the state according to that
So I recently was sitting in court and a lawyer was asking for the officers recount of what occurred. The officer states the reason he pulled the driver over was because the user stopped WAY past the stop line. Then the officer stated he believed the driver had become distracted because they saw him driving in their rear view mirror and he believed that's why they were looking in their rear view mirror and missed the stop line. The lawyer asked them again why they were pulled over and what they were looking for and such as a tactic to try to get it on record if the officers story changed at all. About 3 minutes later of questioning and the officer stated the driver had stopped with about half his car over the stop line.
Being in an area with no sidewalks (sucks, even if there were a crosswalk their car wouldn't have blocked it) but here is an example of what this would look like, but no other cars are at the intersection, just the white car if it pulled forward to the red lines and an officer who admitted to driving over the speed limit to catch up to this car (without reason because his reason for pulling him over was stopping to late)
The officer then proceeded to pull the drive out of the car and perform a field sobriety test. No mention of swerving, no failure to maintain lane etc. Just that a police car speeding up behind him made the driver do something "wreckless" stop late. No one is in any danger in this situation until the officer inserted themself and caused an infraction.
The whole thing was annoying that it was going that far that they would end up needing a trial. Waste of our tax money to harass the population
So does the Attorney General know that the Department of Justice is supposed to perform investigations and arrest people if there is evidence of illegal activity?
Releasing this shit over and over just says ,"here's shit we didn't find any illegal activity in and we are redacting information that might be tied to illegal activity" or "we don't know how to read so can you maybe tell us what these words mean?"
They can move to the U.S. and then pay tariffs to import the parts, and have a smaller international demand for the product do to retaliatory tariffs and just straight avoidance of U.S. products while making their product in a higher cost to operate area. OR they can build a mine, pay higher lifting costs, higher wages, produce a much more expensive product of shitty quality to keep the price hopefully low enough that they can still have a demand for the product abroad, but everyone will coorelate their American products as shit because they cut corners to try to keep the costs low enough while having higher expenses. So no one wants their product. Or they could not cut corners and make a great product that costs so much that their market shrinks down to inoperable levels and go out of business.
He was able to bring inflation down, but the impacts were felt far and wide. As for stimulus checks those were written and voted on by Congress. Congress was Republican during Bidens presidency. He did sign executive orders to speed up the dispersal and to expand SNAP to try to help families. But if the people who fund the stimulus check (Congress) don't fund it, there is nothing to give out.
Those old people homes would suddenly get much further out of reach for many families. Pull up your bootstraps at 84 and go get a job or your going to jail for being homeless.
Then send her to a concentration camp with no contact for months. Give her the real American migrant experience.
Yeah, they would have blamed all the inflation on our first woman president and used it to denounce women for another half a century. If she helped Israel she would have been called out for Genocide just the same. If she didn't she would have been called weak and emotional, unfit to be president.
Really it was a no win situation for her.
Edit: Fairly sure instead of Genocide Joe they would have called her Obamala Kamala.
My guess is that they created the Trump coin, got idiots to buy it, then they dumped it and transferred the coin to more commonly used coins for free. In which now he has the U.S. sink money into, increasing their initial investment they got from their followers being tricked.
The ones he ignores and the ones overriden by a higher court with the reasoning "we'll get around to looking at what the courts already said was illegal.". The Supreme Court basically just kneecapped the entire Judicial branch by implying the courts rulings don't matter unless they come from the SC.
It happens. I think they were trying to point out you could go to Canada or Mexico in North America or a bunch of nice countries in South America. Personally if I had the time I'd like to see Columbia. I've heard great things about it