
joined 1 year ago
[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 17 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Well Hexbear also had a policy of not showing down votes to encourage users to respond if they disagree instead of just down voting and moving on.

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 11 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Dudes going to need them. To maintain his size, and that guy needs more than a handcart.

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 0 points 2 days ago

How did he break the law? This case has been set from the start that it is going to be used to drive gun restriction change. Either A, the form is unconstitutional, or B. It isn't and gun restriction is completely legal.

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 5 points 4 days ago

I was interested till I saw it was seltzer. Screwdrivers don't need to be bubbly. Sounds like they mashed a mimosa (good) with a screwdriver ( good) and it's going to come out like a vodka infused mimosa, which I wouldn't care for.

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Psycho killer. Ive heard that song lol

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 0 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)


Edit: I'm confused by the rage, what are you on about? That someone didn't do what you accused them of so you slandered someone? ... I don't get it. Get a life and stay out of others mate

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 10 points 5 days ago

Well they have no reason to delete them as they "own" the copy they have. They just need to take them offline until they get through the appeal or lose and have to keep them on a p2p torrent aspect instead of through their site. That sucks

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

So can you show me where these two people blocked ambulances or is your strawmen still feeding your calling out strawmen?

Yes the misdirection calling out your misdirection was indeed misdirection.

"They blocked ambulances". Evidence these people blocked ambulances or you are guilty of everything you are defending with. It better be these 2 people as well... Or you are slandering those people. : )

Edit: Oh and for the record, I looked it up. It was about 30x farther than the clouds, and not them.

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 7 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Waiting patiently for this one. About to hear about leprechauns with bloody 8 legs and a pint of blood from the last person to go walkabout.

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 2 points 5 days ago (5 children)

... So different people, different area and I am supposed to know what incident you are talking about, got it. Care to point to the incident or should we just throw everyone in jail that supports a group that did something wrong? Seems like that would violate a lot of human rights. But if you want to start with a group, let's start with MAGA, they have promoted how many unconstitutional proposals and acts that went through before federal judges having to turn them down. Throw in the attacks on people... They'd be screwed. Every one of them is guilty of stealing personal information from hospitals, yikes.

The issue here was cornstarch on rocks. You are talking about things further than clouds in the sky

[–] LifeInMultipleChoice 5 points 5 days ago

Violate a person's rights, slap on the wrist. attempt to overthrow the country, slap on the wrist. Tell the country they shouldn't bomb kids and try to feed them at the same time, added to a terrorist list.


Search Profile Comments-

I usually don't think about it but I went to find a comment I made to find an old post. Is there a way we can integrate a search function for are own profile?


My lady showed this to me so I figured I'd post it here... she may have been sending me a hint.


I hate that the title for the article claims "every problem" but I wanted to hear other users thoughts on this article

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