this post was submitted on 02 Jun 2024
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Fuck AI

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submitted 3 weeks ago by VerbFlow to c/fuck_ai
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[–] wizblizz 65 points 3 weeks ago (35 children)

I'm seeing a lot of AI apologists in here. I want the leisure time required to create art, instead of being fucking burned out from working multiple jobs and spending all my available free time doing chores. Fuck AI, fuck the uncompensated artists and illegitimate theft of those works used to train the AI, and fuck you for normalizing it.

[–] PlushySD 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

Let me make it clear first. Generative AI is not art. Prompt engineering is not a real job.

AI is just a tool. It is still waiting for an artist to use it to create art, just as a Photography or Photoshop image is not an art by itself.

But... training with images is the same as humans learning how to draw, though..... I know it's boring but what you said is boring too. We could fall back to the same conversation over and over because you start with the same conversation again and again.

FUCK AI, and also FUCK PEOPLE AGAINST AI, Good thing I hate everyone!

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

"Prompt engineer" is on a lower level than "tarot fortune teller" for me. As a fortune teller, you are required to have people skills, as a prompt engineer, you just have to be an opportunistic dork.

[–] VerbFlow 2 points 3 weeks ago

A prompt engineer is nowhere near a tarot card user. Tarot cards do not contribute to a gigantic machine that eats job opportunities and spits out misinfo.

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