this post was submitted on 26 May 2024
133 points (92.9% liked)

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Look, I'm not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don't care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn't want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They'd rather buy lottery tickets.

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[–] neomachino 48 points 1 month ago (4 children)

The beach, I couldn't give less of a bother about going to lay on some burning sand, occasionally dipping my toes in some freezing fish piss water, and getting pelted in the face with sand as a bunch of kids run by kicking up every speck of sand they touch while their parents are getting shitfaced and blasting music no one else wants to hear.

Put me in a secluded lake in the woods with some shade near by and I'm all in though. I guess more specifically my issue is with the people at the beach, but still.

[–] morphballganon 19 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sounds like you need to find a less popular beach

[–] 1371113 5 points 1 month ago

Or go earlier in the day. At least in my neck of the woods.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Actually swimming in the ocean is a pretty unique experience, but it does kind of require you to be a strong swimmer.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It definitely was, at about 8 yrs old I got caught in a rip tide (only my toes/foot it felt like) got drawn out in seconds and took minutes to return, scary as hell when you can't reach the surface or even know where it is. Side note; I couldn't float at the surface like everyone else, I was too skinny and floated about 2" below the surface

[–] southernbrewer 1 points 1 month ago

Me too. And I live in NZ where there's bloody beaches everywhere. Can't move for beaches