
joined 11 months ago
[–] morphballganon 1 points 3 hours ago

Mario Galaxy 2 - got all of the stars (240 I think)

I did some other stuff that I'm proud of but doesn't sound as "complete" as that

[–] morphballganon 8 points 19 hours ago

Uh, no, it's very much still a crisis, no matter how much covering your eyes, stamping your feet and yelling "no" you do.

[–] morphballganon 15 points 20 hours ago

Downloading torrents on a friend's internet is worse.

Use a cafe instead.

[–] morphballganon 4 points 20 hours ago

Tax money funding military expenses always includes stuff like this. It's just getting more coverage now.

[–] morphballganon 28 points 22 hours ago

Joke answer: someone thought "Branford Price Millar Library" was a dumb name

Real answer: one facet of Portland being such a melting pot is that it contains some of the dumbest people

Clearly these are not humanitarians, progressives or even true anarchists. Someone who wanted to enact change in keeping with their stated message would not vandalize a library. People who use libraries are aware of the issue. Heard of preaching to the choir? This was just a group of assholes being assholes.

[–] morphballganon 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Another day, another fascist account to block

[–] morphballganon 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] morphballganon 4 points 1 day ago

Think about any time you feel uncomfortable, strained, numb, jabbed by something etc. Whatever items are causing those sensations.

[–] morphballganon 2 points 1 day ago

Hey now, potatoes are delicious.

I prefer the term turnip.

[–] morphballganon 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

When I was in elementary school, I had a bound workbook with print practice exercises. I bet something like that still exists.

[–] morphballganon 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Thanks for letting me know to never buy Makita.


Let's say you are dying of starvation. You pull one of your teeth out, causing blood to slowly seep into your mouth, which you swallow. The calories from the blood getting digested will delay the time you die of starvation, right? Or will losing blood while starving kill you faster?


The guy tries to surprise his family by asking for a photo of the car, then plans to pop out of a fake car seat. But the plan backfires when he gets stuck. The car has a toy car glued to the hood. The request was something like "the guys don't believe I glued a toy car on the hood, can you send a pic of it" or something.

The show has mystery elements, and the episode starts with the premise that the guy is missing. I forget how popular of a show it is.


I love these mechanics. Manually controlling a player character to run around a world doing these things is great for immersion.

I've already played Skyrim and My Time at Portia.

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