VOA is less objective than RT.
VOA is less objective than RT.
Yes, we know George Galloway's position: it's Ukraine's fault and Ukraine should surrender to Putin.
Is Galloway going MAGA? As I don't particularly care, I don't feel like watching the video.
As they are physically closer to threat, they better be less dysfunctional.
I don't think that your right to have a copy of Pravda in the US was illusory.
and I thought this guy, despite his many faults, was pro-Ukraine.
Another thing: their acceptable use policy straight up forbids viewing pornography or graphic violence. No nuance or exceptions.
I might have violated that, but then again I didn't read the TOS.
I wonder if some indigenous challenge such.
Europe is closer to Russia. Some of Europe borders it.
I've listened to Galloway before.
I mostly agree with him on Palestine, and he was great about Iraq, though—like Roger Waters—he ignores that Jews who migrated to Palestine and lived there between, say, 1935 to 1945, tended to do better than those who stayed in Europe.
The Russian invasion is inexcusable.
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