this post was submitted on 28 Jan 2025
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As of now, ICE is only going after known criminal targets, not going door-to-door raiding for suspected illegals. That comes later.

A dozen officers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement gathered before dawn Monday in a Maryland parking lot, then fanned out to the Washington suburbs to find their targets: someone wanted in El Salvador for homicide, a person convicted of armed robbery, a migrant found guilty of possessing child sexual abuse material and another with drug and gun convictions. All were in the country illegally.

It's a little fucking alarming the government knew about such people and hadn't acted already. Anyone know more than I?

Under Trump, officers can now arrest people without legal status if they run across them while looking for migrants targeted for removal. Under Joe Biden, such “collateral arrests” were banned.

So for now, I'm fine with this, not so much the collateral business. Sounds like ICE has authority to act beyond their immediate remit. Surely there's no room for abuse? However, the "collaterals" in this case were due for arrest or deportation.

Of those “collaterals,” one had an aggravated theft conviction. Another had already been deported once, and two others had final orders of removal.

Problem being, they'll run out of legit targets before the electorate runs out of hate. The percentage of criminal illegals (heh, you know what I mean) is tiny. The one's I've known keep their heads down, don't want to risk deportation. Hell, my wife's a legal immigrant and she's terrified of crossing the law.

The issue is far to valuable to Trump and the GOP to ever slow this train. That's when the concentration camps really get rolling.

Thoughts? Seems the going opinion is that MAGA wants slave labor. But how does that actually work? Think on the turn-around time. They can't just pick someone up and plop them back into the fields the next day. Meantime, this will crash the economy once it really gets in gear. They have to know this.

Been saying for years, if the GOP really wants to end illegal immigration, start knocking doors at employers. My wife supervised an all illegal cleaning crew at a hotel. Yes, all illegal. FFS, they worked through an employment agency! Maybe they came illegal, still aren't documented, but get a pass as long as they're working and working towards a green card? That sounds great, but I suspect that ain't what's happening.

We all know that's the solution, if they really want a solution. So why is no one calling them out? You, me, Democratic politicians, all should be screaming this hypocrisy to the heavens. Threatening business owner's is the only way I can think of to kill this. They'll STFU quick, I saw that in Florida.

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