there's no way he would have.
they had to straight up illegally purge voter rolls and then active voters in multiple states so that he could win.
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there's no way he would have.
they had to straight up illegally purge voter rolls and then active voters in multiple states so that he could win.
Voter suppression, gerrymandering, stacking courts, disinformation campaigns, funding from foreign sources, and so on. Without actively working against the intended process they'd never win anything beyond a pie-eating contest, but that's only because with their mouth full of pie no one could understand what they say when they talk.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
-DJT about Elon Musk after the 2024 election
Doesn't matter how much data shows it's true, no one will care because that would mean accepting America has been usurped by fascists
See here's the thing. Why are the dems trying to fight this bullshit in court. Get tons of volunteers and toss out 2x no 10x republican votes using these tactics. Hell, I'll come out and toss a ballot because the "I" in your name looks off. Gerrymander the fuck out of the states that actually make money so no republican can win school board seat for 100 years. Make this all Sooooo absurd that we can actually talk about rules to ensure fair elections. Because the current wave of fascism isn't gonna relent unless you take a crowbar to its face.