Yeah, the non-existent Deep State. These fuckers are firing important people looking for ghosts and goblins.
- Bishop Takes Queen.
- Bishop takes f2 Pawn
- Only valid move: King advances to e2 to escape Bishop
- Other Bishop to G4. Checkmate.
We already have Lycoris Recoil at home /meme
Really bad info here.
Is this SMR? Helium? HAMR?
My bet is Helium but it's hard to find out....
They became the Government and are using their power to mass fire everyone to get rid of the Deep State.
Why do you think MAGA is so willing and ready to fire huge swaths of the US Government?
All of those losses are reversed and its back to $95k USD right now.
Odd Taxi
I don't consider this weird at all. The "weirdest" thing about this is just the artstyle. Otherwise its basically a Film Noir / Detective like story except the Taxi Driver is the detective-protagonist who saw the crime (and has a perfect memory of his customer's faces). So as you go around the cast of characters and see where they want to go + their small talk with the Taxi Driver, you end up figuring out the mystery with the protagonist.
It does a very good job at making the city feel like a city, and making every taxi drive feel like its going somewhere. Obviously there's red herrings to throw you off of the core mystery. But everything felt appropriate and actually relatively mundane.
Like seriously: the "weirdest" character is a rapping Yakuza / gangster who puts too much effort into making things rhyme. Nothing else about this show is "weird". Its like, good (but dumb) cop, bad corrupt cop, unexpected Yakuza / gangsters, pop-idols, fanboys, dumbass (failing) Youtubers, Gachapon Whale, unpopular Radio comedian duo, dumbass friend who gets catfished and of course the titular character: the Taxi Driver.
If anything, I'm surprised at how incredibly mundane the whole situation is and yet how awesome the story was told. Its a murder mystery in a big city, but as it turns out this Taxi Driver is surprisingly at the center of it all as his list of customers happens to line up with the entire damn mystery.
Your list sounds like you'd like "Undead Unluck", a buddy cop comedy of two superpowered characters: an unkillable Super-zombie with the unluckiest character (who spreads her unluck to everyone close to her).
"Undead" is trying to finally find a way to die. And hanging around "Unluck" is finally managing to deal damage to him.
"Unluck" is just trying to find friends and live, despite her superpower. All of her previous friends have died due to her Unluck.
Undead is so unbelievably "undead" he can fly using the power of regeneration. He cuts off his legs and shoots his blood out to hover. Undead pressurizes his fingers so that they shoot out like bullets (and regenerate). He cuts off his arms and sharpens his bones to use as melee weapons. Etc. etc. etc.
There's also "Humanity Has Declined", which I'd say is maybe C tier execution but S-tier weirdness.
Humanity Has Declined is the origin of "suicide bread", which makes even less sense in context.
Hitler relied upon the Reichstag fire to sieze power.
The Nazis were the specific kind of political entity to judo-reverse protesters and "prove" to the public that it was the Communist opposition who were truly the enemy. As the German public demonized the Communists, the Fascists gained in power weeks after Hitler took power.
The opposite is happening here: ever so slightly, public opinion is turning against Elon Musk (maybe not Trump yet, but DOGE is becoming a toxic word right now). A leftist "attack" in these times could consolidate the right much like the Reichstag fire did (or for a more American example: the two assassination attempts on Trump only allowed his side to grow stronger).
but I don’t think they are very weird.
Excuse me? I'mma suplex you like this deer because of that statement.
EDIT: Actually, the many "ouchie" jokes from Nichijou are likely better at describing my confusion at your statement!!
Cartoon published in 1910. What do you think?
Note: Spain did NOT in fact, blowup that ship.