this post was submitted on 25 Jan 2025
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Survival information for preparing (self.politicaldiscussion)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by DaddysLittleSlut to c/politicaldiscussion

Hello everyone. In response to rising tensions in political scenes. I wanted share a google doc I’ve created with information from Chat GPT about highlighting the longest lasting products like Menstruation products, Contraceptives, Wash (body and hair), First Aid Kits and how to make them naturally incase of dire need. While some aren’t suggested generally. If you need them. They will be here.

This is nothing related to a specific group but incase anyone needs it! With how dire the political system seems. I also encourage others in the US to buy a few things for themselves. A mask to cover your mouth and forehead, Reinforce gloves, Military Backpack, A Gas mask, Running/Hiking Shoes, Water straws for drinking from rivers, tiny pots and pans, fire starter kit, crank/emergency radio, I also suggest a hunting kit, knives for skinning and cutting. A bow, arrows, tent and sleeping bag, hunters and forging guide, lastly a survival book. I ask if there’s anything I’ve missed please add into comments.

Also to consider if you like energy. You may want to consider C4 Pre Workout. For me it works similar to a pain med but remember it’s different for everyone.

Survival Document

top 3 comments
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[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If your information is from ChatGPT, have you verified it? Also dont think this the right community.

[–] DaddysLittleSlut 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Though understand even if I verified certain things I still suggest each individual themselves to double check as while one person can find information another person will find different information. Also the natural made products. Are never recommended unless you have nothing else. Then still, it’s important to be careful.

If you wish for more information about why it’s needed. I’d be free to answer but it’s my goal to keep this post neutral as much as possible in party lines. So everyone from red to blue to middle feels welcomed to have this information.

[–] DaddysLittleSlut 0 points 1 week ago

Yea most parts I have. Haven’t gotten around to all yet. As I’ve been busy with UN and NATO stuff. While I understand this may not seem like the right community. I believe it ties back into political discussions. As the reasons for needing these are deeply intertwined with political issues. That Germany and multiple countries have called out.