
joined 2 years ago
[–] jpreston2005 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

yeah sure, I love wasting time arguing with bad faith actors! You're clearly in the special group of the best thinkers, it's so fun to spend time talking with people like you!

[–] jpreston2005 9 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Yeah this is totally warranted given the recent news. I mean, one side trying to expand medicare, the other gutting it. One side trying to close Guantanamo bay, the other opening concentration camps on it. One side trying to get money out of politics, the other side destroying democracy for want of more money.

Totally helpful, totally warranted, OP. Well done. Way to go. You're so cool and centrist.

[–] jpreston2005 21 points 1 day ago

36 CEO's, you say?

That's not even enough to clog a woodchipper 🤔

[–] jpreston2005 9 points 2 days ago

My kind of gal

[–] jpreston2005 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

remember when drumpf was impeached because he was withholding aid to Ukraine because he wanted Zelensky to find dirt on Biden?

hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. You're a fucking moron.

[–] jpreston2005 105 points 4 days ago (5 children)

CBP agents at the border accused Brösche of planning to violate the terms of the visa waiver program by intending to work as a tattoo artist during her trip to LA

Oh wow, a visiting artist might come do some art, fucking arrest her!

Jesus fucking christ the sociopathic cowards running these ABC agencies are dumber than shit

[–] jpreston2005 6 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

"Their last command was the most important, to not believe the evidence of your own eyes and ears."

[–] jpreston2005 12 points 5 days ago

They're just playing devils advocate, giving voice to any would-be conservative readers thoughts on the matter, so that they can dispel them. Based on all available evidence, the orange rapist has been putins fleshlight for decades. There is simply no other explanation.

[–] jpreston2005 70 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

I am so fucking sick of this pathetic piss baby bullshit. This fucking traitor and his cock holster have no right to disparage Zelenskyy, whilst polishing putins knob and trying to ~~blackmail~~ extort an ally into giving away their countries natural fucking resources. The level of treacherous, inane bullshit being spouted by these stupid fascist fucking fucks comes across like it's from some poorly written trash novel trying to really spell it out for the reader how absurdly terrible these people are.

I tell ya, I'm this close to volunteering for the fight in Ukraine myself, just so I have a chance to literally fight fascism, because the idea of sitting on my hands any longer is becoming detrimental to my health.

[–] jpreston2005 2 points 6 days ago

"Never waste motivation" is a favorite saying of mine. You can always think up some excuse for not doing the thing you should be doing, so if ever you randomly feel like putting effort into that thing, freaking do it. Don't think, just DO

[–] jpreston2005 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Considering the state of things, I think it's everyones duty to cheat on their taxes. They just laid off like half of the IRS, one could imagine many cracks within which to slip through

[–] jpreston2005 7 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Something along the lines of me no longer being able to afford to live alone while saving money, use of the military against U.S. citizens, or if they try to sell our national parks. Those are a few that would demand real retaliation, not just in the form of protest. Another would be the orange rapist going for a third term.

Right now I'm just comfortable enough, and with hopeful plans for the future, that I wouldn't want to do anything revolutionary... but if shit starts to turn, I have no qualms with tossing my comfort and future plans aside and going rogue. I'll live in a ditch and eat out of the trash before I let these fascist thugs steal my country.


Well it's been another banner week for the dipshit parade you voted for. I know you're not paying attention to it, so let me round it up for you.

Dear leader Trump administration fires members of cybersecurity review board in ‘horribly shortsighted’ decision. Surely that won't come back to bite us in the ass, right?

Dear leader proposes ‘getting rid of FEMA’ while touring disaster areas. You know, like a jackass might.

Dear leader giving a nazi oligarch office space in the Eisenhower building. (There's a fox news link just for you!) He has since gone on to lock Office of Personnel Management workers out of computer systems. But hey, those systems only contain dates of birth, Social Security numbers, appraisals, home addresses, pay grades and length of service of all government workers.

"We have no visibility into what they are doing with the computer and data systems," one of the officials said. "That is creating great concern. There is no oversight. It creates real cybersecurity and hacking implications." (Good thing Dear Leader fired the cybersecurity team!)

Dear Leader's massive deportations are causing farm workers to stop showing up for harvest. Leaving American farmers high and dry, they're crop rotting in the field. I wonder what that will do to grocery prices? 🤔 But don't worry, Dear Leader is siding with his chief immigrant to extend the H1B Visa program, allowing immigrants to take the jobs of professional Americans too!

Dear Leader decided to speak at an anti-abortion rally in Washington attended heavily by, you guessed it, white supremacist group patriot front!

Dear Leader decided to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords, because climate change is just a Chinese hoax, right?? He followed that up by curtailing wind energy projects, while expanding oil and gas drilling! Wow, good thing Climate change is a chinese hoax right??

Here's NASA saying it's not. Climate change is real and your dear leader is expediting the destruction of our planet.

Dear Leader released files on MLK and JFK assasination, but curiously didn't release the epstien files, Gee, I wonder why? Here's Dear Leader talking specifically about it, and here's why he won't release it. Wow, 7 trips to epstein's island, huh? Here's a Direct quote from Dear Leader;

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Dear Leader, in a gift to Russia and China, orders a freeze to all aid to Ukraine and Taiwan. Wow, who could have seen that coming?

Dear Leader nominated a white nationalist domestic abuser whose only qualification is being a fox news talking head to run the Defense Dept. While also nominating puppy killer ivanka stand-in as head of Dept. of Homeland Security. And can't forget your favorite worm-brained anti-vax moron that thinks wifi causes cancer, RFK!

Dear Leader attempts an illegal firing of Dept. Watchdog Inspectors Generals. Can't imagine why he wouldn't want corruption watchdogs on staff!

Dear Leader couldn't even make it a whole week without golfing, holding a gop retreat at his private resort, and funneling millions of taxpayer dollars into his pockets. Because, lest we forget, he never divested from ANY of his companies. Jimmy Carter sold his fucking peanut farm.

Dear Leader, in a sign of gratitude to their terrorism, pardoned jan 6th terrorists. Dozens of whom had past criminal convictions for charges including rape, manslaughter, domestic violence and drug trafficking (They're sending their best!). They immediately go on to get in a shoot out with police.

Dear Leader also pardoned violent anti-abortion extremists, while simultaneously announcing that his administration would no longer enforce the FACE Act, which protected abortion clinics from these violent religious extremists. An act that was put in place after the murder of Dr. David Gunn in 1993. Gee, can't foresee anything bad happening from these decisions!

Dear Leader fires justice dept. staff in blatant retaliation to their involvement in the legal prosecution of his criminal activities. Convicted felon gets elected, immediately fires people who investigated his felonies. The Onion couldn't write a headline like this!

Dear Leader also wasted no time in canceling student visas for pro-Palestinian protestors in a gift to the man currently genociding their people, natenyahu.

Dear Leader cancels all federal grants and loans, sending everything into chaos, from college students with FAFSA, to people with medicaid. Wow, what a fuckwit.

“This sort of came out of the blue,” said David Smith, a spokesperson for the Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas, one of countless districts that receive federal funding. Now they’re trying to figure out what it means “based on zero information.”

Dear Leader began purging any competence out of federal employees with sycophantic loyalty tests.

Dear Leader bans trans Americans from openly serving in the military. Cuz why not?

Dear Leader is setting up a 30 thousand bed concentration camp at a torture black site, but I'm sure for nothing nefarious! It's not like the 200 deported Colombians included pregnant women and children — but no criminals... oh wait.

Dear Leader fired the head of the U.S. Coast Guard and TSA, while terminating the Aviation Security Advisory Committee. (Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm Intro) which immediately resulted in a mid-air collision over the Potomac River that claimed 67 Americans, AND a crash in Philadelphia which saw 7 dead and 19 injured. Wow, what a short-sighted totally-stable genius! Almost like when he fired the pandemic response team immediately before a world-wide pandemic!

In response to these deadly crashes, Dear Leader blames minorities. Wow! So creative!

Dear Leader also, for some unknown reason, ordered a pause of all activities and events related to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Black History Month, Juneteenth, LGBTQ Pride Month, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Wow! This guy really hates minorities and women, am I right?

And last (for now) but most assuredly not the least, Dear Leader ordered Army Corp. of Engineers to flood California farms in a nonsensical political stunt.

“Something really bad could happen because of their nonsensical approach,” the former official, who was granted anonymity because of the issue’s political sensitivity, said. “Floods are real. This isn’t playing around with a software company.”

Dumping the water from Lake Kaweah and Success Lake poses a flood risk to downstream communities, he said, like the town of Porterville, which nearly flooded during rainstorms in 2023. It also reduces the amount of irrigation water available to farmers during the driest months of the year. The snowpack in the Southern Sierra Nevada that California depends on for water supplies in the summer has dipped to 47 percent of average for this time of year after a dry January, according to state estimates released Friday.

“We need to keep every bit that we have, because this potentially is irrigation water that we have up there,” Hernandez said.

Wow! What a fucking moron!

That's all I have for this week, please let me know what sense you can make of all this horse-shittery, because I'm stumped!


Let's recap what a spectacular failure your administration has been so far. So much has happened already, I think it's important to keep track for you, as you bury your head in the sand of propaganda.

Drumpf launched a meme coin prior to the inauguration, of which he retained a massive amount, allowing any foreign actors to directly funnel money to his personal coffers without a trace. So far he stands to pocket somewhere north of a billion dollars from the venture. drumpfs final bribe total remains to be seen

This is, of course, naked corruption. Lest we forget, who was it that never released their tax returns, despite promises to do so? Who was it that was charged and convicted of a felony for using campaign funds to hide secret hush money payments to porn stars? Who was it that had 4 criminal indictments resulting in a fine of almost 500 million dollars? drumpfs criminal investigation tracker

He has attempted a blatantly unconstitutional executive order to end birthright citizenship. Gee, I thought we were a family of proud immigrants, that celebrated our German and Irish roots? My grandfathers fought nazis, their children helped put them in the white house. He's now allowing ICE to invade schools and churches to round up undesirables. All while rolling back key civil rights federal protections established in the Equal Employment Opportunity Order of 1965 that protects minorities such as myself from being discriminated against. This is while he pushes for his agencies to enact McCarthyism style witch hunts to root out and intimidate anyone who might value the true nature of the United States as the great melting pot it is.

His EPA is rolling back rules limiting PFAS in Americans drinking water, allowing companies to dump as much of the toxic chemical as they please. But don't worry the US ranks 23rd among nations when it comes to clean drinking water.

He has refused Dr. Faucis security detail, while giving a perfect example of stochastic terrorism saying he'd "Feel no responsibility should harm befall him." But hey it's not like his rabid base of mouth breathing supporters would try to harm anyone on behalf of their dear leader, right?

Here's a throwback to when he falsely claimed that a group of legal immigrants were stealing and eating peoples pets, which put an entire community in danger. A bullshit, racist assertion that he never walked back, despite it being proven false.

Additionally, after an innocuous sermon calling for empathy and compassion, drumpf took offense, and now she's receiving death threats from your wildly unhinged base too.

He's also rolled back a program aimed at keeping the cost of generic prescription drugs lower for medicare and medicaid recipients. While the rest of the GOP floats the idea to cut funding to medicaid to fund his destructive agenda.

Oh yeah, and I definitely saw this one coming. Representatives introduce bill to allow drumpf a third term in the white house. Just another example of the traitorous, disgusting, and insane behaviour we've all come to expect from your party. The pundits and yourself may laugh it off now, but as the years go on, soon you'll be in lock-step saying that "he should have 8 uninterrupted years of rule so as to enact his agenda" with as much vigor as your dear leader demands.

Oh and his proposed new tax plan would increase taxes on the poor and middle class, while giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy! Who could have seen that coming! Besides fucking EVERYONE?

"... we estimate the bottom 40 percent of households would see tax increases, on average, with after tax income falling by 0.6 percent for the bottom quintile and by 0.4 percent for taxpayers in the 20th to 40th percentile. Middle income taxpayers would see very slight tax cuts on average, with after-tax income increasing by 0.3 percent in 2034. The top two quintiles would see the largest increases in after-tax income, ranging from 1.4 percent for taxpayers in the 60th to 80th percentile to 3.1 percent for the top quintile. Increases for the top 1 percent are even larger, reaching 4.1 percent in 2034. In the long run, accounting for economic growth, all income groups would see an increase in after-tax income, although higher income earners would see a larger increase."

Hey, and this is just the first week! Please feel free to explain how this will lower the price of groceries?

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