
joined 11 months ago
[–] homesweethomeMrL 3 points 12 hours ago

Yeah it’s a real head-scratcher

[–] homesweethomeMrL 17 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

I don’t remember them ever backing wind and solar . . .

[–] homesweethomeMrL 3 points 12 hours ago

That . . . can’t be good

[–] homesweethomeMrL 2 points 12 hours ago

Depressingly familiar

[–] homesweethomeMrL 3 points 12 hours ago

“A spokesperson for Ascension said the decision to end Ascension Personalized Care coverage in Texas was not related to the ransomware attack that hit the health care system in May, but did not immediately offer an explanation for the change. KUT previously reported that the ransomware attack had caused issues with billing and claims processing for Ascension Personalized Care plans.”


[–] homesweethomeMrL 5 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Ah so it’s like a “special test” for access. Right.

[–] homesweethomeMrL 10 points 12 hours ago

Judge Qanon.

fucking jenius.

[–] homesweethomeMrL 3 points 12 hours ago

Every media outlet: OMG right-wing assholes are racist! Read all about it!

Everyone: well, yeah. We know. YOU know.

[–] homesweethomeMrL 3 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah there’s the rub . . . uh, so to speak. They qualified “men dissatisfied with their penis size” as “men who have tried penis enlargement”

That’s just too much of a reach.

[–] homesweethomeMrL 0 points 12 hours ago

I am allegedly shocked

[–] homesweethomeMrL 8 points 12 hours ago

I have spoken!


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From the Atlanta Daily World:

CNN continues face backlash after failing to grant credentials to Black-owned media outlets ahead of tonight’s debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The highly-anticipated debate is taking place at the CNN studio in Atlanta this evening. However, 800 media outlets around the world was granted credentials, but there is zero representation from Black-owned … Continued

The post CNN Fails To Grant Credentials To Black-Owned Media Ahead Of Biden-Trump Debate appeared first on Atlanta Daily World.


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The fund was created to assist Black women-owned businesses which receive less than 1 percent of overall investment funding annually. 

The Fearless Fund is an Atlanta-based venture capital firm that uses its resources to invests** **in and fund Black women in business. The fund has invested $26 million into over 40 companies that include Slutty Vegan, The Lip Bar, Partake Foods, and Live Tinted. The Fearless Fund also hosts training and financial literacy programs.

. . . The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently upheld an injunction against the Fearless Foundation that has prevented the nonprofit organization from issuing grants to women of color-owned businesses since last August. The judges sided with Edward Blum, president of AAER, who filed the lawsuit. 

A three-judge panel, two judges appointed by Donald Trump and one by President Barack Obama, ruled 2-1 that Fearless Fund is not protected by the First Amendment in its efforts to provide grants for Black women in business. 

The court ruled that the Fearless Fund violated the 1866 Civil Rights Act which prohibits the use of race in making contracts. The original law was issued to remedy discrimination against Black Americans post-slavery.


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Bonus nihilist, er, Vorta Iggy Pop:

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by homesweethomeMrL to c/news

One such encounter went like this:

Me: “Hi. I’m calling about my daughter’s ambulance and hospital charges. I haven’t been able to reach my grievance coordinator about the appeal.”

Representative: “I can help you.”

**Me: **(Genuinely excited.) “Great!”

Representative: “Oh, I see your daughter turned 18. I can’t discuss her information with you.”

Me: “I sent a release of information form by mail, fax and email. I also faxed our conservatorship papers.”

Representative: “I’m sorry, it’s not on file. What office did you send it to?”

Me: (I give the information.)

Representative: “That’s the wrong fax number. Let me give you the correct one.”

Me: “I’m not inventing numbers out of the ether. This is the third new fax number I’ve been given. Are the address and email inaccurate too?”

Representative: “I’m sorry, but I can’t discuss your daughter’s claims with you without this information. Can you put her on the phone to give verbal consent?”

**Me: **“I can’t put her on the phone. She’s currently in a treatment center and has no access to a phone, which is why I have a conservatorship to help with her medical care.”

Representative: “I’m sorry, ma’am. There’s nothing I can do without the forms or her verbal consent.”

Me: “Who do you think pays the insurance premium and all her providers? I’m just trying to settle her claims, and I don’t know what we owe without access.”

Representative: “I can only answer general questions.”

Me: “OK. From the bills I’ve received, we’re being charged out-of-network fees for the ambulance, ER, ER doctor and hospital.”

Representative: “Was this out of state?”

**Me: **“Yes.”

Representative: “Hang on, I have to transfer you.”

I was on hold for another 15 minutes, and then got cut off. I called back, was transferred twice and then repeated a version of the above conversation before resuming — with a grievance coordinator! 

Grievance coordinator: “The ambulance and ER facility were both out of state and out of network.”

Me: “A treatment center called for an ambulance. I wasn’t given a choice of who responded or where they took her.”

Grievance coordinator: “They used out-of-network providers.”

Me: “They dialed 911. No one stops to ask the closest ambulance what their network status is.”

Grievance coordinator: “They did transfer her to an in-network hospital, but the physicians were not participating providers.”

**Me: **“Under the No Surprises Act, insurance must cover all providers in the case of an emergency, whether they are in network or not — even if out of state.”

(There was a long silence.)

Me: “Are you still there?”

Grievance coordinator: “Yes, ma’am. Once you get the conservatorship papers to us, we can look at those claims. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Me: “Apparently not.”


I’m hoping it’s obvious why this is related to politics . . .

Dr. Erica Brozovsky, PhD of the PBS series Otherwords explained how cult leaders use provocatively loaded language with their followers to create an adversarial relationship with the “other side” of their way of thinking – an “us versus them” mentality. It also keeps them invested, obedient, and ready to defend their way of thinking to anyone who questions them

Loaded language is a general term for words or phrases that have deep emotional associations for the listener, like genocide, patriot, toxic, or vermin. …Through repetition, these leaders ingrained an intense emotional association in their follower’s psyche …They shut down argument and critical thinking, which is why they’re so handy to authoritarians who don’t like to be questioned.

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