
joined 1 year ago
[–] Gradually_Adjusting 3 points 2 days ago

We know what he'd do.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 26 points 2 days ago



That's 21st century ownership rights

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 2 days ago (6 children)

We're basically hooped unless Joe decides to throw in the towel. Just about anyone not psychotic half his age could very easily beat trump. How do we get there?

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

More info about this town in the link. I was up until half midnight making it, next time I'll post pics of the process

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I have the same one. Seems premature to make more, mine still has another decade or two in it

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 8 points 2 days ago

"our toothbrush" username

Unironically this fragile about communism

I don't understand

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 9 points 2 days ago

It's over. It was honestly over long ago, it's just playing out in slow motion.

It will probably continue to play out for another thirty years at least. Increasingly horrible, so at any point "eight years ago" feels like back when things were sane, except we lost our minds decades ago already.

Sorry we're the nation equivalent of DJ Khaled; we think we're "suffering from success" but in truth we actually are and we don't know it.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 10 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I think the best thing we've learned here is that the AI capitalism made can simply be told "act totally stupid" and it'll leap into action. You don't need a logic bomb. You don't even need a good idea. All you have to do is not have faith in anonymous discussion.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 11 points 2 days ago

They definitely don't understand, but more importantly it doesn't matter either way - having a group they can persecute is just how they reinforce in-group ties. They lack a coherent ideology, and simply bond over cruelty. Any hatred that can safely be stoked will suffice for such people. Every time we accept an out-group into normal society, platform and protect them, they find new prey. Whenever we give up ground and let peoples rights get taken away, the 'far right' go back to hating them too. Cruelty is the point, and it's what turns them on. That's what makes them 'far right', is that it's obvious compared to normal conservatives.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 26 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

That would involve having a media environment that isn't controlled by billionaires who are highly involved in manufacturing consent for regressive policies.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 4 points 2 days ago

SSBs will be tremendous for ebikes - which already rule. Once they solve solar film, we'll really be cooking.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 4 points 2 days ago

I really shouldn't have dump statted CHA. Where's Withers...

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Gradually_Adjusting to c/bready

200g flour

5g baking powder

Pinch of salt

30g oil

125g milk

Truly idiot proof. You just mix and roll out, cut with a glass cup, and cook in a pan. One came out undercooked, just split in half and toast right in the pan, it was actually the best one of the lot


I'm shaking rn

Highland Samoas (

These are basically samoas (the Girl Scout cookie) built on top of full sized Scottish shortbreads, laden with caramel, toasted coconut, and dipped in chocolate. Normal samoas are designed so you can eat the whole box before you hate yourself. These accomplish that aim with just one.


I'm used to it being kind of simple - I'd configure DS4Windows, install hidhide etc, and connect via bluetooth. Now, no matter what I do, no game wants to read inputs from any controller I set up. Feeling defeated after a couple hours of poking around. Not looking for anyone to spoonfeed me a solution unless you've had the same issue and solved it, just grumbling.


This is my teapot. It's about 1.5L and has a forward handle for the wrist crushing weight of it. It's a monster, made in America. Sadly I dropped the lid a year ago, and have been using a bowl to cover it, which clatters and makes a hell of a noise from the steam.

Is there a better way? Anywhere that sells lids? Failing that, share your ersatz teapot lids.


Compared with human history, I sometimes think my own setting isn't badly written enough to be realistic.


Stealing from Weissman's board ideas, I made a gastrique with shallot and dried chiltepin for the cream cheese. The rest is all cheap and cheerful Lidl nibbles.


GMMK 2 Barebones Steelseries Doubleshot keycaps Kailh Box White v1 switches

Really happy with it after about 11 years with a Cherry blue MX Das Keyboard, which is starting to break down. I'm exclusively WFH, so I get all the clicks.


What other secrets is Sony keeping from me?

The fakest tonkotsu (

This is LIKE tonkotsu, if you don't have chashu pork or bones to make your own broth.

I was inspired to attempt Joshua Weissman's new quick recipe, but it ended up with more of a FutureCanoe vibe. I went to every shop in town looking for pork bones and struck out. It took all weekend.

My only options were admitting defeat or conducting a science experiment involving premade ramen broth, pork Bisto, gelatin, and duck fat emulsified with a blender.

Also my tare was bonito and konbu powder rather than real stuff. The Asian markets in town didn't know what shirodashi was, so I had to fake it.

The pork is cured and slow roasted belly, which is itself extremely nice and I'm not mad at that substitution at all.

Still pretty good. I'm happy with how my eggs turned out.


I have been seeing Lab MPs resigning, and articles calling for more of them to do so, and calling "a vote for Labour a vote for genocide". Nothing I've read explains why resignation is the preferred strategy, and it's not very clear to me how it helps. What do they hope to achieve by resigning, and am I wrong in thinking that these resignations only play into the hands of Conservatives? Sorry, I'm very naive about UK politics generally and I don't get how this isn't pointlessly self destructive.

Acknowledged that there are appalling things happening, in Gaza and with the party leadership, but I'm interested in learning the logic for this specific response.

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