If you're only playing games on steam you can use Steams native PS controller support. Works better than all those other tools
Personally I hate it though, always felt like it made my XBone controller joysticks less precise
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If you're only playing games on steam you can use Steams native PS controller support. Works better than all those other tools
Personally I hate it though, always felt like it made my XBone controller joysticks less precise
Have you checked that your controller is set up to emulate a 360 controller? You can use https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad to see if you configured your controller correctly. (emulating xbox controller, and haven't accidently hidden the virtual controller too)
There usually isn't a benefit to having your virtual controller set as a DS4 Controller unless the game actually has support for ds4. (usually minor extra features like touch pad support but that's rarely used anyways).
Thanks! That seems to have done the trick!