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Bready is a community for anything related to making homemade bread!

Bloomers, loafs, flatbreads, rye breads, wheat breads, sourdough breads, yeast breads - all fermented breads are welcome! Vienesse pastries like croissants are also welcome because technically they're breads too.

This is an English language only comminuty.


founded 1 year ago

Today’s experiment is a sourdough bread with 20% scalded buckwheat flour. Very soft, sweet earthy flavor.


Accidentally left my dough in the proofer overnight. I wonder if it'll do a second rise. Time to find out.


I want to work there. It would feel so fulfilling. I would be so much fatter, eating all the scraps.


Very stressed out, so that means baking! Blueberry lemon Roll Ups recipe by ChainBaker.


The amateur bread adventures continue! This time I decided to make a banana bread as I had never tried one before. Turned out freaking delicious 😋 Also, what toppings/spreads are recommend to have on banana bread, Lemmy know 🙌


Absolute love this by Proof Bread. Living the dream: sourcing your own grain to mill to flour that you use in your own bakery to provide food for people.


It turned out really great and tasty! Was a little worried when making it as I didn't have everything the recipe asked for. As it wanted a loaf pan with a lid(?) Have never seen such, but it worked fine without 😊 A bit of a confidence boost tbh that it went so well for being the my first time. Look forward making more!


First try I used AP flour and let the 1st rise go too long I think, and they were too dense. This time I used my regular sourdough recipe with bread flour (920g, with 650g water, 71% hydration) and they came out great.

Thanks for the inspiration from this community!

This crusty ear (
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/bready

Sourdough bâtard popped a lovely ear


While it being a little more expensive, sooo worth it. Bread in picture is a fresh sourdough bread. Yummsy!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Gradually_Adjusting to c/bready

200g flour

5g baking powder

Pinch of salt

30g oil

125g milk

Truly idiot proof. You just mix and roll out, cut with a glass cup, and cook in a pan. One came out undercooked, just split in half and toast right in the pan, it was actually the best one of the lot


75% bread flour, 25% khorasan flour, 80% hydration, baked in dutch oven with steam.

it me (
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/bready

From the King Arthur Flour recipe. Really happy with the results.


No crumbshot yet, cooling. It's a bit of a frankenloaf as I didn't have enough flour but had already started the process.

about 30% white bread flour, 30% rye, and 30% horrible supermarket wholemeal. ~80% hydration.

Tbh I was surprised it came out of the rattan thing as the rye + high hydration makes a pretty sticky mess. However it seemed enough water leeched through the wood during proofing that the rice flour did it's thing.


cross-posted from:

They're an all sourdough bakery.


Recipe is 75% bread flour, 25% whole khorasan, 80% hydration.


Followup to temperature profile with a probe in the loaf. The temperature inside the dutch oven was lower and steadier than I expected.

Cinna-star (
submitted 5 months ago by Green_vs_gold to c/bready

King Arthur cinnamon star bread, very tasty not overly sweet.


Temperatures recorded in the oven during a dutch oven sourdough bake. 20 minutes at 500F with the dutch oven lid on, 20m at 400F with it open.

Green = oven temperature throughout. Blue = baseline kitchen temperature (thermocouple cold junction temp).

  • Before 1st blue line: preheating. Yellow line = inside a cold cast iron dutch oven. Oven was already warm from baking something else.
  • 1st blue line to 2nd: baking with lid on. Yellow = probe in the loaf here onward. I was surprised the internal temperature has pretty much maxed out by the end of the first 20 minutes.
  • 2nd blue line + 20 minutes: baking with the lid off.
  • After 20:27 / green line dropoff: oven open, loaf cooling. I know you're supposed to cool to "room temperature", but even at 150F the crumb was pretty stable when I cut the loaf, with no obvious tearing or sticking to the knife.

Compare to the previous bake where I forgot to reduce the oven temperature after the first 20 minutes. The crust was black/inedible, but the interior was still totally fine.


Recipe is The Country Blonde from Flour Water Salt Yeast.

Surface bubbles (
submitted 6 months ago by banneryear1868 to c/bready
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