And a court concludes I maaay have had some small part in the owner’s death?
I mean, this is gonna happen long after the petting is over. Go nuts.
And a court concludes I maaay have had some small part in the owner’s death?
I mean, this is gonna happen long after the petting is over. Go nuts.
I wonder what the psychology of posting about being downvoted is. I'm a pretty opinionated dude and get downvoted from time to time, but I just move on with my life instead of turning it into a big production or even acknowledging it, really. Not everyone's gonna like everything you write, and it's not like you're going for some high score to get into social media paradise or something. Think about where you're spending your energy man. This ain't a good use of anyone's time.
Hell yeah. They are always wet, usually a little dirty, and they are constantly putting on a show.
Link prompts for a login.
Dump a bowl of Lucky Charms marshmallows in there and baby, you got a stew going!
All of these idiots miss one important part of being sovereign.
You have to be able to project power against your neighbors. Otherwise they just take your shit. Same way all these idiots just get taken to jail.
I canceled my Target card and told them it was because of this bullshit. And yeah Walmart's been on my list for a long time. Running out of places to shop.
Between Target and my local grocery doing anti-union bullshit, I just started shopping at Costco even though I'm only shopping for 1. So far so good, other than the whole "guess this is what I'm eating for the next 15 meals straight". But I'm lucky to even have a Costco very close by.
We do what we can, but some people just don't have a lot of options realistically.
Oh yeah, I know tons of people who got their printer hacked, you lying liars.
There’s probably nobody left to run it. They’ve been bleeding IT talent for years but it kicked into high gear this quarter because they mandated 5 day RTO. Everyone who was worth a shit was like “lol bye” and got a new job or retired.
Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out. Most of my AHK scripts are simple, not really macros, just adding toggles to keys or remapping stuff, like putting mouse buttons on a keyboard key, or remapping WASD to ESDF for games that don't support key remapping. I messed around with some key remappers for Linux about 9 months ago but I couldn't find anything that worked well in the game I was playing (Dyson Sphere Project). That's almost certainly due to my ignorance. I really need to learn python.
Thanks, Debbie.
I do this too, I usually end up lost.