Dull Men's Club

2021 readers
300 users here now

An unofficial chapter of the popular Dull Men's Club.


1. Relevant commentary on your own dull life. Posts should be about your own dull, lived experience. This is our most important rule. Direct questions, random thoughts, comment baiting, advice seeking, many uses of "discuss" rarely comply with this rule.

2. Original, Fresh, Meaningful Content.

3. Avoid repetitive topics.

4. This is not a search engine
Use a search engine, a tradesperson, Reddit, friends, a specialist Facebook group, apps, Wikipedia, an AI chat, a reverse image search etc. to answer simple questions or identify objects. Also see rule 1, “comment baiting”.

There are a number of content specific communities with subject matter experts who can help you.

Some other communities to consider before posting:

5. Keep it dull. If it puts us to sleep, it’s on the right track. Examples of likely not dull: jokes, gross stuff (including toes), politics, religion, royalty, illness or injury, killing things for fun, or promotional content. Feel free to post these elsewhere.

6. No hate speech, sexism, or bullying No sexism, hate speech, degrading or excessively foul language, or other harmful language. No othering or dehumanizing of anyone or negativity towards any gender identity.

7. Proofread before posting. Use good grammar and punctuation. Avoid useless phrases. Some examples: - starting a post with "So" - starting a post with pointless phrases, like "I hope this is allowed" or “this is my first post” Only share good quality, cropped images. Do not share screenshots of images; share the original image.


founded 4 months ago

The community voted on [email protected] suggestion of

[email protected]

The current community here on world will stay open. I have no plans of shutting it down unless the community decides it should.

Thank you all again for creating such a wondetful place,I look forward to seeing the community continue to grow.


I've created a new Lemmy instance at dullsters.net

When I created this community several months ago I had no aspirations of it becoming much of anything. In a short amount of time it has grown to over 1500 subscribers and is one of the top recommended non-political communities. I am always looking forward to the posts that are shared here, and the unique culture being developed.

I see the importance of the decentralized aspect of the Fediverse. We frequently see drama surrounding moderation and federation policies. None of that applies to the content in this community.

I have no qualms with admins running their site the way they want to and they are often placed in difficult positions. However, this is one of the true places of neutrality on the Fediverse and it should remain that way.

In the few months this community has existed there have been maybe a half dozen moderation actions taken. You have remained, for the most part, very dull, and I thank you for that.

The name of the community should be changed, I hadn't realized that dull men's club was the result of someone else's ideas and work. The new name should represent this community that you all have created and the place it exists, The Fediverse.

The new instance won't have any users except for the purpose of moderation, you will still use your account from a federated instance. I'm still ironing out a few wrinkles with the site, it should be done whenever I get around to it.

In the meantime suggestions for the new name should be made in a top level comment so that they can be voted on.

Thank you all once again for making this community what it is.


This is a tad embarrassing. You see, I thought that I was merely copying a popular Facebook group. I was unaware that Dull Men's Club was an official club. Please give the site a peruse as it is quite a delight!


Drywall jobs are a common occurrence in my line of work. I was fixing a cracked seam at a customer's house and had about a 15 mm deep gap to fill. Generally, I've just used the pre-mixed stuff from a bucket, but that dries so slowly and shrinks so much that a job like this would have needed to be spread over at least four days.

Decided to give the quick-setting bag stuff a shot, and wow - what a difference. Not only could I pre-fill the gap in one day, but I also managed to get the tape over it, leaving only the finish coat for tomorrow. This will save me literal months over my career.

I love discovering good new products and tools.


My right sink was briefly occupied and my ocd was twitching, so I switched things up and used the left sink.   I feel like a rebel - almost a gadabout.   I'm still a bit anxious about it, but there's definitely a 'spring' in my step.


It's easy:

Bake pizza of your choice in pieces suiting your freezer and your appetite on baking paper.

At half of the normal baking time take those pieces out of the oven, put them onto a paper plate (or don't, I'm not your mother), and after they cooled down freeze them.

I'd advise to cover the pizza with another piece of kitchen paper and put them into a freezing bag or such before storing them in your personal Arctic.

Feels good to have the best pizza in town as a fast snack for small monies.


It is a Ford e-transit. Huge white empty sides. I enjoy the plainness of it, but am open to putting something interesting on the sides/back.

I will implement my favorite idea without fail.

It's for transporting my disabled mother around, but also for personal use. (I am too tall for normal cars so this will be my only vehicle)

Edit: There are so many good suggestions. My current favorites are some sort of grand fantasy mural or the mystery machine (possibly with mystery replaced with my last name that also starts with an m and has the same amount of letters), or that 90's jazz pattern.


We bought a new microwave last year and I haven't been able to time it just right with this one yet, it's been driving me nuts. The previous one we had was fairly easy to accomplish this feat on, which gave me an inflated microwave-opening ego. However, this one commonly taunted me with a blinking "00:01" after each attempt. No longer! I have finally conquered this beast.

I enjoyed the reheated corned beef and cabbage fractionally more than I would have otherwise.


Like seriously perfect. Nothing left on the rim of the bottle at all, perfect unbroken foil on the little foam seal thingy.

Also, not trying to shill or anything, but I really love Meat Church seasonings. They're all just fantastic. Holy Cow is great on steaks and brisket. Holy Voodoo is amazing and cajun-y without being too hot. Holy Gospel is great for pretty much everything. This is my first time trying Dia de la Fajita on chicken, and it tastes great. All of it comes highly recommended from this dull man.


Granted, it was just a little off the top each time as I'm trying to encourage growth, but I usually don't do my first mow until a bit into April. Bonus is that I shouldn't have to bag the first mow this year.


Today I went to the supermarket, and spotted a deal on cheap earbuds.

I've been 50/50 on them, but a £40 pair for £20 was good enough for me to take a punt.

Are they great? No. Are they good enough? Yeah, sure, why not. They play music they take calls, and they act like earplugs when it's noisy out. And they don't get tangled up. Plus, if I like using them I'll consider getting a pair which aren't objectively e-waste when these inevitably die.


I turned them off before the recent inclement weather as advised by our local council.

I meant to do it last week, but I kept forgetting.

I turned the DC and the AC back on in the reverse of the order suggested for turning them off.

I watched the panels from across the road for a bit, to watch for anything obviously amiss. (I assume sparks, smoke and fire to be the obvious problems to watch for). We didn't and up getting hit by the terrible weather event, so I wasn't too worried.

The panels seemed to come up ok.


I always hated this cheap plastic one we had, if you shifted it would slide around and the little feet would slide off the rim. So I went to Lowe’s and bought a wood one, then installed it. It’s much better.


It’s 3x3 ft, legs fold under like a regular card table your grandparents broke out at family gatherings. Who knew that a standard white resin top folding table would cost so much.


Pulling the laptop apart was uneventful without anything flying across the room or those fiddly small connectors - which I can barely see - snapping, removing and slapping in the new GPU was just six screws and a bit of thermal paste, and when it was all screwed back together, I didn’t even have any screws left over. Switching on and debian detected it happily, nvidia-smi and nvidia-detect were happy, and apt just installed the nvidia-driver without fuss.

Other than a loud snapping noise now made when the laptop is closed and hooks into the catch thing (perhaps it should always have been like this), it was quite dull and boring really.


The dang thing has been rarely doing the 3 chirp code a couple times during the day for the better part of a week now. Our cat is really frightened by the sound and I fairly quickly had a suspicion which one was throwing the chirps but I couldn’t catch it in the act to be sure, and it was otherwise ambiguous which one was at fault and there were no LED codes to help.

Finally confirmed it today. 10 years and 1 month past date of purchase. 10 year warranty. Figures.


I finally caught a lunar eclipse. like five of them I missed due to weather, it's clear tonight.


I assume they don't make them like they used to. It was otherwise good. I overloaded it in the first place.

I got it for free from the junk store a decade ago and put new MOVs in it. Three US Quarter size MOVs, each with a thermal switch attached, an overall thermal/current breaker, and all the bypass class X and Y capacitors is something I haven't seen in most power strips, so it seem worthwhile to save for the cost of 1/10th of $4 in a replacement thermal switch. Miser miser miser... That is all.


It got tangled up in the old hoodie I wore to bed. I'd searched through the blanket, under pillows, between the mattress and the wall, under the bed. It just fell out from my hoodie onto the floor after an hour of being awake. Dunno how it didn't happen sooner, but I heard it hit the floor and the search is over.


Some time back my fat ass created a haircrack on the toilet seat when I was leaning over and concentrated my weight to much on one point. A few days ago a buddy visited and cracked it entirely.

So I went to the store, bought a new (sturdier) one and installed it. Wasn’t to difficult, only the old screws were bit tight.


I can do whatever I want. I can leave the door open while I go to the bathroom. If I want to skip a shower, no one will complain. Glorious, boring freedom.

Cleaned out the garage (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 1 week ago by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

So many toddler toys and sporting goods on the curb in front of our house! Got my now college age kid to help.

We put up a huge “free” sign, and at least some things found a new home. Three bicycles, two portable soccer nets, and a pair of roller blades definitely gone but there’s just so much stuff that I really couldn’t say what’s no longer there

I’m disappointed the snow blower didn’t go. Yeah it’s older and needs service but it’s a nice two stage, self-propelled, auto-start model where bringing it back to life would be a fraction of the cost of buying something like that


The front disc brakes and rear drum brakes are good now. I still need to adjust the parking brakes. It's an older 97 Tacoma. Lots to do.


I've noticed that my car engine made the sound it makes when oil is low so I added some more. My car only shows the "oil to low" warning once its way to late. All other fluids are basically full. (Audi 80 b4 if anybody's interested)

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