Linux Gaming

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Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME away from home for disgruntled /r/linux_gaming denizens of the redditarian demesne.

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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.







founded 1 year ago

I've been using ModOrganizer2 via SteamTinkerLaunch, but the performance is not great.

I haven't tried tweaking anything to get it better, mostly because I don't know where to start.

Does anyone have advice on modding Skyrim (especially with SKSE) on Linux effectively?


Looks like it's out of beta.

/mnt/myname/steam/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/EasyAntiCheat/EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe: Win.Malware.Generic-9828888-0 FOUND
/mnt/myname/steam/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Far Cry 3/bin/pb/pbcls.dll: Win.Virus.Ramnit-9837718-0 FOUND
/mnt/myname/steam/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Far Cry 3/bin/pb/dll/wc002312.dll: Win.Virus.Ramnit-9837718-0 FOUND
/mnt/myname/steam/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Far Cry 3/bin/pb/pbcl.dll: Win.Virus.Ramnit-9837718-0 FOUND
/mnt/myname/steam/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/bin/win32/Qt5WebKit.dll: Win.Trojan.Ramnit-5881 FOUND

These, as far as i'm aware, have come straight from steam. I've searched for these online but haven't found anyone else getting the same error.

results from clamscan


I was just wondering what would happen if I downloaded a game that was infected by a computer virus and ran it in Linux using Proton.

Has this happened to anyone? How would the virus behave? What files, connections or devices would it have access to? Could it be as damaging as running in in Windows?


I'm old-naughties internet café crew from around the era of the original Counter Strike through CoD MWF3 and Battlefield 2042. I wouldn't mind reliving the nostalgia of that era, and have more than enough machine to do it now. I have zero tolerance for micro transactions, gatekeeping, or software as a service business models. I have little interest in Steam as anything more than a single banking transaction, and I will only connect to something online that is documented and strait forward when it comes to multiplayer networking stuff.

My networking is about like a locked down corporate connection. I can play something like 0 A.D. that has a few required and documented connections needed for multiplayer, but won't connect to discord when it requires around a dozen raw IP addresses on random ports with no documentation.

Do any of you know of games that fit those requirements and are worth spending money on?

::: spoiler I probably seem annoyingly specific...

...or even paranoid, but I've both downloaded a PDF in the past that wrecked a machine with malware from a 3rd party datasheet on vintage computing hardware, and I find that isolating myself from ads and data mining at this level is best for my mental health with isolation from disability; i.e. it is not just arbitrary pedantism in my mind.

I ask because the casual camaraderie could be good for me while pressure to be a consumer at the expense of my family is harmful. Plus I view subscriptions for anything like software as a criminal skimming scam I am not interested in at all. Hopefully you can understand the specificity, and slight excentricity, even if it seems silly at first. I'm not judging anyone for their practices, trying to make a statement about my standards by comparison, or expect anyone to adopt my practices. I don't think like that at all. I'm curious, exploring what I've assumed is not possible for me, and stating the needed info only. I'm also on Fedora WS, with the NVDK kernel module, and can't change my UEFI secure boot keys in the OEM bootloader, so I can't alter kernel space unless I figure out Keytool to boot into UEFI directly.


I've been working on converting my gaming PC to Linux for a few weeks, but everything is running, but it all is just a little jankier than I would like.

I have an 8th gen Intel i7 and an Rtx 2070, running Arch linux.

Sometimes I boot up and my mouse doesn't work and I have to restart. Sometimes I launch games and they just don't launch right.

It feels like I'm doing a lot of work for no benefit. In fact, Elden ring runs way worse on my Linux partition than my Windows partition.

I've tried GE proton, gamemode, steam compatibility, everything... I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stick with Windows for gaming.


tl;dr Performance for Blazblue Centralfiction using Zink should be greatly improved once this MR is merged

Link to blog:

Seems that it may affect some other games that embed video files, since it's an issue involving gstreamer.


Reading up on some of the more recent posts regarding VR on Linux, I'm wondering if anyone can give a quick rundown of the actual state of VR gaming on Linux for users of WMR headsets like the HP Reverb G2.

Seeing as Microsoft is about to nuke that entire ecosystem later this year, it would be great if there's a way for people that invested in these headsets to continue using them on Linux, instead of turning a whole slew of devices into fresh e-waste.



I am having issues with Mangohud and Goverlay.

Upon opening Goverlay it gives a black box and has issues closing without forcing it shutdown.

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Kernel: Linux 6.9.5-zen1-1-zen DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5 WM: KWin (Wayland) CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF (20) @ 5.00 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete] Memory: 4.09 GiB / 62.60 GiB (7%)

I have tried uninstalling both Goverlay and Mangohud

I have also removed .conf files from: ~/.config/MangoHud /usr/share/doc/mangohud

Is there more that I need to do to clean uninstall and reinstall?

Any help would be appreciated

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cetvrti_magi to c/linux_gaming

When I run the game I get this error.

I tried reinstalling both jdk and Minecraft, it didn't change anything. I also checked the location of a java file that doesn't exists according to error and it does exists (can't run it anyway).

Distro is NixOS.

Fix: I installed Flatpak version of ATLauncher.

Wine 9.11 has landed! 🍷 (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/linux_gaming

cross-posted from:

I edited the "humorous" thumbnail. I apologize if I offended anyone.

Release notes

The Wine development release 9.11 is now available.

What's new in this release:

  • C++ exception handling on ARM platforms.
  • More DPI Awareness support improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.

I use an AMD card, playing on Bazzite. How and when, do i know when its best to use Vulkan or Directx on linux?


Nvidia hope to include their open source kernel driver in the stock kernel in the future. This would mean no more need to make sure that Nvidia driver modules are in sync with the running kernel. And is hopefully a good sign for future open sourcing of the various parts of the driver as a whole.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/linux_gaming

So today I installed Bazzite for the first time on my computer. I continued with the pre-installed steam package (which was surprisingly not flatpak).

I'm using an Intel cpu and an AMD RX6600. Games are working fine but I'm not able to use the in-game steam overlay. Some games like Apex legends rely on it to complete a sign in process. Apex is saying that I don't have in-game overlays enabled, when I clearly have it enabled (for the game and within the gernal steam settings) . I tried changing the keys from the default 'Shift+Tab' but still no luck.

Does anyone have a solution for this ? Or should I install flatpak steam on Bazzite ?

Edit : It seems that I'm also not able to add steam libraries from other drives, not working with ntfs partitions and btrfs partitions.

Edit 2: I haven't had the issue after I switched over to Bazzite-arch distrobox container for gaming.

Gamescope and PS4 controller (self.linux_gaming)
submitted 2 weeks ago by scutiger to c/linux_gaming

I just bought a nice OLED monitor and I'm trying to take advantage of it to play my games in HDR. If I run my games in gamescope, then HDR runs fine but my PS4 controller doesn't work. If I play without gamescope, the controller works, but HDR does not.

I've been trying to figure this out for a bit, and some people have been having some luck with the -e flag, which does nothing for me.I've tried Steam Input and overlay in all combinations of enabled and disabled and I've tried in big picture/gamepadui. Either way I have to choose between HDR and the controller. Has anyone gotten this to work?


I'm Running Linux Mint 21.3 mainly using Lutris and Steam for some native Linux games. It's so annoying, especially when it sometimes disconnects the gamepad. I'm using an Xbox One S controller connected through a USB cable.

Headset recommendation (self.linux_gaming)
submitted 2 weeks ago by lal309 to c/linux_gaming

TL:DR; What wireless headset do you recommend (obviously works well with Linux)?

Just finished upgrading my gaming rig and monitor. Got everything up and running (EndeavourOS and the usual gaming things). The last piece to upgrade all my stuff is a new headset. I would like it to be wireless (if possible), works well in Linux (if that’s even a “problem”), lightweight, good quality audio and microphone (lots of Discord talking). I’m simply not up to speed as to “what’s a good gaming headset”. What do you guys have/recommend?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Anticorp to c/linux_gaming

I've been using Arch on an old laptop for a few years now, but I use Pop on my gaming desktop. I've wanted to switch to Arch for a long while now, but haven't had the motivation (if it ain't broke, and all that). I'm finally ready to do it, but I'm a little concerned about my gaming experience. Are there any gotchas for gaming with an i7 and a 3070 ti that I should be aware of before I make the switch? Is it pretty seamless? Can I still use a freesync monitor with the g-sync compatibility setting? Is it easy to install the Nvidia drivers and well documented on the wiki? I'm open to information about any other sticky scenarios you guys encountered getting Arch set up for use as a daily driver and gaming computer.

Edit: is there any way to backup my internal drive mappings and mounting points, or will I need to set all of that up again?

I've only ever used Gnome for Arch, but one of the things that has me motivated to switch is that KDE 6 supports HDR. Does anyone have experience with it? Is it a pretty slick and simple DE?


I’m new to this and have been trying to get Fallout NV to run on my Chromebook Plus. I had Fallout 3 running great but at some point I did something so that FO3 fails to launch.

Can I do something like a fresh install? I don’t care about losing data/ games.


Can someone help me figure out what it even is I'm trying to do? I'm a tech savvy kinda persons and if someone just gives me the general idea/right keywords to search for I can probably figure the rest out myself, but I'm caught in a real X/Y problem.

JUNK: Arch, KDE (X11), 3080 (proprietary drivers), OBS, Elgato HD60 X, 3440x1440 ultra widescreen

I just want to do some simple streaming to Twitch/Youtube and game recording.

The Elgato obviously doesn't support my ultrawide so my original thought was to leave the UW monitor plugged in with DisplayPort (as it already is) and then plug in the Elgato with HDMI and then switch the monitor input when I'm ready to stream. The UW stretches the 2560x1440 out though, how do I configure the viewport to keep the proper aspect ratio and put black bars on the side? Alternatively, can I configure the UW to 2560x1440 with black bars and simply mirror the display, or will I take a performance hit when streaming like that? And how do I change the xconfig on the fly, is that something I'd want to write a script for?

I inherited the Elgato from a friend who gave up on streaming and while I'm not entirely opposed to spending more money on potentially more appropriate gear ....... I'd really rather not.

Like I said, if someone can just explain to me what I should be doing and give me a swift kick in the ass towards the right direction, I can do the heavy work of putting all the pieces together, I'm not looking for a total solution 😵😵‍💫 Thanks!

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