Pixel Dungeon

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This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.


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founded 1 year ago

Hey Rat Punchers, and welcome to the first c/PixelDungeon community newspost and spotlight! These posts summarize community events over the last few months, and provide a good starting point for new readers.

If you're new here, welcome! c/PixelDungeon is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions. To sign up, just make an account on Lemmy.world: https://lemmy.world/signup. You can also use an account from any other Lemmy instance that lemmy.world federates with.

Recent News

Although this is c/Pixeldungeon's first newspost, it's the 11th one in total. The prior 10 posts were on our previous community on Reddit. That really does set the tone doesn't it? c/Pixeldungeon has come into existance as a new place for the pixel dungeon subreddit community, hosted by a platform that will hopefully be less abusive to its users.

After some initial turbulence relating to uptime and new registrations on lemmy.world, c/pixeldungeon now seems to have settled into a steady cadence of about 2-3 new posts a day. While I'd certainly like for us to one day get as big as r/pixeldungeon was, I think this is a great start. We've off the ground, and hopefully can continue maintaining and growing from here.

One thing I've been very happy to see is a strong presence from Pixel Dungeon developers! While I've been trying to make weekly posts of my own, there have also been dev announcements from both new and long-standing developers. Even if you ignore my posts, we're already doing quite well on that front I think. As for general activity, this newspost is a start, but I'll be seeing about making some megathreads soon to encourage more participation. In the meantime though, here are some of the best posts made in the last few months:

Top Posts

Here are our picks for top posts made in the last few months! There is a max of one post per person per category, and posts from moderators aren't eligible.

Top Recent [DEVeloper] Posts:

  1. More Info Shattered Pixel Dungeon by @inverse_snake
  2. My mod of shattered pixel dungeon by @elektrochecker
  3. Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.3 has been released! by @Trashbox_Bobylev
  4. New Map Editor Mod of Shattered Pixel Dungeon by @AlphaDraxonis

Top Recent [Original Content] Posts:

  1. Traditional Art: Pixel Dungeon Meshi by @onlineworms
  2. Traditional Art: I drew something for Inktober by @cats_hurricane

Top Recent Regular Posts:

  1. Let's discuss: Ring of Arcana by @GWLexx
  2. So..... I tried I ring of wealth run for the first time by @disce_pati
  3. I just started learning how to mod ShatteredPD to make my own PD game and found something I never knew about in the files! by @DonnieBirb
  4. New highest level throwing stone with updated blacksmith rewards by @depresbian
  5. Happy Halloween indeed! Make the Imp wear Christmas hat later, please! by @riomist

Today is July 26th; 10 years ago, watabou released source code for Pixel Dungeon, creating a modding community for it.

Community Pixel Dungeon is a symbol of community being able to achieve that and evolve this community into what we know today.

Thank you all.


Hey Adventurers, July is coming to an end and I owe you guys an update!

Unfortunately, I'm going to miss my earlier estimate of a beta during July. This is mainly due to v2.5.0 becoming a much bigger update than I originally planned. I'm now anticipating v2.5.0 will be ready for beta around the second full week of August. In the meantime though, let's go over some of the new stuff that's coming soon!

Read the Full Post Here

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) by koiuo to c/pixeldungeon

For the last month I've been trying to beat the game with 6 challenges enabled. Yesterday I finally did it, and I'm so happy, I even decided to (re)create Reddit account to brag about it, and then I learned the community has moved here, so I decided to brag here as well πŸ˜€

Here's the list of challenges I decided to enable

Hostile Champions & Badder bosses β€” is an easy choice. Once you beat the game with every class, having bosses or monsters slightly tougher doesn't even require adjustments to your strategy.

Faith Is My Armor and Forbidden Runes β€” OTOH, is an easy choice to not enable. All my successful runs so far implied heavily upgraded plate armor, and I haven't figured, how to beat the game without that.

Pharmacophobia β€” would be possible without the Barren Land. But among the two, Barren Land seems easier.

Swarm Intelligence β€” adds a lot of action and challenge, but in a fun way.

Finally the last two: Into Darkness β€” that turned out much harder than I expected, but I realized, that having Eye of Newt would basically negate it, and so beating the game would become a matter of getting the right trinket. Similarly, On diet β€” appeared much harder, than I expected. More so, since Chalice of blood doesn't work while the hero is starving. But I figured, that Warlock's Soul Eater ability may make the run easier.

So my strategy was this:

  1. Get the Eye of Newt
  2. Beat Tengu
  3. Become Warlock
  4. Max out Soul Eater

Reaching Tengu was, perhaps, the hardest part of the game. There I learned two thing

  1. Play it safe. Once you've got the right initial setup, do not risk over saving an extra healing potion
  2. You have to use some upgrade scrolls early in the game. Normally, I saved all my upgrade scrolls to the later stages of the game, surviving mostly on altar rooms and other sources of cursed, but likely, upgraded, items. But Hostile Champions with Swarm Intelligence can really give you a hard time. And being killed over a saved potion while carrying a high-tier armor of thorns or a grim weapon with the right trinket in you bag was ugh...

After becoming Warlock the game becomes much easier. Just a reminder, Warlock has a chance to mark a soul by zaping a wand. If Warlock successfully marks a soul, hitting it with a physical weapon heals Warlock and can trigger other useful effects. The most important one is the Soul Eater. It gives satiety when a marked soul is killed. Additionally, on-eat effects can be triggered (meaning wands recharging and increased damage).

Wands recharging was another important point of my strategy, because sometimes it takes over a dozen of zaps to mark a soul. If you run out of charges, you run out of marked souls β€” and thus no healing and no food. That's why an armor of potential is extremely important. In a heated battle my wands would basically never reach zero charges. On later stages of the game, I would return to an upper level, just to heal and feed on newly spawned enemies.

Once again: Eye of Newt is an absolute killer. Once maxed out, it helps discovering hidden rooms, avoiding dangerous enemies, intercepting the easy ones... It really played a key role in the success.

Finally, for the last stage I decided to bring the crown back to the Rat King. Ability to turn enemies into rats was extremely helpful against Evil Eyes. Guess what happens when you turn an Evil Eye hovering over a chasm into a Rat πŸ˜€ It falls down β€” effectively an instant kill. The most important upgrade here was the cost of charge, followed by permanent Ratmogrification. Another helpful item for dealing with Evil Eyes was a Wand of Transfusion. As soon as Evil Eye prepares to hit with its devastating deathgaze, zapping it with the Wand of Transfusion and stepping to the side from the line of attack was a certain way to dodge the attack.

Like in every other run, I made sure to have as many Scrolls of Mind Mapping as I can get for the last stage of the game (it rarely was more than 4, though, and only during this game I've got more thanks to the Ring of luck).

Alchemly helped a lot on all stages. Turning seeds into potions was super helpful. Whenever possible I was brewing Elixir of Might (increases max health on top of Potion of Strength). Caustic potion was helpful against Tengu or any other boss. Elixir of Honeyed Healing sometimes saves the day before you grow into Warlock.

But Alchemy was absolutely necessary for the last boss. After a couple of failed attempts to beat the final boss I learned to brew

  • Elixir of Dragon's Blood (to gain fire immunity against Fire Fist)
  • Potion of Cleansing (against Rust Fist IIRC)
  • Scroll of Anti-Magic (against that dark and that light fists, I forgot the names)
  • Scroll of Challenge (generally helpful)

With all these in my backpack I believe I had to use only one potion of healing during the entire final boss fight. Without those items I was quickly running out of healing potions.

Of course to brew all these, I had to get energy somewhere. I rarely use Scroll of Sleep, so all of them wen't into energy. Scrolls of Recharging are useless once you've got an armor of Potential. I almost never use Paralytic Potions (sometimes I brew them into the potion that gives additional armor). Just before the fight, when I know, I have my weapon, armor, rings and everything, I sacrificed all my stashed Scrolls of Identity, Scrolls of Remove Curse, etc..

PixelDungeon is an amazing game. I think, the last time I had to think so hard trying to beat a game was when I played either Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale. I know, it's a whole different genre, but in terms of fun they are on the same level for me. An absolute classic!


I swear this game has vendettas.

Chose to invest in attack, and hold out for better armour, and paid for it.

Armour first and always.


No cheese for me haha


Quick question. Armor augments sacrifice evasion for blocking power or visa versa. Glyph of Stone removes all evasion chance in exchange for blocking power. If you were to augment armor with Glyph of Stone, would you get more damage reduction from augmenting for defense, evasion, or neither?

What would you do? (self.pixeldungeon)
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by buo to c/pixeldungeon

This is my mage at the end of dungeon level 9. He's level 13, and he also has two potions of healing. Two challenges are active (badder bosses and swarm intelligence). The unidentified scroll is not "remove curse" (nor "identify"). There are no more spells nor potions in the level-6 shop. The scale armor has a curse of displacement. How would you continue?

Update: I thought this was an interesting scenario, with several different ways to proceed with no obvious winner. Thank you to all who posted ideas; I hadn't considered most of them! SPD is such a complex game.

As to what I did: since BB Tengu is a PITA, I decided to dump 3 SoU on the scale armor; in addition, I was lucky and got a glyph of affection. I used the other 3 SoU on the staff, leaving the magic missile wand imbued and relying on its magic charge ability to pump the lightning and prismatic light wands. It was a hard fight but Tengu was free at last!

Then I made it through the caves without too much trouble. This is the mage at the store in level 16. I still have two SoU which I will probably use on the staff. I'd like to attempt finishing the game with an imbued wand of primatic light, which I've never been able to do before. Suggestions welcome!


This mod has been conceptualized back in October as dedicated thing for 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming free and open source software, but only now I dedicated the time to start making it. The core idea is that I am not the one, who design the features and new items, it’s people from community of this game!

This pre-release adds 17 more ideas to the pack, including ideas from Reddit and Lemmy posts and ideas from archived ideas channel on PD discord, bringing total number up to 37, all of which can be seen here: https://gist.github.com/TrashboxBobylev/98aa9c667af73c56bbae91413fe22a24


Hey folks, one more small update about UI improvements before a bigger blog post next week. I'm afraid Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5 isn't going to be ready for beta in July, but it's very close!

v2.5 includes a few other UI improvements in addition to all the ones I've shown off: a display for badges in the in-game journal window, a better alchemy UI layout for larger screens, and a full journal UI from the main menu (pictured here)!

(Image Description: An image showing new Journal UI from the main menu. Badges are currently being shown (which is unchanged), but there are new tabs for catalogs, the dungeon guide, and alchemy.)



Just picked up an enchantment stone 8 turns before death and instantly used it got vampiric on the greatsword... Anti-magic spinner surprises me and gets me poisoned. This was the RUN!!!

Craziest start ever (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago by Wserts to c/pixeldungeon
i hate monks (self.pixeldungeon)
submitted 1 week ago by polyduekes to c/pixeldungeon

those damn pesky focused parrying and blocking beasts they hit so many damn times, parry and block heck they even parry the supposedly "guaranteed to hit" duelist special weapon ability attacks like glaive's "spike", i hate them so much smh

well that was weird (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago by polyduekes to c/pixeldungeon

so i lured a slime to an adjacent tile of explosive trap threw exotic crystals on the trap but except the obvious of slime taking damage, toxic gas (as you can see in the image) started to spread from the explosive trap tile i threw the crystals on, why is that?

Eye of Newt! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by nichong to c/pixeldungeon

Upon seeing the new trinkets I had already started theory crafting this build, very glad I could pull it off.

The idea of the entire thing is to get vision of the enemies via either wards, talisman, potions of mind vision, or the eye of newt, then using disintegration to snipe them across the map and walls. The stars really aligned for this run to occur.

The seed is QRF-LTQ-ZSJ if any of you would like to give it a go.


Got my first win a month ago and it got me really excited so I kept playing with other classes and got some good streaks, eventually winning with all of them. Interestingly I started finding the start of the game the most interesting... once you get lucky enough times it starts becoming clear that the run is "over" and you just have to go through the motions.

This game has been a lot of fun though but I will defs be saying goodbye to it for a bit at least. Started finding myself playing it idly/mindlessly/passively whatever ppl wanna call it.... playing without intention I guess. Not the game's fault tho, probs because I did two of those winning runs in a single 8-9hr session each (thanks plane flight)

Lovely community and lovely people <3

submitted 1 week ago by buo to c/pixeldungeon

I was playing with the badder bosses challenge. Fortunately a couple of wand zaps finished Tengu off before the mage was carbonized!


Freerunner made it


After getting requests for years, I am finally adding support for custom notes in Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

You can make plain text notes, or attach them to a dungeon floor or item. These are a great way of keeping track of information between play sessions, or deduced properties of unidentified items. Custom note titles will even appear in the descriptions of their items!

(Image Description: An image showing the various UIs for adding custon notes. A selection window for adding them is shown on the left. A cropped window is on the top-right, showing five custom notes in the adventuring notes UI. Another cropped window is in the bottom right, showing a custom note appearing in an item's description.)


After zapping magic missile I had this empowering effect ( at the top ) activated but, as you can see, the effect doesn't actually happen - no increase to other wands levels

AFAIK any wand will have a +1 increase in level the moment you zap magic missile, or am I getting it wrong?

Posting the issue for investigation.


Had another base ring of haste, I was zippin', a second ring of accuracy +3 which was completely unnecessary, and an insane amount of food during the run.

Sniper or Warden (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by USNWoodwork to c/pixeldungeon

Bow enchant is projecting.


Didn't really play her like a monk, but I only need the freerunner and sniper now to get to the top and I've done them all


I'm also using the new Grid UI to overhaul Shattered Pixel Dungeon's journal notes page! The automatic adventuring notes, which record keys and landmarks, are now presented in a much more compact form! I've also added a few new landmarks, such as special floor types.

You might notice that there are a couple of other new things in this UI as well, more on that next week...

(Image description: An image showing the new 'adventuring notes' UI in the journal on the left. Notes are organized by dungeon floor with icons the player can tap for more info. On the right two example note descriptions are shown)

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