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If they keep the switch branding, they need to just call it "switch 2" instead of some name that they think is clever but will just confuse people.
Nintendo needs to take a drastic step away from every other player in every market they're in.
Call the new console:
I honestly think Nintendo is 100% going to fuck up the name of the successor
I think you would fall into the same trap as the Wii U by staying too close to the Switch name. It's muddled by the fact that PlayStation and Xbox brands have become so tightly associated with their parent company's gaming marketing, but Nintendo's most recognizable brand is and always has been "Nintendo".
Super Switch or bust.
People were smart enough to understand NES -> Super NES. They can understand Switch -> Super Switch.
It’s the perfect name, really. Especially if most of the changes are under the hood. I’d personally just like a better screen and a better CPU/GPU. That’s all I need.
I agree and I think they fumbled the naming convention as far back as GameCube. Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 were all known as a 'Nintendo' by the masses.
I dunno, I think calling it the "Switch 2" would be very clear that this is the second switch. Playstation did not have this problem in the noughties.
"the nintendo"
That's the unofficial name of all the Nintendo consoles, and sometimes even non-Nintendo consoles.
Add a second screen and call it the Dual Switch. DS for short.
They could also make the screen 3D capable and call it 3D Switch. Or 3DS if you will.
And then they could release another new console down the line and call it the “New DS”
The Switch is so popular, I'd keep the name. Switch 2 works.
Super Nintendo Entertainment Switch
I think the issue with the Wii U was a combination of marketing issues and the name issue. To look at the Wii U's box, unless you're actually aware it's a new console, one may naively assume that the Wii U is actually just the gamepad, and a peripheral to the actual Wii. Like you have the Wiimote, Wiipad sounds a bit off, yeah Wii U sounds fine.
If they keep the Switch name, they need a strong indicator it's a sequel console, rather than something similar. "Switch 2" is the most obvious choice there, but not very in tune with their naming aesthetics. "New Switch" seems more Nintendo-esque but I'm not sure they'd go for it.
I think it would be wise to avoid the Switch name, but also emphasise that it's backwards compatible with the Switch in the marketing. It also depends on what gimmick they give the console, if it has the same gimmick as the Switch, calling it something like the Nintendo Swap might work? Maybe not the best, but neither was "Wii U".
Id say to change the name completely if its a new console otherwise people will think its just like the switch oled where its newer but doesnt really do anything different
It needs to be Switch 2 or something different entirely. Otherwise people will get confused.
Super Switch -> Suwitch
Don't manifest this evil.
“Sega Dreamcast”
I do like the Super Switch. But if the Switch is the standard going forward it’ll make the 3rd iteration a little difficult to name. So Switch 2 is fine
But we’re also assuming they’re going to make a Switch successor. Hopefully that is the case but I don’t quite trust Nintendo not to screw this up
I can see them doing like, "Switch Up"
Son of a Switch.
I prefer a separate name or something that's easily distinguishable like the Super Nintendo Switch suggestion in comments.
The playstation nomenclature sucks in my opinion, can't tell which is which when looking at them (specially ps3 and ps4 I feel like they're the same)
Switch U
i truly hope they won’t call it “new nintendo switch”
Switch Too
Just like with the NES and the Super NES: The "Super Switch".
Assuming it keeps the hybrid handheld/console model and is backwards compatible with Switch games, then calling it something along the lines of a "switch 2" or "super switch" makes sense.