Well that's odd, after seeing how he hit the back of his head, the ribs were not my first thought for where his injury would be.
It may vary depending on your jurisdiction. Under US copyright law, I believe that generated images are not copyrightable, so you wouldn't have any protections from anyone copying your cover, but I doubt that's a big concern. The model or service that you use may also have various terms in their license that restrict what you are allowed to do with the generated images. Finally, you also need to make sure that your image isn't violating someone else's copyright. If you generate an image that is too similar to an existing image, that could be problematic.
I never really understood all the rage over the water level. I could get through it when I was a kid and I didn't even own the game, I would just play it at my friends house. Once you have the layout memorized it's pretty easy to get through, maybe swapping turtles a couple times to spread out the damage.
The way I see it, it's not so much an issue of making something that's better than the other standards. It's really about getting your standard into actual use and hitting critical mass which makes all the other standards irrelevant.
Free player. I've got 10, but one of those is a duplicate, so 9 unique ones.
I would flip the question. If there is a heaven or afterlife, then what is the point of living? Really, what's the point if you just get another awesome life later on? Is this all meaningless aside from proving to God that you will praise him?
Without an afterlife, then the life right now takes on so much more weight and importance, because it's all you get.
About a year ago I started trying to check out peertube to see if it was worthwhile for uploading my videos to. My first challenge was just finding instances to sign up on. Most of them didn't allow registration. Then for the ones I did find, streaming videos was very slow and laggy. In some cases, I couldn't even view videos. And then, it seemed that I could only search for videos that existed on that particular instance.
Like I said, this was a year ago so maybe it's improved. But in general, it seemed totally unusable for someone just looking for a way to share videos.
When computers took minutes to boot, it was annoying. In the days before computers had a suspend feature, you might be turning a computer on and off multiple times a day, and you would just have to wait a while before you could do anything. In the days of windows 95 and some of the subsequent releases, you would just expect to get the blue screen of death constantly, and keep having to reboot. Install something and have to reboot. Waiting on rebooting added up to quite a chunk of time.
These days, I reboot my pc once a week or less, and then it's back up within a minute. So yeah, it doesn't even bother me now because it's such a non-issue. But that's just because of all the progress that has been made in that area over the decades.
Just watch the prices rise after he implements tariffs.
I feel like if an NPC doesn't have something meaningful to say, then they may as well not exist. Otherwise they just serve to waste the players time.
It's possible to eat reasonably healthy at McDonald's or other fast food restaurants. But a lot of people are going to add fries and a sugary drink, or even a milkshake, exploding the calories to unreasonably high amounts. If you just have it every now and then, whatever, it's not going to kill you. I used to eat McDonald's a lot when I was younger and it was actually cheap. Their prices are so ridiculous now that you may as well just buy something that actually tastes good instead.
I've been playing this game ever since beta and have enjoyed it. It's a shame to see it go, but I guess I got my money's worth, since I paid nothing. Still, I can't understand why they can't just let people keep playing online like every other fighting game out there. I would even be willing to pay a one time fee if I knew the basic gameplay would remain available.