The arresting officer should be charged with Child Abuse.
We must end Qualified Immunity.
The police problem is that police are policed by the police. Cops are accountable only to other cops, which is no accountability at all.
99.9999% of police brutality, corruption, and misconduct is never investigated, never punished, never makes the news, so it's not on this page.
When cops are caught breaking the law, they're investigated by other cops. Details are kept quiet, the officers' names are withheld from public knowledge, and what info is eventually released is only what police choose to release — often nothing at all.
When police are fired — which is all too rare — they leave with 'law enforcement experience' and can easily find work in another police department nearby. It's called "Wandering Cops."
When police testify under oath, they lie so frequently that cops themselves have a joking term for it: "testilying." Yet it's almost unheard of for police to be punished or prosecuted for perjury.
Cops can and do get away with lawlessness, because cops protect other cops. If they don't, they aren't cops for long.
The legal doctrine of "qualified immunity" renders police officers invulnerable to lawsuits for almost anything they do. In practice, getting past 'qualified immunity' is so unlikely, it makes headlines when it happens.
All this is a path to a police state.
In a free society, police must always be under serious and skeptical public oversight, with non-cops and non-cronies in charge, issuing genuine punishment when warranted.
Police who break the law must be prosecuted like anyone else, promptly fired if guilty, and barred from ever working in law-enforcement again.
That's the solution.
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Our definition of ‘cops’ is broad, and includes prison guards, probation officers, shitty DAs and judges, etc — anyone who has the authority to fuck over people’s lives, with minimal or no oversight.
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① Real-life decorum is expected. Please don't say things only a child or a jackass would say in person.
② If you're here to support the police, you're trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.
③ Saying ~~cops~~ ANYONE should be killed lowers the IQ in any conversation. They're about killing people; we're not.
④ Please don't dox or post calls for harassment, vigilantism, tar & feather attacks, etc.
Please also abide by the instance rules.
It you've been banned but don't know why, check the moderator's log. If you feel you didn't deserve it, hey, I'm new at this and maybe you're right. Send a cordial PM, for a second chance.
♦ ♦ ♦
• r/ACAB
♦ ♦ ♦
• A demonstrator's guide to understanding riot munitions
• Cops aren't supposed to be smart
• Killings by law enforcement in Canada
• Killings by law enforcement in the United Kingdom
• Killings by law enforcement in the United States
• Know your rights: Filming the police
• Three words. 70 cases. The tragic history of 'I can’t breathe' (as of 2020)
• Police aren't primarily about helping you or solving crimes.
• Police lie under oath, a lot
• Police spin: An object lesson in Copspeak
• Police unions and arbitrators keep abusive cops on the street
• Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States
• When the police knock on your door
♦ ♦ ♦
• National Police Accountability Project
• Vera: Ending Mass Incarceration
The arresting officer should be charged with Child Abuse.
We must end Qualified Immunity.
No charges, of course. Dennis Turner was only fired, which means his 'punishment' was enduring orientation as a new hire at whatever police department pays him now.
not end it
apply it the way it was meant to be applied
Best part of the article, it did not once name the cop.
But it had no problem sharing the name of the family.
Cop's name is Dennis Turner.
Dennis Turner, the cop who arrested a 6 year old girl?
Say it enough so SEO/Google picks up on it
You mean Dennis Turner, the cop who zip tied and arrested a six year old child? The same child who now has PTSD because of Dennis Turner?
Dennis Turner physically abused a small child. Dennis Turner likes to touch children inappropriately. Dennis Turner feels no remorse for terrorizing school kids. Dennis Turner is a threat to young boys and girls.
I'm not sure google bombs work anymore but I do know that Dennis Turner was so shit at his job and had such little humanity left after his training, that he thought putting a 6 year old in zip ties was the best way to handle her.
While I'm here, let me toss another search result for the murderer Philip Brailsford, who now has a comfy monthly pension as a result of murdering an unarmed drunk man who was laying face down pleading for his life, because the man reached to pull up his pants, which were falling down due to the sadistic game of simon says he was made to perform for the murderer Philip Brailsford and other police on the scene.
Wtf is going in florida
The usual.
Florida gets more news because sunshine laws makes it so that essentially all police encounters are public information, and is easily one of the best ways to get clickbait for articles.
It’s important to note that DeSantis is intentionally skirting sunshine laws as a pattern and practice
This point is made each time Florida gets up to something nutty. Thing is though that these laws do not mean that this shit doesn’t happen. It’s not a law to create fiction, the laws make actual events public. People should stop citing these laws as reasons the news isn’t so bad.
never claimed it wasn't. it can happen everywhere, its just in Florida its made public.
Wtf is going in florida
Rising fascism.
Ask me about Texas next.
Did the grown adult cop consider putting their adult-sized knee on this 6yo's neck to zip-tie them?
Name the cop
Don't just name them, check their hard drive too. This sounds like something they did because they wanted to, not because it was warranted in any way.
What the fuck, this is horrible. The bodycam video was heartbreaking. That poor child was terrified!
Do we see this shit outside of america?
Police zip tying small children? fuck no!
Maybe a loose fit for this particular case, but something to be aware of for people who haven't heard of it. After you are, you notice it over and over.
I got to the punching a 12 year old in the head and left, America needs to get it's shit together.
Problem is about half the country either doesn't believe this problem exists at all, or doesn't want anyone to learn about it because learning about how we treat black folks might make white kids feel bad about themselves.
Belongs on the sidebar — thanks. :)
FYI Sidebar link to this seems broken - I noticed only because I went looking for an easy link and didn't want to have to dig out this comment lol. :-)
Another region locked article :( can't view in Europe
I think all you need is the headline, nothing in the article would be relevant to somewhere with freedom and common sense.