This is Pinterest basically.
ADHD memes
ADHD Memes
The lighter side of ADHD
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Honestly I’d love an alternative to Pinterest that isn’t shit. Also a requirement for source/artist before you can post it
This is great. I'm saving this.
Set a script to automatically delete them once they're a week or two old; if it's something important, you'll copy it somewhere else.
Actually, Apple’s AI has made this pretty useful these days. It’s become yet another extension of my brain since i can now search them. But, yes, for a long time they were just more clutter. And, the benefit may still be quite marginal due to the fact that they are using energy in perpetuity as long as they are stored in the cloud. lol
In my case, I straight up forget they exist.
Tabs. I need more open tabs. Currently at 67.
Try that count on each of 5 separate browser window. Amaeteur. I exaggerate, of course. Only a couple have that many tabs. I actually closed a window today - it only had 8 tabs - and opened a new one with more tabs from the references of the pages I closed. Eventually I will read the internet.
It's not a competition, but that was just mobile browser. Add a personal laptop and a work laptop for the full measure.
This might be one of the most hurtful things here I've seen 😭
Can't count the number of ideas I've lost simply because I can't remember to jot it down when it hits
You know what moment brings me true joy?
Whenever I accidentally close my main browser window but have a second window open so that the browser forgets all my open tabs.
That's when I'm able to live in bliss for a few days.
LPT: click on Recently Closed
Lalala I can't hear you lalala - shoves fingers into ears
Get a session manager extension
I refuse. The tool currently works perfectly for me.
(But thank you for the well meant suggestion)
I have a Project Ideas folder that would choke an ox, as my dad used to say. The only time I ever look through it is when I'm adding something. But tbh I do find items in there that I've actually done.
From my screenshots folder (Psycho-Pass Episode 2).
Psycho pass mentioned! (Do not mention season 2).
Backup your bookmarks and then delete all of them. The backup is for peace of mind "just in case I ever need one of them" (you won't)
In the immediate future, the screenshot archive becomes unmanageable.
In the long term future, it becomes the modern equivalent of what your parents and grandparents got out of keeping a scrapbook or photo album.
I've been chronically online since 1997. Going through a scrap folder which I held onto when decommissioning an old PC or phone brings back all kinds of memories. I even find that noting the changes in my meme taste can be really useful for identifying points where I've grown as a person. That, in turn, leads to reprocessing old memories and identifying ways in which I brought something to the table which facilitated some of my own bad experiences. That helps me heal.
I just woke up and I'm being called out like this?
Ouch, this hit hard.
Saving this
I did without thinking hmm
Jokes on you, I just keep tab groups on my phone. Only 3 groups of 500 tabs are hanging out and it's it's own overwhelming problem...
disorganized information is kinda indistinguishable from this 'entropy' stuff. it's very inconvenient. we should change that. does anyone know where to change the server settings here?
Me when I try to put all my reaction pics in one folder
I'm in this picture and I don't like it
F u four calling me out like that but also thank you for validating my feelings.
Not just screenshots. I have literally hundred thousand photos of which about 50% are neatly in the correct folders and the rest are a complete mess that I don't even want to look at. If I spent like 5 minutes each day organizing them I'd sort it out in no time but I just can't get myself doing it.
Stop attacking me!
Then you forget or misremember the name of the site or idea, and it’s just lost in a sea of broken dreams.
I always screenshot a million things on my phone and then purge them all at once one day without even looking.
Oh see, I just back them up to my desktop. Where they sit. Just in case. I don't have a problem, I swear.