
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

My cousin continues to share every single super moon hype post, and somehow (after several years) he still hasn't noticed or acknowledged that it never amounts to anything of note.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I really struggle to enjoy crafting in Subnautica. Something about it just feels clunky and/or a step removed from me, and I don't engage with it very well.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I love long open-world games, but I also reached a certain point in TW3 where I just burned out. It was weird too, because up until that point I was getting anxious over how little map I had left to explore. Then boom, I just lost my drive. Maybe I subconsciously sabotaged it so that I wouldn't run out of game. I'd really like to try again sometime.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

That fish looks good as hell...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

At least wait until the year is over the make the judgment that the year has been unusually cool so far? Or are you talking about the other guys?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

We're having an unusually cool year so far in Alberta. It's been quite chilly even. This has been the first hot weekend, peaking later today, and you wouldn't believe the number of idiots on social media who think this one cold year has single-handedly disproved climate change. Meanwhile they've conveniently forgotten the absolute fucking nightmare the last five summers have been, with smoke-choked skies and perpetual respiratory pain. Though many of them also think the Liberals in Ottawa sent agents out last year to start the wildfires by arson in order to perpetuate the myth of climate change. There is really no winning with these stupid fucks.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm circumsized, but apparently they didn't go too short, as I've never needed lotion to jerk off. I would hate to get it in the urethra anyway..

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

My grandpa had a story about being out in the woods hunting morels, when he came across a pile of dead dogs. A literal large pile, rotting in the intense summer heat. It disturbed him for a long time. I wonder if they were fox dogs?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Holy shit, I love this. It's like a slice of the small things I pay attention to but really have no reason to care about. Shadows on snow being one of them. Great vibes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Well, that does sound better than the horseshit I've been served in the past.


My daughter (4) is very into exploring cities, homes and villages in Skyrim, feeding aliens in No Man's Sky, and cleaning houses in House Flipper. She gets annoyed in games like House Flipper because she can't leave the property to explore all of the visible houses on the block. I'd like to find other PC games that are relatively kid-friendly (or at least with my guidance and supervision) and easy for her to just wander about and be nosy.

Any suggestions? Simple adventure/fantasy would be great and provide us with something to progress through together, but anything that lets you explore a neighborhood and/or poke around in buildings and such would be perfect. I'm picking up Goat Simulator today for that exact purpose.

I appreciate it in advance.


Hey, guys. I was on medical leave for three months last year and spent a good portion of that time modding the absolute hell out of my game. I made several merged mods via zMerge, have a plug-in called zPatch.esp which I can't recall the purpose of, an inactive (unchecked) Bashed Patch, and an active Smashed Patch.

The game would have been good to launch and go as it was, but I have better hardware now and installed Nature of the Wild Lands, subsequently deleting Happy Trees, Aspens Ablaze and Enhanced Vanilla Trees from my former mod list. In addition, I installed four of JK's Outskirts mods (Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Windhelm) that had released since I last played.

To keep my plug-ins under 250, I trimmed the fat by removing KS Dragon Overhaul, as well as Civil War Refugees Redux due to clipping incompatibilities with the JK's Outskirts mods.

So to make certain everything still plays together nicely, I believe I need to remake the Bashed Patch (leveled lists only), then include it in a Smashed Patch, and leave only that Smashed Patch active near the bottom of my load order? Is this the correct order?

And if so, any idea what I may have made that zPatch.esl for? I had following Sinitar's guide for a good portion of the mods before moving on to the endless acquisition of others, but primarily referred to GamerPoets videos for the more complicated things like merging, bashing, smashing and DynDOLOD.

Any help sparking my memory here would be greatly appreciated. I've already properly ran TexGen and DynDOLOD, and checked my merged mods to rebuild and relink scripts, so that much is sorted out.



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  • Elicit

I seem to experience intense feelings of nostalgia rather frequently in my everyday life. It's brought on by the simplest or mundane of things, like the way the sun hits the top of conifers in the morning or evening, the trilling of a bird in the distance during certain seasons or weather conditions, the way a wall clock ticks away steadily in the stillness of my home (especially when accompanied by motes of dust in the sunlight), or the smell of a running air conditioner.

These moments ~~illicit~~ elicit both mysterious and beautiful emotions, but are hurled at me constantly. While I enjoy the feelings they give me, I seem to experience them far more often than I think most would consider normal. I don't know if there is a term for this sense of hyper-nostalgia, or what (if anything) it's indicative of. Most of it is tied to insignificant moments from my childhood, like lying in the melting snow on a Spring day (the trilling bird), or sitting bored in the car waiting on my mother (the sun on conifers), but a lot of it is more ambiguous.

So I thought it would be fun to ask other people what their strongest (and perhaps recurring) moments of nostalgia are triggered and/or tied to. What are some of yours?

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