
joined 1 year ago
[–] devfuuu 15 points 5 days ago (2 children)

One is just spending money, the other potentially brings you money in.

[–] devfuuu 7 points 5 days ago

I had so many problems and had to constantly manage other distros before Arch that it was a lot of anxiety. Everytime new release of popular linux distro I knew it was gonna break if I tried to upgrade. Almost centrainly. For fear of that I had frankstein monster distro for work using lts version full of weird ppas with a more recent kernel and some more recent software that I need because everything was always old all the time. It was horrible to maintain and keep working.

Arch is just simpler, easier and much more stable. It's just pacman -Syu all the time, have fresh software, recent kernels for the hardware improvements which is extremely important for when you buy new laptop and overall never crashes. It's just a matter of reading the news, sometimes change a config that got deprecated, or replace some software that got abandoned or now there's better alternative, etc. Sometimes things get some regressions for some weeks until things are bug reported and fixed upstream and eventually reach the system, but that's waiting some weeks or rarely months. There's always alternative to get involved in helping fix the problems with bug reports and patches if needed, but that's extremely rare and only if you really are desperate.

Anyway, those problems were much worse on other "stable" distros, because if there's something seriously wrong on the system you are only lucky to get fixes after a major release which may happen only once a year.

If the system is really critical and cannot fail me during work week I delay updating to the weekend sometimes. Even if I need to it's just a matter of evaluating the risk. You do pacman -syu and see what's comming. If it's just some apps updating then it's ok to do it. If it's core system stuff like kernel, systemd, dbus, graphics drivers, maybe I'll avoid it.

Overall it's simpler and easier because there's really only 1 or 2 things to keep in mind and all the rest just falls into place.

Using archlinux for more than 15 years on personal machines and maybe 5+ years on work computers.

[–] devfuuu 7 points 6 days ago
[–] devfuuu 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Do newer kids have more money now?

[–] devfuuu 5 points 6 days ago

Lucky for them.

[–] devfuuu 16 points 1 week ago

Great for them doesn't mean great for you.

[–] devfuuu 22 points 1 week ago (13 children)

I wish people would stop craving and talking about a potential switch 2. It's useless. For those who want to game now the switch works fine, is good hardware, has lots of games and new ones keep coming and it keeps selling new consoles. They could not release a new switch for the next 5 years and it wouldn't matter at all.

This is all about the nerds of the latest and hottest tech craving for something new. Most Nintendo players are not those type of people.

And it's obvious that whatever comes next will fully support and run the current the games the existing switch, if not they wouldn't be releasing new games for it.

So stay calm and keep playing.

Useless noise, so annoying.

[–] devfuuu 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The article needs a lot more explaining what it is about. Took too long to read to understand that it's something about containers but understood nothing about what/why this matters.

[–] devfuuu 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

But advertisement needs to be properly marked by law so users know that what they are seeing is somekind of ads, so I guess we should be able to detect and work around it somehow, even if it's cutting audio and making the screen black eventually.

[–] devfuuu 2 points 1 week ago

Don't give me useless hope.

[–] devfuuu 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Most people definitely DONT have unlimited data plans. In fact they are so limited and expensive that many just have the data turned off and rely on public wifi connections everywhere they go to use internet.

Nobody needs to bother with sms delivery because it just works. The only time it doesn't is if someone has their phones turned off.

Sending media is just a nice to have, not necessary.

[–] devfuuu 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Doesn't rcs depend on having mobile data or internet access on? If I understand it right it is strictly worse than sms.

Many people just have data off most of the time and sending messages with the system app assumes things are delivered immediately and everyone easily receives them. If you forget your data is off or don't have internet for a while then you end up assuming people received stuff when they didn't.

All phone isps have basically unlimited sms for free when data is paid in huge amounts of gold.

Sms > Rcs

Pairing (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Le torture (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Let's go! (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Unusual sightings (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Want a drink? (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
It hurts (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Recruiting people (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Jokes on Unemployed (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Testing good (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Caw Caw (
submitted 11 months ago by devfuuu to c/[email protected]
Gotta go faster (
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