
joined 2 years ago
[–] LaunchesKayaks 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Unacceptable tbh

[–] LaunchesKayaks 5 points 4 days ago

Hell yeah, white baby

[–] LaunchesKayaks 2 points 6 days ago

I found myself going to my mom's place every day for dinner for a week and taking leftovers home. Now she's just automatically freezing portions for me. She knows my ass is BROKE

[–] LaunchesKayaks 1 points 6 days ago

Happy to see PA is on this list as well. Maybe my state isn't as fucked as it seems?

[–] LaunchesKayaks 13 points 6 days ago (3 children)


My biggest issue rn is credit card debt. My dog needed multiple surgeries and my car needed fixed. I have 2 maxed out cards and no interest until November. It's only like 6k to pay off, but it's still overwhelming because I've never had to deal with this type of thing before. I think I can get it all paid off before November, but it's still a daunting task.

Rip my fun summer plans.

[–] LaunchesKayaks 7 points 6 days ago (1 children)

It's prolly the drugs keeping him awake

[–] LaunchesKayaks 3 points 1 week ago

The only person I've seen actually benefit from back surgery is my sister getting rods put along her spine for her scoliosis. It helped her tremendously. She has some recurring nerve pain from it, but her organs aren't being fucked up anymore and her back doesn't hurt constantly. She also got so much taller.

[–] LaunchesKayaks 26 points 1 week ago

I own a beagle and he can 100% confirm this statement.

[–] LaunchesKayaks 5 points 1 week ago

I've had friends legit pity me because I'm a virgin at 27. Like, I struggled with sexuality for most of my adult life, only figuring out I am gay after 3 boyfriends. I'm not in a rush to get a gf or have sex.

Now my closest group of friends bully me in a friend way about being single and it's hilarious because they don't actually pity me or whatever. They respect me and all that and the jokes are just fun between us all.

[–] LaunchesKayaks 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Don't make promises you can't keep. :(

The French liberating me and the other non-crazy folk would be the best rn.

[–] LaunchesKayaks 17 points 1 week ago

What even is this timeline

[–] LaunchesKayaks 2 points 1 week ago

I did. It looks a little rough, but doesn't seem to be complete toast. There's also another mechanism that might be malfunctioning. I adjusted it like I was instructed to and the dripping got worse.

submitted 1 week ago by LaunchesKayaks to c/pics

I sat on the bench in front of his stall and he didn't immediately start playing with my hair and I got confused. Turns out he was snoozing.

He's totally blind, but that doesn't stop him. He's constantly causing mischief. He ripped the religious head covering off of one the instructors and wouldn't give it back to her. I had to shield her with my coat while she wrestled with him because she can't let men other than her husband see her hair. We both laughed about the whole thing

Doc doin a blep (
submitted 1 week ago by LaunchesKayaks to c/pics

I won't have any new Sandy pics for a couple of weeks. My dog was a goblin and ate toys and had to have surgery to get the toys out. :(

I'll be posting pics of other horses in the meantime. They're all great, but not as wonderful as Sandy lol.

Doc is the horse that I'm currently using for my lessons. He's kinda old, but still sound enough to ride. He likes to do an old man shuffle kinda walk and I have to constantly kick to get him to pick up his damn feet.

He is very affectionate and we have a game where we just push each other. He can tell if I'm in a bad mood and gets extra cuddly and playful on those days.


I have to get certifications as part of my job and because all of my coworkers and I keep failing these really hard tests, we aren't allow to study during downtime on the clock. We were told to study on our own time.

Getting certs is part of what is required for me to get bigger raises and get promoted and all that jazz. I don't want to use my personal time for this. None of the people who are in this predicament do.

I have a meeting in a few days to discuss goals and I need to figure out how to tell my boss that using my own time for work shit is unacceptable.

I really like this job other than this one aspect of it and I don't want to make anyone mad, but I need to express my boundaries and all that

pretty sure I'm getting sick (self.mildlyinfuriating)

I have lupus and other health issues, so getting sick knocks me on my ass way more than the average person. Of course I come down with something just before a week where I have plans that coincide with the expected nice weather. Guess I'm not gonna do what I had wanted to. -_-


Sandy kept making noises at him as if she was bragging about how she had so much space to herself to have fun lol.


I only went out to put her blanket on, but saw how energetic she was and waited 3 hours to get time in the arena with her lol. It's just too muddy to work with her outside.

She trotted and cantered on a lunge line, we practiced backing up on command, practiced barn manners, and we walked over some poles. 10/10 a good girl.


She got to trot around on a lunge line and we worked on barn manners.


He is also very affectionate. Love himb.

submitted 1 month ago by LaunchesKayaks to c/pics

Didn't get a better pic because she started being very bad for me. We're working on her manners, but it's slow-going. She's gotten away with a lot for a long time because nobody who interacted with her corrected her until I came along.


Chrome is completely blind, but that doesn't let that stop him. You can still see the mischief in his eyes. If you're in front of his stall, anything is fair game for him to grab.

He tore off the religious head covering of one of the riding instructors the other day. It was a disaster getting it back on properly without any men seeing her hair. I shielded her with my coat and Chrome just kept trying to take the covering.


Gonna be a long week without horse time.

Looking forward to going out next Friday more than usual because I get to take my sister with me. My parents want to go on a date and they asked that I keep my sister occupied that night. I asked if she wanted to go see the horses and she got so excited lol.

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