Man don't put a loose cover on it like that outdoors, it'll scratch the finish and cause it to rust! Oh wait, I guess it does that anyway.
A Boring Dystopia
The world we live in isn't just dystopic, it isn't just stupid, trying to describe all the ways it sucks just makes for a really boring story.
He is the king of Telsa ragebaiting, he's looking EXACTLY for your reaction and has been doing so for years.
What the fuck, even if he's small, that's huge.
You guys need to see his fb page. He’s clearly rage baiting and it’s working great for him
Why did someone put a car cover on a dumpster?
Now it just looks like it's joined KKK
That thing is stupid big. Or he is a really small man, which could be the reason he bought that.
Dude should get this wrap.
Pre-rendered textures mapped onto simple polygons. Literally an N64 game model.
I guess this is the driver:
Not beating those "low-poly" accusations
That actually looks better. But it's still a swastikar.
It’s crazy how much less offensive it looks. I’m shook.
Can't even wrap them, it destroys the bodywork.
I regularly see 3 of them in my local area that are wrapped.
op wasn't referring to the feasibility of wrapping but rather the disastrous consequences of it when using the word "can't"
Oh ok, so if they didn't pay an astronomical amount of money for a proper primer coat first, it's gonna damage the low grade ~~stainless~~ steel body?
I'm not surprised really but I am constantly impressed at how Tesla managed to use such a low quality steel for that body.
It's that thing really that long??? Jesus fuck
Pictures don't do them justice at all. They are hulking monstrosities in real life and it just doesn't really come across in pictures.
Yeah crazy, this is the first time I have seen one and gone fuck that's stupid large. And at least here in Australia they won't pass our laws so I'm unlikely to ever see one. The thing just gets worse every time I look towards it hahaha
While it doesn't pass the laws in Europe either I have seen news article about one being imported into my country under some special loophoole law.
perfect example of the disconnect
Shit, I forgot about "swastikar", I kept shouting "Nazi Car" at all the Teslas in DTLA today.
I'm partial to 'truckkk', but that obviously only works in text
i never realised how big that car actually is
imagine how many kids you can run over with that thing, amazing
Run over? You mean decapitate with the sharp edges
"I don’t understand how people get so easily manipulated into hating someone that has done so much to change our life’s. Elon is great man and is doing great things for our country and uncovering so much corruption and honestly he needs more credit"
That's got to be a Musk alt
Bots are cheaper than PR teams to employ
I don’t understand how people get so easily manipulated into hating someone that has done so much to change our life’s
Not all change is good, you dimwitted simpleton.
It's lives.
Why does he feel uneasy, the windows are unbreakable.
I always thought that was a weird challenge to issue. And why would you want unbreakable side windows? To frustrate a rescue?
Uhh, if you were the kind of enormous asshole that Elon Musk is, would you want to ride in any unarmored car?
I’ve never thought of it that way, lol. Tech Bros must just say and do whatever they think will earn them the most praise and money. I think that is why they raised that because it was being marketed as an “ultimate truck” even though when it panned out it was the complete opposite.
There have been a few tesla based deaths/incidents based on a clear lack of a planed way out.
Oh, it killed a CEO. And sister-in-law to Moscow Mitch? Nice.
Spending all that money on an automobile, and not bothering to park it in the garage.
Wait, that place I put all my junk too good for outside but not good enough for in the house is for automobiles?
A friend of mine just bought a Toyota tundra and it's too long to fit in his garage. Honestly I never would have thought that'd be something you need to check first.
It might also be Saddam Hussain.
Now it’s ready for the KKK meeting.