
joined 10 months ago
[–] SkyezOpen 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

if one of the parties wants to pick up votes in your district they look at what people voted for in the past and try to either adopt that platform

Maybe, but not the way you think.

If the democratic party gave a fuck about what their party thinks they would have moved further left to scoop up the Bernie supporters. Instead they keep moving right.

[–] SkyezOpen 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

The "wall" women hit when they turn 25. I'm not gonna delve into the details but incel influences like them... Very young.

[–] SkyezOpen 8 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

I'm surprised he tried to molest a black child.

[–] SkyezOpen 4 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

I've never heard of a major female influencer telling lonely incel types how to get a girlfriend.

There's a few, but they say the same shit the male influences say. It's pretty rough watching a 27 year old single woman telling men about The Wall.

[–] SkyezOpen 4 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

you can write em in.

Write in candidates to defeat the two party system and FPTP voting. Brilliant.

[–] SkyezOpen 4 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

That's the fun bit. Pick any study you like. Gender affirming surgery still has the lowest regret rates out of (I think) any procedure ever, including life-saving ones. The point is the "what if they change their mind" is a completely disingenuous narrative, and adding more roadblocks to care is harming more people than it could ever potentially help.

[–] SkyezOpen 3 points 4 hours ago

Are there fans of the actual series? Enders game is pretty good, speaker for the dead was annoying but I saw the point, but I physically tossed xenocide across the room at one point. Just absolutely awful.

[–] SkyezOpen 2 points 5 hours ago

The persona is barely fake, which is why he always rubbed me the wrong way. Like yeah a hyper macho gamer can be a funny ironic persona, but when you're legitimately Gamer Raging TM on stream, you're just doing the thing. Not surprised he turned out to be a piece of shit a while ago. Mildly surprised he was a pedo, though I didn't notice his right-wing tendencies so that's on me.

[–] SkyezOpen 7 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

What part of spreading lies so frequently that families of victims get harassed in real life is acceptable to you?

[–] SkyezOpen 2 points 5 hours ago

Another former employee corroborated the story to The Verge. Dr Disrespect responded on Twitter by stating that the legal case was settled and "no wrongdoing was acknowledged".

Oh my God that's as good as an admission.

[–] SkyezOpen 7 points 6 hours ago

As if they're ever not melting down.

[–] SkyezOpen 3 points 6 hours ago

Pineapple isn't awful but it tastes too angry for me.


Crushing gravity isn't that big a deal, once you get used to it.

So the game lets you finish mission sets even if the planet is liberated (or destroyed, I guess) so I was able to visit Meridia and dive again even though the planet is gone.

Disregard gravity (
submitted 3 weeks ago by SkyezOpen to c/petrats

Oh no

2 down, 10 to go (

Maybe oc? I'm sure someone else has thought of this already.


Not sure if this is a connect problem or catbox problem, but often when clicking an image hosted on catbox, it'll flash the low res then show a broken image picture when it tries to load the high res version.

Unrelated issue but I've also noticed that occasionally when turning the screen on while viewing an external link in-app, the app will crash.

submitted 2 months ago by SkyezOpen to c/petrats

Post pic is the outgoing one.

This is the adventurous one.

Fat little turkey (
submitted 4 months ago by SkyezOpen to c/cat

She's not actually that fat, just a very unflattering angle.


No idea how to cross post, hopefully the link works.

How much game am I missing? (self.elitedangerous)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SkyezOpen to c/elitedangerous

I played ages ago and got scared off by the learning curve, but a friend recently got me back in. The problem is that this friend has a "speedrun" mindset and wants me to get end-game ASAP. To illustrate, thus far I have outfitted my starter ship with cargo racks, did some runs, bought a type 6, did a shitload more runs, bought an anaconda, slapped cargo racks on the conda, did more runs, and recently limpet farmed resources. Next on the agenda is unlocking a bunch of engineers to engineer my ship bits (and also farm another 450 mil somewhere in there).

I'm about 50 hours deep and I barely know how to play. I recently learned how to change route settings to avoid stopping at every fuel star along the route. I've done 2 bounties in a fighter I threw together when I was bored of trading. The game is massive and I feel like I've missed out on a ton. I'm big on learning how a game ticks before trying to powergame/minmax/etc.

I guess my question is this: in my rush to the end game, have I missed anything that's important to do or learn?

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