"Shady Pines Resident"
Hey, I heard Shady Pines burned down in a mysterious fire...
"Shady Pines Resident"
Hey, I heard Shady Pines burned down in a mysterious fire...
He may not be consciously aware of it but he does know it. That insecurity is what drives narcissistic sociopaths like himself and Trump.
Also Stewart is something Elon is not: educated.
Jon Stewart knows his shit; Elon Musk knows he's shit.
America is such a failed state we couldn't even do that part right.
As the saying goes, "orbit is halfway to anywhere."
Getting into and out of gravity wells takes far more fuel than moving between planetary bodies. A space elevator that can take cargo from lunar orbit to the surface and back removes one difficulty, while being slightly less sci-fi-ish than a terrestrial elevator.
The one comforting fact about that is that each of those groups are smaller than the one previous: there are more Black Americans than gay Americans, and there are more gay Americans than trans Americans. As each group gains wider cultural acceptance, the fascists have to target smaller and smaller groups to keep the hate that unites them going.
Eventually we'll see this same bigotry directed towards left-handed Thursday sock-knitters.
He's since deleted the post, but in a followup comment he mentioned the irony of talking about becoming a warlord using a picture of Max, a noted warlord killer.
As typical for all right-wingers, Musk is utterly incapable of critically examining art.
I don't know if Trump is a Russian asset, but he's doing all the things a Russian asset would do.
Should that license then also clarify that the kernel will not clean my dishes for me?
Of course it should. It should also clarify that you'll only get a blowjob on your birthday and you'll have to do your own taxes, you deeply unserious person. 🙄
Does Notepad need a license to interpret your keystrokes and save them to a file?
Oh look at that, a privacy policy in Notepad that tells you how Microsoft uses the data you type into Notepad.
Interpreting my keystrokes and formatting them as an HTTP request to the search engine should not require any online service
It doesn't. The policy covers what happens after that. Sure, open up Firefox and type whatever you want in the address bar and you can be as private as you want. The second you press Enter is when Firefox does stuff with what you typed, and Mozilla is saying that when you push Enter you give them permission to do that stuff. You're giving Mozilla permission to send your search to Google for midget porn, or to post your pro-Trump rant to Facebook, or email your great-Grandma's secret oatmeal raisin cookie recipe to your ex-wife.
It's turning an implicit use of a web browser ("Of course we're sending your search to Google and nowhere else wink") into an explicit use ("When you provide data to Firefox, we're gonna do this with it, cool?")
Was that 77,000 just the federal workers that they were forced to rehire?