This is why the right wing loves the poorly educated.
US Authoritarianism
ChonkyOwlbear is an Illegitimate Usurper
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I had a similar run in with a friend who grew up in mid-western PA who had never heard of red lining and refused to believe that something like that happened in this country. He hopped on the crazy conspiracies train around the time COVID and I haven’t talked to him since.
I genuinely think that a lot of these “great again” folks don’t understand what things were like “back then” and that all this social progress actually happened. It’s sad.
You don't need to worry about whether your thoughts are accurate. These people quite literally don't know how anything works. They're at the "ignorant enough to be dangerous" part of the dunning-kruger curve. Intelligent people don't solidify opinions about topics they've never researched, and know nothing about. They don't consider Fox News or their social media bubbles as research. They change their opinion based on evidence.
I don't think I've ever seen someone on the MAGA spectrum of mental illness produce anything resembling a sound argument.
"Jim Crow? You mean like the character from Dumbo?"
Yes, literally!
Lead character from cult film classic "The Crow"
Jesus Christ that’s Jim Crow!
"That's lEfTiST hiStORy"
Sounds like a classic, white washed Ivy League educational experience for the likely nepo-baby NYT reporter.
white washed Ivy League educational experience
The education at Ivies isn’t significantly different from the rest of higher ed. They even use the same cafeteria vendors. The primary difference is tuition.
And the tuition is a way to exclude (with few exceptions for publicity sake) "the poors" from entering. This way the capitalist elites can keep living in their bubbles and use it as a means of making connections to further their businesses
The other likelihoods being poor middle/high school history programs/teachers due to decades of neglecting our educational system and devaluing teachers.
is that interview actually out there? can i see it?
No, they surely would not lie, especially Online! Online is free of lies, don't you know??
New York Crimes
i don't believe you the nyt would never do tha
I had a discussion with a leftist - again, this is true - and told them about the famines in the Soviet Union and Maoist China. Said they'd have to independently verify that famines happened in socialist countries because it sounded like I was pushing a specific agenda.
My experience with ml users is they either deny it because this one book somewhere, or they say famines are good for the economy (yes, line goes up argument).
For context I'm European so extreme left already of any political patry in the US. As in "universal Healthcare and free education" radical.
Well you can always chat with the entire other school of thought for socialists: “Yeah, what you’re laying out about genocide is accurate. It was a FAMINE. That is what a Famine means. Now use that methodology to analyze the societal context and motivations of any other famine that doesn’t rely on testimonials from Nazis as the core of its evidence.”
It was famines caused be authoritarian leaders doing crazy things because they believed their ideology was more important than science and pragmatism. They were wrong and millions of people starved.
Socialism can become authoritarian oligarchies very easily they just have to put a thin coat of paint of ideological rationalization on it. The failures central planning in a socialist system has the same effect as the failures of the central planning of a small group of oligarchs in a capitalist system.
The rational solution is the dismantle the oligarchy, not replace the oligarchy with another oligarchy.