
joined 11 months ago
[–] Starbuck 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It’s weird how defensive people get over their cannonball road trips. It’s great to take a few minutes on a break while taking a long trip.

[–] Starbuck 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)


[–] Starbuck 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I was trying to think of a way to trick him into planting bamboo in his yard, but those are good.

[–] Starbuck 2 points 1 week ago

That’s an interesting question, but I haven’t heard anyone mention something like that yet.

[–] Starbuck 10 points 2 weeks ago

models including GPT-4V and Gemini Pro

What a joke, a few generic LLMs making a judgement call about all AI models.

[–] Starbuck 7 points 2 weeks ago (28 children)

I’m glad they made almost all of the processing local. Not just for privacy, but also speed and usability in bad connection situations.

[–] Starbuck 5 points 2 weeks ago

If I see comments explaining every other line, especially describing “what” instead of “why”, I assume the code was written by a recent grad and is going to be bad. Describing what you are doing looks like you are doing a homework assignment.

Like on that line, obviously we’re initializing a variable, but why 1 instead of 0? Could be relevant to a loop somewhere else, but I guess I’ll have to figure that out by reading the code anyways.

[–] Starbuck 10 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

It’s like Dwight printing IOUs for Schrutebucks

[–] Starbuck 8 points 3 weeks ago

Well, that’s Merrick Garland’s fault and there is a lot of blame there. He thought he could take the high road, avoid all this, and let Trump slink off into the shadows like every other failed presidential candidate.

[–] Starbuck 4 points 3 weeks ago

As zero_specs said, see if you can find a local Indy theater or college showing. There is such a rich tapestry of meta-cultural around the film, that you could watch it on YouTube and still not get any of the references online to it.

[–] Starbuck 79 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (6 children)

Because the hush money case is the only case that is likely to happen before the election.

The J6 case in DC got screwed by the Supreme Court refusing to take the appeal before waiting for the DC appeals court to rule. It was obvious that the Supreme Court was going to step in and rule, so Jack Smith requested them to just take the case and they declined saying they wanted to let the DC court decide first. Then they took the appeal a month or so later anyways. Now they have held hearings, but even if they rule against Trump, all they have to do is delay until late July and they know that the justice department won’t be able to resume the trial in time.

In the documents case, which is the most fundamentally simple case, Eileen Cannon has ratfucked the whole process to the point that it’s unlikely to start before July. It should be an open and shut case, but she’s entertaining all sorts of crazy legal theories and giving them months to elaborate on them.

submitted 6 months ago by Starbuck to c/evs

I know there was an avalanche of car manufacturers announcing the switch to NACS, but it looks like a lot of them are just giving drivers access to Tesla via a CCS adapter initially.

Has anyone announced a non-Tesla NACS native car yet?

Crypto by Mail! (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Starbuck to c/[email protected]

Hello there, I'm Dave, reaching out from AllArk. Our journey since 2022 has been dedicated to offering a simplified solution for converting crypto into traditional currency via: •Bank Transfers • Mailed Cash • Debit Card Methods Though we've been US-focused, the demand keeps growing, and we continue to meet your needs right here at home. We've established solid relationships with OTC trading desks within the USA to expand our crypto cash-out service through mail throughout the United States. :) We ensure that all cash transactions are securely tracked and insured, promising delivery within no more than three business days. Our recent beta tests have been successful, with positive feedback that we're excited to build on. This development is great news for the crypto community in the USA, making it easier to withdraw or spend your crypto. And don't miss out on our Crowdfunding platform, which can assist in raising crypto for your projects. Enjoy your day! Warm regards, Dave from AllArk

Surface noise (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Starbuck to c/vinyl

I have an older turntable, Philips GE 212 form the 70’s, that I got from a relative. I’ve had to do some modest repairs so far, and I’m still getting more surface noise than I think I should be hearing. Just an occasional pop every once in a while. My most recent project was replacing the needle I came with (AT DR300e) with a newer cartridge (AT VMN95e). I thought that was going to be then end of it. It does sound very good, a lot of depth, but I still get the pops.

I have a little record brush, and I don’t see any apparent dust. The air is pretty dry because it’s cold here and my heat is running.

I’m worried that there might be something wrong with how the cartridge is connected to the head shell, because it has these flimsy connectors that don’t hold tight anymore after 40+ years. The Philips 212 has a distinctive head shell, and I can’t find replacement wires. I wouldn’t be opposed to replacing the head shell next, if it’s necessary.

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