No, because there is no point in avoiding looking gay until being gay becomes a possibility in the public consciousness.
"Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!"
I didn't know KenM had a lemmy account!
That's certainly a take on "family business".
No need to imagine, it's been on full display everywhere for the last 8 years.
No, I mean the OP. Theirs is a half-crossover.
OTOH, it's possible he's consciously splitting with the US in hopes of getting the EU with him. Long term, could be smart.
Yup. And when Russia invaded Ukraine, everyone called him a Russian puppet because of course America would never!
I was about to say - the outs go in, and the ins go out. The picture is wrong.
"There is no cloud. There are only other people's computers"
If anything mismanagement is a kindness - a word that inspires the same whiff of medieval buffoonery as "death by misadventure," as though Haddad and co simply had one too many flagons of mead, stumbled into the wrong paddock on the way home and got several hundred people's careers kicked in the head by a cow.
Hahaha holy shit!
The key to nonviolent protest is that they have to be an alternative to violence - in other words, both sides must be fully aware that either nonviolence works or violence follows.