Well, yes, but usually it's the code that's the main deal, and the part that's open, and the data is what you do with it. Here, the training weights seem to be "it", so to speak.
It started off as sincere, but the minute it launched Poe's law ate it.
Is it even really software, or just a datablob with a dedicated interpreter?
Hell, "One China" is the official policy of both Chinas.
...And the omnipresence of garlic in Chinese cuisine would also be what drove jiangshi to develop garlic immunity, makes sense.
Would that then mean that growing garlic is an evolutionary adaptation of humans to the pressure of vampirism?
Would that then imply Italy has a significantly higher number of vampires than normal?
Are you suggesting that one of the traits bred into domesticated garlic was vampire repelling?
He did. He dropped out, but he very much did run.
Have a drink of water and drop the name-calling.
They're making fun of him for specifically this comic: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/314/087/c1a.jpg
Isn't that because of the stolen bike comic?
It's more than likely this asshole