Honestly, most of it seems like edgy kids who learned about communism from a YouTube video and are now convinced they have the secret to a better world that nobody else understands. So many of the comments display a substantial lack of understanding about the real world. Many other comments are completely disingenuous, blatantly ignoring or attacking anything that doesn't support their singular argument. They're the viewpoints of inexperienced teenagers, not adult discussions.
There are certainly propaganda posts and communities, but I think the majority of the work is done by actual people who are just echoing what they've read or heard. Filter out a few key communities and a lot of it will disappear.
But, to answer your question more directly, yes, I do feel what you're saying and it gets annoying. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and I consider just deleting my account entirely. I'm so very tired of only seeing the extremes of either side of the pendulum online, rather than having a place for discussion with people of all viewpoints. I'm tired of the polarization.