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[-] [email protected] 1 points 54 minutes ago

Thanks for explaining a joke that has been running around forever.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 57 minutes ago

Nah, we're gonna play by the rules with bad actors who only abuse it. That's how we'll win, right? Because all the fairy tales said the good guys win, right?

In the end Russia will see the error of their ways, a unicorn will fly out of my ass while shitting rainbows and everything will be good.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Because the AI hate is real and people do downvote stuff just because it's made by AI.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

What the hell even is that word? Does that mean that you react to something? Because everyone does.

I'm seeing the word thrown around lately and it's one of the dumber reductionist labels I've seen in my lifetime.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Not really, I usually avoid time travel stuff because they usually fuck up the logic and I can see way too many inconsistencies.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

Good, now he shall feel scared whenever he even thinks of proposing something that moves Slovakia towards the middle ages (or Russia, but that's pretty similar).

[-] [email protected] 4 points 8 hours ago

Travelers, if you're into sci-fi.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Well, I was comparing to my experience with both Windows and MacOS or whatever is the thing called.

Windows PC gets slow and laggy after around half a year, it goes slowly so you don't notice at first, but around half a year later it's shitty. No matter the hardware. Sure, your $2k laptop won't be as slow as a random $300 laptop, but the ratio of new/half-a-year-later is more or less the same.

With Macs I have limited experience, but my partner's Mac was shitting itself all the time, weird issues with login screen being stuck and needing hard reboot, the thing generally being laggy when you try to do more than two things (neither of which necessarily needs to be a demanding task), Finder is pretty much an abomination that no one really knows how to use well and so on.

Sure, Linux is fucked up all the time as well, but my point is it's not worse than the other two systems, both are broken all the time as well. And the argument that you need terminal to work - have you actually fixed any problem on Windows? Unless a reboot of the system or of some service solves the problem, within 10 minutes you're either running PowerShell or you're deep in the registry.

Well, at least Windows seems to be a problem that's solving itself (albeit very slowly) with how shitty it's become.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago

Gaming is no longer a reason, really. 99% of the time it works out of the box.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago

Isn't it? I think it's quite there, unless you get unlucky with hardware.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago

Not the same thing, I'm pretty sure something like that is in almost any language, but here it's the official word for male masturbation, not some niche word that's not really used much.

I know the story and you're right, it's pretty dumb how it's used.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 11 hours ago

True enough, but you asked and I answered with my reason.

I tried, had no success, I moved on.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/linux_gaming

At this point, making something that doesn't work using Wine or Proton is actually kind of an achievement, so congrats EA, you managed to fuck up both Origin and EA app. The actual game runs flawlessly, it's the launchers that are all kinds of broken.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/chatgpt

As the title says, I updated the bot a day or so ago, so you can chat with it in the comments. It should now also support context, meaning it knows the whole comment chain. And you don't have to tag it if you're replying to it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello there, fellow lemmings!

As the title suggests, I've made an app that changes your wallpaper regularly based on the parameters you set. It uses AI Horde (which uses Stable Diffusion) to generate the images and you can set the interval at which your wallpaper changes (from 1 time per day to 48 times per day).

Other features:

  • completely free (in fact, will be open source next week)
  • easy to use, but offers also advanced options
  • there's a help section with all the parameters explained
  • works on both a phone and tablet

There's also an optional Premium subscription which puts you higher in the priority queue, but most of the time it's not needed - unless you're generating during the most busy time, the wait is not really that long even without Premium. Note that if you're a user of the AI Horde, you can put your own api key there and get the same benefits as having a Premium.

The open source version (released next week) will also allow (toggleable on or off) NSFW content, which is not possible in the Google Play version. It also doesn't contain the Premium subscription.

Also please check and see steps for your phone vendor, this app needs to work in the background and most vendors kill background apps. It will ask for an exception for battery saver on its own when you set the schedule for the first time, but for some vendors that's not enough.

Do let me know what do you think about the app! And if you want me to tag you when I make a release post for the open source version, let me know. Also huge thanks to @[email protected] for creating and maintaining the AI Horde, which makes this (and other cool apps) possible!

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello there, fellow lemmings!

As the title suggests, I've made an app that changes your wallpaper regularly based on the parameters you set. It uses AI Horde (which uses Stable Diffusion) to generate the images and you can set the interval at which your wallpaper changes (from 1 time per day to 48 times per day).

Other features:

  • completely free (in fact, will be open source next week)
  • easy to use, but offers also advanced options
  • there's a help section with all the parameters explained
  • works on both a phone and tablet

There's also an optional Premium subscription which puts you higher in the priority queue, but most of the time it's not needed - unless you're generating during the most busy time, the wait is not really that long even without Premium. Note that if you're a user of the AI Horde, you can put your own api key there and get the same benefits as having a Premium.

The open source version (released next week) will also allow (toggleable on or off) NSFW content, which is not possible in the Google Play version. It also doesn't contain the Premium subscription.

Also please check and see steps for your phone vendor, this app needs to work in the background and most vendors kill background apps. It will ask for an exception for battery saver on its own when you set the schedule for the first time, but for some vendors that's not enough.

Do let me know what do you think about the app! And if you want me to tag you when I make a release post for the open source version, let me know. Also huge thanks to @[email protected] for creating and maintaining the AI Horde, which makes this (and other cool apps) possible!

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello there, fellow lemmings!

As the title suggests, I've made an app that changes your wallpaper regularly based on the parameters you set. It uses AI Horde (which uses Stable Diffusion) to generate the images and you can set the interval at which your wallpaper changes (from 1 time per day to 48 times per day).

Other features:

  • completely free (in fact, will be open source next week)
  • easy to use, but offers also advanced options
  • there's a help section with all the parameters explained
  • works on both a phone and tablet

There's also an optional Premium subscription which puts you higher in the priority queue, but most of the time it's not needed - unless you're generating during the most busy time, the wait is not really that long even without Premium. Note that if you're a user of the AI Horde, you can put your own api key there and get the same benefits as having a Premium.

The open source version (released next week) will also allow (toggleable on or off) NSFW content, which is not possible in the Google Play version. It also doesn't contain the Premium subscription.

Also please check and see steps for your phone vendor, this app needs to work in the background and most vendors kill background apps. It will ask for an exception for battery saver on its own when you set the schedule for the first time, but for some vendors that's not enough.

Do let me know what do you think about the app! And if you want me to tag you when I make a release post for the open source version, let me know. Also huge thanks to @[email protected] for creating and maintaining the AI Horde, which makes this (and other cool apps) possible!

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/ai_art

Hello there, fellow lemmings!

As the title suggests, I've made an app that changes your wallpaper regularly based on the parameters you set. It uses AI Horde (which uses Stable Diffusion) to generate the images and you can set the interval at which your wallpaper changes (from 1 time per day to 48 times per day).

Other features:

  • completely free (in fact, will be open source next week)
  • easy to use, but offers also advanced options
  • there's a help section with all the parameters explained
  • works on both a phone and tablet

There's also an optional Premium subscription which puts you higher in the priority queue, but most of the time it's not needed - unless you're generating during the most busy time, the wait is not really that long even without Premium. Note that if you're a user of the AI Horde, you can put your own api key there and get the same benefits as having a Premium.

The open source version (released next week) will also allow (toggleable on or off) NSFW content, which is not possible in the Google Play version. It also doesn't contain the Premium subscription.

Also please check and see steps for your phone vendor, this app needs to work in the background and most vendors kill background apps. It will ask for an exception for battery saver on its own when you set the schedule for the first time, but for some vendors that's not enough.

Do let me know what do you think about the app! And if you want me to tag you when I make a release post for the open source version, let me know. Also huge thanks to @[email protected] for creating and maintaining the AI Horde, which makes this (and other cool apps) possible!

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/programmerhumor
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi there!

Since the last time the LemmyWebhook package gained quite a few new capabilities so I've decided it's time for another post.

Quick intro to the package: It adds support for webhooks to Lemmy, meaning you can get notified of events to automatically react to, instead of having to poll for everything, often using multiple http requests. Everything is done in a quite efficient way which avoids hitting your database as much as possible and if it does, it only uses queries on primary key. You can also (optionally) make it available to other users who can then run their bots on your instance only on the permissions you allow them, meaning if you only grant them access to post events, they don't also get access to new user events.

So, what's new?

  • When you listen for an update event, you get the previous version of data in addition to the current one, meaning you can directly compare what has changed
  • New function for getting parent comment id have been added, with this you can for example detect if someone is replying to your bot
  • You can now listen for community subscribe/unsubscribe event

As usual, let me know what you think, feel free to offer suggestions or ask questions.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi there!

Since the last time the LemmyWebhook package gained quite a few new capabilities so I've decided it's time for another post.

Quick intro to the package: It adds support for webhooks to Lemmy, meaning you can get notified of events to automatically react to, instead of having to poll for everything, often using multiple http requests. Everything is done in a quite efficient way which avoids hitting your database as much as possible and if it does, it only uses queries on primary key. You can also (optionally) make it available to other users who can then run their bots on your instance only on the permissions you allow them, meaning if you only grant them access to post events, they don't also get access to new user events.

So, what's new?

  • When you listen for an update event, you get the previous version of data in addition to the current one, meaning you can directly compare what has changed
  • New function for getting parent comment id have been added, with this you can for example detect if someone is replying to your bot
  • You can now listen for community subscribe/unsubscribe event

As usual, let me know what you think, feel free to offer suggestions or ask questions.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi there!

Since the last time the LemmyWebhook package gained quite a few new capabilities so I've decided it's time for another post.

Quick intro to the package: It adds support for webhooks to Lemmy, meaning you can get notified of events to automatically react to, instead of having to poll for everything, often using multiple http requests. Everything is done in a quite efficient way which avoids hitting your database as much as possible and if it does, it only uses queries on primary key. You can also (optionally) make it available to other users who can then run their bots on your instance only on the permissions you allow them, meaning if you only grant them access to post events, they don't also get access to new user events.

So, what's new?

  • When you listen for an update event, you get the previous version of data in addition to the current one, meaning you can directly compare what has changed
  • New function for getting parent comment id have been added, with this you can for example detect if someone is replying to your bot
  • You can now listen for community subscribe/unsubscribe event

As usual, let me know what you think, feel free to offer suggestions or ask questions.

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joined 10 months ago