Source? I live in Japan and haven't seen this (not surprising given I rarely read papers here), but would love context. Not seeing any in at least the first page of replies
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Looks like it's from Nikkei. Doesn't seem to be a great article, which is pretty much what you'd expect if you ever see the coverage of US politics on TV here as well.
ed: oh, the caption under the graphic says "Source: Created from public opinion polls such as YouGov and Gallup." (ๅบๆ:ใฆใผใฌใใใฎใฃใฉใใใชใฉใฎไธ่ซ่ชฟๆปใใไฝๆ)
Well, I'm glad we cleared that up.
Hiphop, sushi, KFC, Apple products, trucks, and starbucks? Pretty sure the line is actually blurred there.
Where's the education part?
Are you asking the US or Japan?
It's right there, on both sides, given placement in the graphic that matches the importance each party places on it.
A dirt road, a cold beer
Blue jeans, a red pickup
They even got Chuck Norris's political affiliation correct. Not that it's a hard guess.
I wish it was this peaceful
I guess I really am a centrist.
I'm a bit bummed to discover the text just reads:
"Democratic Party" and "Republican Party".
I like how direct eye contact is such a huge cultural difference that they put it in twice, at the top
Nailed it.
The batter got shot in the hip!
What happens if I'm an American and not really in either group?
Also, I look forward to this meme format's career with great interest
I'm not sure why would anyone on less extreme right support multibillion corporation like crApple. But it seems to align with what I heard about americans.