
joined 1 month ago
[–] StaySquared 2 points 12 hours ago

Just using stimulus alone will achieve erection.

[–] StaySquared 1 points 12 hours ago

Every group under the sun has its crazies.

[–] StaySquared 1 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

Wat. I think you're talking about the two different names for the same location... Mecca is in its correct location. Where the Kaaba is.

[–] StaySquared 13 points 12 hours ago

lol partially naked woman for the world to see talking about the Bible.

[–] StaySquared 2 points 12 hours ago

The borders were technically a theory.. an idea. It wasn't even officially established until Israel gained military might, if I remember correctly.

[–] StaySquared 7 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

"mowing the lawn" as the Israelis call it.

Btw from what I've witnessed, many Israelis dislike Orthodox Jews as much as they dislike Muslims and Christians. Israel is a weird place.

[–] StaySquared 3 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

It definitely cannot defeat Hezbollah. Much less combined with other parties, Hamas, Houthis, whatever is coming from Iraq. As far as I can tell... Israel has already lost. Mainstream media isn't even providing its viewers/readers of the actual number of IDF casualties. It's definitely not in the hundreds.

Also, I have a feeling that Middle East nations will begin uniting, abandoning Western powers - their influences.

[–] StaySquared 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

Edwin Van de Haar states although classical liberal thought influenced libertarianism, there are significant differences between them. Classical liberalism refuses to give priority to liberty over order and therefore does not exhibit the hostility to the state which is the defining feature of libertarianism.

You have the anti-fa and LGBTQ+ flags. You don't get to have the Libertarian flag.

[–] StaySquared 5 points 13 hours ago

It's... beautiful.

[–] StaySquared 1 points 13 hours ago

Excellent explanation. Appreciate you sharing it!

[–] StaySquared 1 points 13 hours ago

The conspiracy about the moon is that under a thin layer of dust.. it's really all metal. /shrug

[–] StaySquared 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

When Paypal was inflicting financial penalties for, "misinformation" according to them, that's when I closed my account. Never again utilizing Paypal.


Hello everyone!

My manager just brought to my attention that this organization has a CentOS 6.3 server - he didn't specify what it's hosting just yet but asked that I find a solution to do a full backup so that we may restore later onto bare metal with the option to migrate from CentOS to another Linux distro.

Has anyone had experience with backing up / restoring CentOS 6? And if you know what would be the best Linux distro to replace CentOS 6? Or even a step by step guide for both or either one?

Please and thanks in advance!


Hey all.. I don't even know if this is the right community. But figured I'd ask here and worst case no one gives a response.

Anyway, two of my comments were deleted and I was banned from a community:


@StaySquared from the community Lefty [email protected] reason: reactionary

The post was about how there's no such thing was unskilled work. I commented that, "sex work" is an unskilled job. And my second comment was that it was the first thing that came to mind, that a clown creating animal-shaped balloons are more skilled than a sex worker.

I don't understand how this is reactionary? Or how it's defined in this community but apparently it's bad enough to get banned for it. I wish the mod(s) would give a clear explanation, otherwise I'm going to continue breaking rules aimlessly (without realizing I'm breaking the rules).

Definition of reactionary: opposing political or social liberalization or reform.

I'm not opposing sex work. I'm defining sex work as an unskilled talent/job. If a man or woman wants to be a sex worker, good for them. I'm not offended or negatively impacted by sex workers.

So I guess the question is, how do I contact the mods or a mod of that community so they may get my defense before outright perma-banning me from the community?

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