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That said, Taxi drivers have something Uber drivers don't- a union.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Tech bros also just reinvented trains recently, so this is pretty appropriate

[–] Leviathan 37 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Taxi drivers in my city also have something else Uber drivers don't- a licence that was bought decades ago and is limited to a certain number, they never expire and can be bought and sold between private parties and you end up with one asshole who owns a bunch and rents out the licenced car to drivers who pay him a rent. It's a pretty hardcore mafia and predates on immigrants.

They are also fucking maniacs who almost kill people every day with their reckless driving, but Ubers do that too.

[–] SulaymanF 4 points 1 day ago

That’s Uber propaganda. The system was created because prior to that cities had traffic jams with a ton of freelance cabs with no quality controls or regulation. The medallion system set a price floor and mandated inspections and insurance and background checks. Uber bypassed all of that for years and surprise; women were being assaulted by drivers with criminal history, passengers were injured from uninspected vehicles and couldn’t get remedied because the drivers were uninsured, and cities have worsening traffic jams because there was no limit on Uber drivers choking downtown streets.

The taxi industry evolved this way for good reasons. Uber was initially sold as good for immigrants and now immigrants protest how that company gets special treatment over every other cab company and hurts their bottom line.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Yet I value those licenses and medallions more than any rideshare contract.

[–] Leviathan 2 points 22 hours ago

I drive a delivery truck around the city for a living and watch taxis "drive" all day, ~~I wouldn't piss on them if they were in fire~~ I don't value them.

[–] Got_Bent 11 points 2 days ago (2 children)

To the immigrant thing - I was on vacation a few weeks ago and took five Uber rides. None of the drivers spoke English. I wonder if ride sharing is going the immigrant predator route these days.

For clarification, it didn't bother me to have non-English speaking drivers. They were all great.

[–] Potatos_are_not_friends 6 points 2 days ago

90% of Uber drivers for me were immigrants. Its normal to me.

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[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

Same in France. They had huge protests years ago to ban Uber, because they didn't want competition making it harder to pay for their license.

Motherfucker, who lobbied to limit the number of licenses in the first place?

[–] Fedizen 23 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Techbro has an app for 5,000 year old thing: "wow this is so novel and innovative!"

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[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Taxis made their bed by being pieces of shit for a long time. No one will have any sympathy for their plight.

[–] Melvin_Ferd 4 points 1 day ago

Now uber piece of shit, friendship over. Taxi new best friend

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I will, I prefer taxis and never use the apps.

[–] duffman 60 points 2 days ago (9 children)

A few times as a kid I had to take a taxi alone. I knew the way home, but the driver decided to make a lot of unnecessary turns and go this round about way to run up the fair. I was probably in 3rd grade and knew what he was doing but didn't have the guts to call him out.

[–] LemmyKnowsBest 12 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Would be epic for a third-grader to loudly firmly vociferate a taxi driver back into shape

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[–] [email protected] 296 points 3 days ago (50 children)

Uber was always intended to be taxis that ignore the laws and regulations of taxis and put all of the vehicle maintenance on the drivers who are paid through tips instead of Uber.

Not sure why anyone didn't see that from the very beginning.

[–] [email protected] 120 points 3 days ago (1 children)

And relieve corporate from all sorts of other liabilities, placing those on the individual drivers, too.

Workers' Comp claims? Malfeasance (driver or passenger)? Health insurance? Paid time off? Vehicle insurance? All fall to the driver.

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[–] mlg 10 points 2 days ago

This reminds me of uber in several third world countries. Most drivers only take cash or direct epay because it bypasses uber's heavy service cut. Everyone benefits because the app lets you hail drivers, but they charge you a fair fee just like a taxi.

[–] deltreed 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Why would you give a regular taxi driver an Uber PIN? You just walk up to a taxi and get in.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Because Uber needs to insert themselves somehow to be able to squeeze as much money as possible out of both you and the taxi driver.

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[–] [email protected] 119 points 3 days ago (11 children)

I'm not sure if anyone else here has mentioned this... At least up until Uber/Lyft came out, taxis were suuuuper racist. It was really hard for black men to hail taxis.

[–] Potatos_are_not_friends 98 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

I'm a brown dude. I have so many stories about bad taxi experiences. From Taxi drivers refusing to pick me up, to them going, "You're lucky to be in my car", to "I'm not driving there. Get out."

Around 2017 and was very upset at Uber, I took a taxi from the airport. The guy refused to drive until we had more people in the car. I said this wasn't a car share, and he told me to go take a bus. When I started getting a Uber, he apologized and took me, but then bitched about it the whole drive that he was losing money.

Uber and Lyft changed it all.

Cleaner cars. No attitudes. Agreed upon destination and fair.

I have no sympathy for taxis.

[–] PopShark 29 points 2 days ago

Thanks for sharing your experience even though I know it can’t feel good typing it all out.

[–] [email protected] 55 points 2 days ago

Was looking for this comment. Racism was extremely pervasive in certain areas.

The biggest reason Uber and Lyft took off is cabs sucked for the most part. Uber and Lyft aren’t great either, but people forget how bad Taxis were at that time.

[–] FlyingSquid 41 points 3 days ago

That is true. In the 90s, Michael Moore had a TV show where he did a segment showing the actor Yaphet Kotto trying to get a cab in increasingly ridiculous ways and not getting picked up.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 3 days ago (11 children)

In every single way Ubers are more convenient than a taxi. It’s amazing to me that taxi companies can’t see all the little improvements that going by Uber brings.

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[–] [email protected] 90 points 2 days ago (11 children)

The big difference here is that I know the cost. Getting into a cab it was always kind of blind, and a cab driver definitely tried to screw me one time by driving in circles (we were very drunk, and I noticed at some point we hadn't made it very far, so I started paying attention and it was clear pretty quickly that he had circled back almost to where he had picked us up).

Also when I lived out in Queens, cabs rarely came out there. I had to hike all the way to Queens Blvd to have a chance, and even then they would barely stop at night. Would often get told to "get out" when asking for them to take me back to Queens. I've even been able to get a Uber out almost out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.

Lyft/Uber definitely has their problems, but cabs weren't some shining beacon on the hill.

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[–] cm0002 153 points 3 days ago (17 children)

Fuck Taxis and Uber

An entire industry that's playing the victim. Stop falling for it and stop romanticizing taxis, the shit they pulled was just as bad, if not worse than what Uber does.

Biggest difference is their drivers were complicit in the shenanigans and primarily targeted their customers. Taking LONG routes because their customer "wasn't local", saying a route will "probably be 10$" and then it's 50 and "the meter says what it says man".

They literally used strict regulations as a shield to hold local monopolies for decades which resulted in terrible downright scammy service, cash only for an unacceptable amount of time, 0 innovations, dirty ancient barely running cars, a dispatch who would constantly say a car "was just around the corner" for 2 hours

The taxi industry doesn't give a fuck about you, they're just mad because they didn't think to do what Uber is doing and now they're dying. When/If Uber/Lyft dies, I guarantee the Taxi industry will resurge for the worst and take pages out of Ubers playbook. It's just going to go back to the wait it was before.

Fuck Uber AND Taxis, they both can rot in hell, but I don't mind seeing taxis get there first.

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[–] 3volver 55 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Uber effectively weaseled their way into the taxi industry by somehow enticing drivers to work for them while also assuming all of the liabilities. Truly, capitalism at its finest.

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[–] [email protected] 65 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Tech bros love reinventing old technologies with slapped on some technical jargon.

[–] scottywh 43 points 2 days ago (5 children)

The trick is you have to pretend that you're actually a "tech company" to avoid all the regulations that apply to companies that are honest about what business they're in.

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[–] Potatos_are_not_friends 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I keep hearing like they didn't really do shit. When Uber did a fuckton.

1 - Reputation. If a taxi driver was a racist POS, literally nothing I can do.

2 - Agreed upon fare. You literally see a estimate of the cost. I had a taxi add extra fees the moment I sat in the car.

3 - GPS. The route on your phone is the same route they follow. How many times have taxis went on a fucking joyride to rank up more money?

4 - See when the ride is coming. "Cab will be there in 15-45 mins." Never fucking shows up.

5 - Automatic payment. How many fucking CC machines didn't work so they forced you to pay cash?

I can go on and on.

But to say some tech bro slapped some tech jargon onto taxis and became rich is disingenuous to all the innovations they've done to unfuck the taxi industry.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 days ago (8 children)

But now you can't just tell the driver where to go and give him cash, you have to use the app first and you are out of luck if you phone battery is dead. So technology makes the experience activly worse in this case.

[–] SuperApples 14 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I've been overcharged/"taken for a ride" by five or so taxis in my life, never had trouble with a ride-share service, even in countries where they are operating illegally. Never had a clearly drunk driver, too, unlike a couple of taxis I've taken.

When there's any kind of language barrier, choosing the destination in the app rather than trying to speak it is so much easier, and using in-app translation messaging, too. When arriving in a new country, not having to get money out at the airport (avoiding rip-off ATMs or money exchangers) and being able to pay online is so much better than cash, especially when you're not familiar with the currency.

Certainty of price, and ability to give instant feedback are great at keeping things honest. Sure, Uber/Grab etc are terrible companies, but I swear most taxi licenses in the world are owned my organized crime, so not much of an alternative. There is so much that needs to be done with regulation to get rid of the 'gig economy' and make sure that drivers are properly compensated/employed, but the app-powered ride service is just so superior in every way for the passenger, in my opinion.

May I suggest a back-up battery for your phone (I just use my laptop USB as it's always with me and works when the PC is off).

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[–] [email protected] 170 points 3 days ago (6 children)

A taxi that doesn't play games with the meter, that always takes a credit card, and that has a rating system that harshly punishes drivers with bad attitudes.

The problem with it is Uber's cut.

[–] FlyingSquid 76 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I would say lack of a union is a bigger problem. Most of what you say isn't really true about taxis anymore, but even if it were, that doesn't justify Uber fucking over its employees.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

My city's taxi system was completely changed by Uber, as were many parts of the country. So while it might not be true anymore, and taxi drivers with bad attitudes and those fudging the meter might have been mostly weeded out, it's because of Uber that this happened. And it's because of their unions that it hadn't happened before. But the moment there started being some competition in town as opposed to their previous monopoly on the market, they had to back down if they wanted to even survive, let alone come out on top over Uber.

So while yes, uber employees are being fucked over, that has less of an impact on things than you imply. I'll still get an Uber/Bolt instead of a taxi 9/10 times, because immoral business practices are still better than immoral & illegal practices backed by a monopoly that you are powerless to change.

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[–] Zehzin 123 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I am once again asking for widespread public transportation

[–] [email protected] 58 points 3 days ago (1 children)
[–] Snapz 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

"Just a taxi" I mean, can a taxi actually regular charge me MORE than a taxi used to cost from the airport to my home PLUS the magic bonus of surge increases in that also higher cost when I'm most vulnerable... I think not - check mate assholes, Uber for the win!"

-a tesla owner while his broken tesla is in the shop waiting months for parts

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[–] [email protected] 60 points 3 days ago (22 children)

Except taxis take cash and don't track your trips in an irreovacble database. I'll take anonymous transport whenever it's a reasonable option.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Which is why I prefer them.

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[–] Stupidmanager 21 points 2 days ago

Way back in 2009 or so… my uber/taxi story. So I land in Newark, NJ and try to catch a cab and it’s $50 to go to the hotel on the other side of airport because we traverse 3 zones (and they charged by zone). Uber was $11. See, when Uber came out it was like a gamified systems and almost always cheaper. Drivers were getting crazy perks too, i swear one guy in seattle said he was banking north of 2k a day just back and forth to the airport. This was the only time in Uber’s history where a normal human could grind and make a nice pay with some added personal risk. I was all for it because in cities like Newark, unions control the politics and the average traveler (in this case, me) gets screwed in the name of “fairness”.

Unions are great, but not when they use that same political power to squeeze regular people for profits by controlling the pricing and forcing zones. I understand why they said they put that in place (fair competition), but in this case we all know it’s about profits first, better working for taxi drivers, second. Does that mean i love uber now? Hell no, they need a union (yep, i agree), but uber broke a broken system and made taxi companies be competitive. I can now open up several apps and see which is cheaper and choose accordingly (and these last 2 years it’s been cabs).

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