
joined 7 months ago
[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Thank you, that might be the culprit, although I'm not sure how 2FA my outlook account is, I pretty much only establish new outlook accounts for Reddit and Lemmy and Amazon purposes ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 3 points 6 hours ago

It's ridiculous that governments are still confused & trying to figure out all this no-brainer shit

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (1 children)

Thank you.

Also I'm curious, it wasn't until recent years I've learned that unemployment benefits are even a thing. So I'm wondering, if someone gets fired from a job, it must've been because they did something really bad, so how could they be entitled to continue getting paid after doing something really bad? And then continue getting paid up to six months while not working at all? That seems strange to me.

But also there was the COVID era when so many people couldn't work because their jobs shut down, and they drew unemployment and then, so I understand that's a valid scenario.

But my question remains, if someone gets fired from a job, it must've been because they did something really bad, so how could they be entitled to get paid after doing something really bad?

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 9 points 15 hours ago

chemical storage closet at work..A hydrogen chloride container leaked out onto some iodine containers.

Yep, sounds like a typical day on a typical family farm

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 1 points 15 hours ago

I'm scrolling down so far into the comments hoping someone will explain the benefit of sleeping on wet leaves

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 3 points 1 day ago

If you don't feel like you fit into any of those four above categories, you're gonna have to take your own picture of the aimless mayhem you've made of your life you described up there and make a fifth category.

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

What do they base the monthly pay on? Is it minimum wage? or based on what you were already currently earning?

And where does that money come from? who funds it? The previous employer? or the government, taxes?

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 1 points 1 day ago

I like your username

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest -1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Okay but why do you think adults having affairs are sad? They're out there chasing tail and they're getting some.


This month I can finally leave my extortionate Verizon contract, I'm getting a new SIM card to get service with another ISP, now how can I ensure to keep my previous old phone number that Verizon assigned me 7 years ago?

[โ€“] LemmyKnowsBest 1 points 3 days ago

Dangit I came to Lemmy last night to ask a question about SIM cards and you got me all distracted and made me forget


(Me= vanlife.)

If you have your starlink satellite thing mounted on top of your vehicle, the only time you can get internet is when you are within range of your vehicle, right?

In case there's no Wi-Fi available, and you're away from your vehicle, which is a situation that is pretty constant in my life.

I presume there's no starlink hotspot to carry around(?)

Like it's been nice to have my Verizon hotspot "Orbic" shitty little thing when my phone's unlimited data service is slow or spotty but even the Orbic has shitty service sometimes.

I definitely want to abandon evil extortionate Verizon. Please tell me if I become a starlink customer, I won't be able to use my phone indoors at work which doesn't allow us to use their Wi-Fi, And when I'm walking around town, what to do for internet?

Please tell me your most highly recommended ISP that isn't extortionate & manipulative.


I'm tired of these places coming up in all my searches because I will never go back to these places again.


is just a Band-Aid. The root cause of people's misery is that society is built around capitalism and not human wellness. So they tell us all to breathe and meditate in order to cope in our fucked up society that is driven by capitalism and we are the capitalist slaves. How about we put human wellness at the forefront of society's priorities instead of money? we'd all be a lot less stressed out. mindfulness and breathing comes naturally when you're not a corporate slave.


I've been using it for years and for the most part if you want to go back and access a video you uploaded, it stalls and buffers and makes the videos useless to watch without redownloading them to your device.

Also when you are uploading and creating folders, when you want to deposit something into a folder it kicks you back out to the parent menu and you have to scroll back down and find the folder you made again, it constantly kicks you back out to the previous level and you have to start all over again.


I'm pretty sure technology has advanced to the point that this frustrating glitch could be easily remedied on their end.

And if you upload something from your device to onedrive in order to free up some space on your device, You better wait at least a day before deleting it from your device, otherwise when you go back to access it on Microsoft OneDrive, you might find that it doesn't exist because you deleted it too soon from your device after uploading to OneDrive, even after visually and experientially confirming that it did indeed upload to OneDrive.

I switched to Microsoft OneDrive after deciding that Dropbox sucks. Dropbox sucks because it requires to use Microsoft Windows, otherwise it will take up all the storage space on your device unless you go deep into some settings in Microsoft Windows to untoggle that "option." So I tried to untoggle that option by using someone else's Microsoft Windows for a minute but I couldn't find the obscure settings for this obscure problem, and I don't have nor want Microsoft Windows, it is extortionate.

The only reason I ended up with Microsoft OneDrive was that I was in a pinch and I needed a cloud storage solution to replace Dropbox because Dropbox had rendered my phone useless by maxxing out its internal storage.

I haven't delved into the Linux options yet, I need to work on synchronizing all my devices with Linux and getting rid of windows & Google. I'm so sick of their extortionate practices.


... and the only place to emergency park was in a touristy area where all the parking lots require a fee, would that accident-car have to pay for parking there while he's in a crisis?


I have no choice but to work a job for survival although I am in constant pain, my feet, my legs, my back, my shoulders, which is ironic because here I am as your massage therapist so you might assume we're impervious to pain, But no, not only am I your licensed massage therapist but I am first & foremost a Disabled Army Veteran but I have no choice but to work because all my disability benefits are being garnished by the government.

Ideally to heal my pain, I would rest and exercise and do yoga all day which is what I really need to do, but that won't earn me money to survive, and if I don't earn money to survive then I cannot survive. So I have no choice but to work a job, and if I could have any job in the world I wanted, it would be this job, as a licensed massage therapist here in this oceanfront Spa at this exclusive Beach Club that charges members $7,000 to join and $1,000 a month club dues, yes this is an exclusive club and I am grateful you hired me to work here,

I went to school for this, and jumped through so many legal hoops and bureaucratic documentation and licensing and testing in several different states just to have this job, So I'm investing myself into this job because I've already invested so much effort into it, and I don't want to jump through any other hoops for any other job because I'm already exhausted.

although what I really want to do is be a yoga teacher but I tried that and it only pays $25 a week and I cannot survive on $25/week, so I'm sticking with this job as a massage therapist and I'm grateful you hired me because this spa is on the beach and we can literally see the ocean from our windows and front promenade and it is so beautiful. And an employee benefit you offer us is a cafeteria with free food during our breaks and that is amazing. I'm grateful to work here,

but let me be clear that I do not want to work AT ALL and I need to rest and my body is in constant pain and I literally have disability benefits so I shouldn't be working but the government /IRS is garnishing all of my disability benefits because of something stupid my ex-husband did 10 years ago, So I have no choice but to work this job, and if I must work a job, this is the best one. But I am worried I will not be able to keep up and I will be so exhausted that I simply can't do it anymore, and then what? I will die because we need money to survive and if I don't work then I won't have money. And mind you, death from lack of money is not a quick instant painless death. No, it's a slow horrible undignified demise.

I will honestly tell you, along the same vein of preferring to be a yoga teacher if it only paid a living wage because that would be better for my body and my health, I've also thought of being an exotic dancer so I can climb a pole and be upside down and exercise which is what I crave, so much better than standing on these hard floors all day bending over massage clients, Oh it's 3:45 a.m. and my body is still throbbing in pain from the prior day of work, but I chose this vocation as a massage therapist because it is respectable, and guaranteed steady income as long as I can tolerate the pain and keep showing up to work every day,

whereas being an exotic dancer would not be respectable, and also I don't have the personality or the street smarts to be an exotic dancer. I would just like the physicality of it, climbing, stretching, dancing, that's what my body needs to do.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by LemmyKnowsBest to c/[email protected]

I don't really care how many people see my videos or if nobody sees them at all, because they're just clips of happy moments in my life for my own memories, but a few days ago I posted a video and it got

Day one: 4 views and one thumbs up.

Day two: 1 view and no thumbs up ๐Ÿค”

Day three: ZERO VIEWS and one thumbs up.

I find this hilarious. and miffed at YouTube for manipulating things for no reason.

I'm pretty sure even based on viewer response, "views" cannot go backwards LOL.

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